Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Learning what it means to be human, but not from the market

By: on March 2, 2023

Five years ago, my wife, Laura, and I moved from Southern California to Oregon. This was a dream come true. For years I had the vision of pastoring in the Pacific Northwest. An opportunity presented itself, we packed, and drove north. Dream come true.   It wasn’t long after we arrived that the dream became…

8 responses

Do pastors blink, or do they think?

By: on March 2, 2023

Think fast: You’re the pastor. You walk out of a church service and are confronted by a member who is yelling at you and causing a scene. You aren’t sure why, and can’t tell if she’s having a psychotic breakdown, is high on drugs, is demonized, or is just angry. A crowd of congregants has…

14 responses

The Psychodrama Inside My Brain

By: on March 1, 2023

Reading two books back-to-back, one by a family therapist and one by a psychologist has been a surprisingly challenging experience. On the one hand, because I work in the field of counseling the general concepts are not new. On the other hand, what is being discussed feels foreign to me. The confusion is that both…

19 responses

Adaptive Theological Leadership

By: on March 1, 2023

The paradigm shifting book, The Practice of Adaptive Leadership: Tools and Tactics for Changing Your Organization and the World, attempts to provide a model that scales leadership across a broad spectrum from family systems to national and international governments. The book addresses the problems associated with organizational change. Though it was written well before the…

14 responses

Jesus said, “Do Not Judge…”, Science says, “We Kind of Suck at it.”

By: on March 1, 2023

Daniel Kahneman’s, Thinking, Fast and Slow, brings awareness to what is happening continually within the human brain and how it effects our judgements and perceptions. The brain is extremely efficient at processing and interpreting information rapidly, but Kahneman warns that its ability to process information quickly (system 1) can cause misjudgments and wrong associations if…

9 responses

I’ve been thinking only fast: a confession

By: on March 1, 2023

I make a lot of decisions on instinct and I rely on my memory a lot to inform how I will approach given situations. The fault in this system has become pretty apparent as I look at my classmates’ blog posts with several references to the other books we have read and are intentionally weaving…

9 responses

Leadership Lessons from Wile E.

By: on March 1, 2023

Leaders make a lot of decisions.  After reading Thinking, Fast and Slow by the economist, psychologist and professor, Dr. David Kahneman, not only are a lot of decisions made on a daily basis but my decision making process involves the interplay of two systems.   System one is the automatic system that acts without conscious…

4 responses


By: on March 1, 2023

A recent reply sent to a friend via text: “Yes, I did receive your email and I read it while sitting in my car waiting for my son but then he got in the car and asked if I could stop at the grocery store for his favorite meal and then my phone actually rang…

8 responses

How Big Is Your Slice of the Pie?

By: on March 1, 2023

My husband majored in Business Economics in college and later went on to earn his Master of Business Administration. He loves learning about the concepts in economics and we have talked about these concepts our entire marriage. I understand some of it, but most of it goes over my head and is not exactly one…

9 responses

The Textbook On Leadership

By: on March 1, 2023

            I cannot remember the podcast’s name, but I do remember the statement: “Your church is perfectly designed to achieve its current results.” Ouch. Whoever said that piercing comment to church leaders got that idea from a trio of leadership consultants named Ronald Heifetz, Alexander Grashow, and Marty Linsky. Classified under general management, this leadership…

12 responses

Leadership is Art

By: on March 1, 2023

The Practice of Adaptive Leadership, written by leadership gurus Ronald Heifetz, Alexander Grashow, and Martin Linksy, is an incredibly practical book for those seeking to better understand and apply organizational leadership principles to any context. We first see this practicality in the book’s subtitle, “Tools and Tactics for Changing Your Organization and the World.” This…

10 responses

Just Like Joseph/ Reflection on The Great Transformation

By: on March 1, 2023

Polanyi’s summary In my education, I have not taken a course in economics, so I found Polanyi’s The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time to be arduous reading. It wasn’t until the twenty-first chapter on ‘Freedom in a Complex Society,’ Polanyi’s final words in his historical account, when my mind began…

7 responses

Floods and Fires – How Geography Shapes Our Lives

By: on February 28, 2023

I do not often have the best sense of direction. I grew up in a part of Southern California where the North/South bound 101 freeway travels East to West. I went to college in Santa Barbara where the ocean was to the South messed with my sense of direction. I am eternally grateful for Apple…

4 responses

Just in Time

By: on February 28, 2023

Ronald Heifetz, Alexander Grashow and Marty Linsky are each leadership experts in their own right, each with long pedigrees. But in “The Practice of Adaptive Leadership: Tools and Tactics for Changing Your Organization and the World,”[1] they combine their sixty-plus years of experience and learning to provide a leadership “field book”[2] that offers “…practical steps…

11 responses


By: on February 28, 2023

My younger son is freakishly good at making mental connections. Since he was little, he’s been surprising us by blurting out the most random and absolutely on-point knowledge. We used to ask him, “How did you know that, Zachary?” Or “Who told you that?” and he would say in his high-pitched 3-year-old voice, “My BRAIN…

11 responses

Who’s In Charge of Our Well-Being?

By: on February 28, 2023

 In his memoir, A Thousand Days, former Kennedy aide Arthur Schlesinger reproached himself for not objecting during the planning for the Bay of Pigs invasion: “I can only explain my failure to do more than raise a few timid questions by reporting that one’s impulse to blow the whistle on this nonsense was simply undone by…

7 responses

The Book Tod Bolsinger Wants Leaders to Read

By: on February 28, 2023

Occasionally, a book hits the zeitgeist at just the right time with the right words. Over the last several years, Tod Bolsinger’s Canoeing the Mountain and Tempered Resilience have been those books for church leaders. But if you talk to Tod, which I have on two occasions for the CBF Conversations Podcast (first interview and second interview), he’d tell you that…

7 responses

You Had Me at Tools and Tactics

By: on February 27, 2023

Ronald Heifetz and his co-authors Alexander Grashow and Marty Linsky had me at the subtitle of The Practice of Adaptive Leadership: “Tools and Tactics for Changing Your Organization and the World.” Heifetz, Grashow, and Linsky all lead Cambridge Leadership Associates, a leadership development firm that spans international borders and sectors of industry. Having additional experience…

9 responses

Slow Reading and Slow Thinking

By: on February 27, 2023

We might be able to get through life, “Thinking, Fast and Slow” (1) but there’s only one way to read Kahneman’s book: slow. I found this book full of interesting facts buried in an over-abundance of words—often descriptions of various research experiments—which made the book difficult to read. Having said that, the overall assertion—that we…

8 responses