Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Five Words, Like the Chromatic Scale in Music

By: on November 2, 2023

“Listen. See. Learn. Do. Love. Five words, like the chromatic scale in music, are the leadership notes upon which all God-honoring, kingdom-seeking, biblically rooted leadership activity is built. The sound of leadership repeatedly plays these tones, creating a song for all to enjoy.”[1] The Sound of Leadership Jules Glanzer, in his book, The Sound of…

8 responses

Getting In Tune

By: on November 2, 2023

Both my boys have been learning to play instruments. My oldest has been working with the trombone and my youngest is learning the guitar. As they were gaining their musical skills it was a bit comical and, at times, painful to hear, but that’s part of learning! I’m the one who usually takes my youngest…

13 responses

What Authentic Leadership Sounds Like

By: on November 2, 2023

The book, The Sound of Leadership: Kingdom Notes to Fine Tune Your Life and Influence, was written by Jules Glanzer. According to his Linked-In profile, he is a senior consultant for the Timothy Group, which does leadership training for young men. [1] He served as President of Tabor College, a private Mennonite college in Kansas,…

8 responses

Listening Beyond Sight: Navigating the Symphony of Leadership

By: on November 2, 2023

Introduction: “The Sound of Leadership: Kingdom Notes to Fine Tune Your Life and Influence” by Jules Glazner, former Dean of the Seminary at George Fox University[1] and former university president at Tabor College[2], offers invaluable insights on leadership. Glazner aims to guide readers towards becoming “Kingdom-minded” leaders by tuning into the distinct notes on the…

5 responses

Responding to the Voice of One

By: on November 2, 2023

“God-honoring, kingdom seeking, biblically rooted leadership has a scale too.  All the complexities of leadership, the required competencies and character, the convictions and courage to act, and the needed charisma and compassion to accomplish what is needed for the common good of the people fulfilling God’s mission in the world, are built on five words: …

6 responses

Maternal Sound

By: on November 2, 2023

During the opening plenary in Oxford, Dr. Clark spoke to the DLPG students about the body being a metaphor for learning. He highlighted how the sense of hearing is the last sense a person is to lose in their life.[1]  If the sense of hearing is the last thing a person experiences, one of the…

7 responses

Listening – The Active Non-Action of a Leader

By: on November 2, 2023

A Critical Decision On the morning of Good Friday, 1963, there was a meeting in room 30 of the Gaston Motel. In this meeting were 24 key leaders of the Civil Rights movement. A protest was planned with the intention of the protesters being arrested. But this movement had bail money. But disaster struck. The…

8 responses

Listening for the Kingdom

By: on November 2, 2023

The Sound of Leadership: Kingdom Notes to Fine Tune Your Life and Influence, by Jules Glanzer, presents a pause from the intense readings of the past few weeks. The title of the book grabbed my attention immediately as it hinted at further insights to the importance of listening, a thread I’m following throughout our readings.…

8 responses

The Voice of One

By: on November 2, 2023

  Sound…“the interface between heaven and earth.”[1]   The very first sound was the voice of God which brought the world into existence. It displayed power and creative authority from the onset of humanity. We can’t see sound, but it always affects us. Julian Treasure stated its effects as deeply physiological, psychological, cognitive, and behavioral.[2]…

10 responses

Give us some Christian Waves.

By: on November 1, 2023

Introduction I had never heard of DO-RE-MI Leadership before, thanks to Dr. Glanzer and his Sound of Leadership. “All music is a series of sound waves filling the air from these tones. God-honoring, kingdom-seeking, biblically rooted leadership has a scale too.”[1] Jesus drew me to my knees through the beautiful sounds of music. Living in…

6 responses

The Formula for Being a Good Leader

By: on November 1, 2023

Even though I know better, I keep reading these leadership books in hopes of finding some magic formula for being a great leader. Maybe there is a step by step process, a check list of some sort, that will not only get me to the head of the (conference) table but will also keep me…

7 responses

High Vibrations Only!

By: on November 1, 2023

“I firmly believe that kingdom-seeking, God-honoring, biblically rooted leadership needs to learn how to hear God’s voice. Leaders must lead from a divine center with a heart in tune with the heart of God, forming a holy partnership that results in fulfilling the purposes of God on earth.”(1) Leadership Vibrations This book was music to…

14 responses

Discerning the Many Voices of Leadership

By: on October 31, 2023

The Many Voices of Leadership As I look for book titles on leadership on Amazon, I find more than 30,000 results.  It’s overwhelming. Advice on leading seems to have no limits.   Lead out of who you are Selfish leadership Become a multiplier. Become good to great. Coaching as leadership. Trust and inspire A Leader’s…

21 responses

Harmony and Dissonance

By: on October 31, 2023

Less than two minutes was all it took. I was at a women’s retreat and they had just started worship. The sound was so bad that I did not even have the time to put in my earplugs. I ran out into the hallway, but it was too late. I could feel the migraine coming…

8 responses

Without Donald, We Wouldn’t Have This Book! Wait….What?

By: on October 31, 2023

“Identity: The Demand for Dignity and the Politics of Resentment” is a book by Francis Fukuyama. He makes the bold statement at the first of the book that without the two surprise elections that year in Britain and in America he wouldn’t have written this book at all! This book looks at the concept of…

2 responses

Music is Life

By: on October 31, 2023

In the TV show Ted Lasso, the character Dani Rojas has a catchphrase: “Football is life”. I love the show Ted Lasso. And I adore Dani Rojas’. But I disagree with him. If I had a catchphrase, it would be “Music is life”. My mom said that when I was born, the doctor was singing…

14 responses

Leading our Families

By: on October 31, 2023

After a little more than a year of doctoral studies in leadership, I don’t suppose we’re experts yet, but I do think we can draw a few solid conclusions. Can we all agree that a good approach to God-honoring leadership might be:1. Leading by means of compelling vision2. Maintaining an unimpeachable character 3. Influencing rather…

7 responses

Successful Capitalism?

By: on October 30, 2023

Introduction Postmodernism is a complex and multifaceted intellectual movement that emerged in the mid-20th Century. It challenges the modernist belief in universal truths, grand narratives, and the idea of objective reality. Postmodernists argue that social, cultural, and historical contexts shape all knowledge and reality.[1] While postmodernism has influenced various fields, including art, literature, and politics,…

4 responses