By: Tim Clark on September 4, 2023
The phrase “Artificial Intelligence” makes me think about the Terminator films, in which John and Sarah Connor are trying to stop Judgement Day, the day computers become self-aware… …or the Matrix where the singularity quickly leads to the machine uprising, with AI dominating and tricking humans into believing the world they experience is real when…
By: Kim Sanford on September 3, 2023
“Humans have been collaborating with technology for writing since sticks were used for drawing in sand or on cave walls.” [1] The expanding use of technology in higher education is inevitable. The question is how to use it well. The most obvious pitfalls include the potential for plagiarism and consequently that students will undermine their…
By: Chad McSwain on September 2, 2023
It is true that Americans do not know what old is. My teenage children often say that I am “old” after all. Ageism aside, being a sub-250 year old country, does not lend one to truly fathom the age and history of a 1,111 year old (or more) city like Oxford [1]. It can certainly…
By: Jean de Dieu Ndahiriwe on September 2, 2023
Introduction: I have greatly admired and appreciated the UK’s Christianity and missionary work even though I haven’t been able to visit and spend sufficient time in the country. I am so glad to be heading to Oxford in a few weeks. There is no better introduction to the City than Paul Sullivan’s Secret History of…
By: Michael O'Neill on September 1, 2023
The Secret History of Oxford by Paul Sullivan stands as a remarkable testament to the legacy of Oxford. Sullivan illustrates the evolution of an iconic city and unveils Oxford’s rich history rooted in academia, government, leadership, religion, and culture. There is some debate regarding “grey areas” of Oxford’s history, however, few if any could argue…
By: Mathieu Yuill on September 1, 2023
In his book, The History of Oxford, Paul Sullivan presents a collection of narratives that question the perception of Oxford as a stronghold of tradition and prestige. Through his stories Sullivan exposes a city filled with peculiarities and paradoxes mirroring the experiences of those who traverse its streets. As I prepared to visit Oxford, not…
By: John Fehlen on September 1, 2023
I have friends that have been known to laugh and mock me for reading “touristy” guide books, such as ones by Rick Steves, Lonely Planet, and, a PNW regional favorite travel guide: the late Gerry Frank (whom I personally met at my local grocery store!). The primary reason for their jeering: The Internet. And they…
By: Jana Dluehosh on August 31, 2023
What did come first? I would love to know! Is it nature, is it nurture, is it have a mentor like an older sibling or is it mirroring our parents? When I read through The Secret History of Oxford by Paul Sullivan I was drawn by the people, or as he states the “the Good,…
By: Dinka Utomo on August 31, 2023
The endeavor to secure a proper education represents a challenging and profoundly meaningful journey. Over time, humanity has encountered many obstacles and impediments in its pursuit of access to quality education. In this context, reflecting on this struggle reveals the pivotal role of education as a foundation for personal development, empowerment, and societal advancement on…
By: Jenny Steinbrenner Hale on August 31, 2023
As we approach our Fall 2023 Advance, I find myself knowing very little about our destination, Oxford. Fortunately, there are a variety of resources available through which to learn about this region of deep history, culture, and fascinating reputation. One such resource is The Secret History of Oxford, by Paul Sullivan. A Summary of Sullivan…
By: Sara Taylor Lattimore on August 31, 2023
The time for a new year and a new trip has arrived. This year Oxford will be the destination. A place I hope to come to love. Agendaless Leading up to our advance I find myself filling with anxiety and overwhelm. I will be traveling far away from my family once again to a place…
By: Todd E Henley on August 31, 2023
I’ve been looking forward to the Oxford Advance for a few months but what sold me was the famous quote by Dr. Jason Clark, “Oxford is the oldest, whitest, most elite place in the world…Let Oxford be Oxford.”1 As a black man growing up in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, one of the oldest, diverse, and founded by…
By: Adam Harris on August 31, 2023
Here we go. Time to dust off the old blog cobwebs. I can almost hear the gears trying to crank back up in my head writing this post after the summer break! I have to say I never knew Oxford contained so many colleges within it, 44 to be exact. While reading through Paul Sullivan’s…
By: Greg McMullen on August 30, 2023
Through the Covid Pandemic also known as a black swan event, we can glean greatly from Nassim Nicholas book The Black Swan.[1] I found myself in a place of needing to sit a little longer and try something new, which was drinking tea. In the lounge of the hotel I sat and enjoyed good company…
By: David Beavis on August 30, 2023
It was the summer before my 8th grade year. My mother and I served in childcare at a Christian conference for missionaries held at The University of Exeter. Before we arrived at Exeter we spent a few days in London. As a 13-year-old, my impression was London was a place rich with history. There was…
By: Cathy Glei on August 29, 2023
The Secret History of Oxford by Paul Sullivan delves into the lesser-known aspects of Oxford University’s rich and storied past. Unveiling hidden narratives, the book explores intriguing stories that have shaped the university’s history. Historical narratives and timelines are intriguing to me for so many reasons, one of the reasons being that historical narratives expose…
By: Kim Sanford on August 29, 2023
As I read Secret History of Oxford I am struck by a number of things, some interesting yet unsurprising but others quite unexpected. In any case, in a few weeks we are headed to a town that is obviously steeped in history like few other places on Earth. We’re talking about history that few of…
By: Jenny Dooley on August 28, 2023
I never knew Oxford was on my bucket list until discovering it as a location for our Advance. It has been 43-years since I last traveled to the United Kingdom. Decades have passed with longings to visit destinations I missed during my summer backpacking adventure through Europe in 1980. I knew nothing about Oxford as…
By: Esther Edwards on August 28, 2023
As I read through the pages of Paul Sullivan’s “The Secret History of Oxford”, my finite mind was overwhelmed at the incredible stunning architecture, historical significance, and continuing educational investment of a place that I have only heard about in movies. As the author gave behind-the-scenes stories, I felt as if I had embarked into…
By: Travis Vaughn on August 28, 2023
Many years ago, a dear friend sent me a quote attributed to William Gladstone, Britain’s late 19th century Prime Minister. I was trying to decide whether to stay with my current employer or chart a new path. As I recall, my friend sent me the quote via text: “He is a wise man who wastes…