LGP Stories

Personal Stories from DLGP

A proposal for beekeeping

By: on February 21, 2019

I’m sitting in my stark white condo tower in Toronto calling the electric company and internet provider to cancel service beginning Sunday. We have a U-Haul truck lined up for Friday to cart the remainder of our possessions 14 hours east to the Maritimes. It’s the end of a long, slow, and sometimes painful 18-month…

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Beyond the Lens: Hong Kong

By: on February 21, 2019

Not often does one get the privilege to enter into the inner sanctum of another culture. To be able to see inside the way the people go about their daily lives and embracing the world through their eyes. The East Meets West Advance 2018 with George Fox University provided just that experience. Before attending the…

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Hong Kong 2018 Advance- VE Experiences

By: on February 16, 2019

Visiting Hong Kong in 2018 with my wife, after Cape Town in 2017 and previously being missionaries in Botswana and Zambia 2009-2011, was something I always hoped we could accomplish.   I enjoyed the sights, sounds, and smells of the Hongkonger culture.  This ethnographic post is my story from the 2018 Face-to-Face Advance with my Leadership…

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How Hong Kong Changed Me

By: on February 12, 2019

Glo and I had arrived for the Hong Kong advance a day early to get on local time and rest up. This picture was taken on Tuesday evening, September 25th, during our first advance activity (a meet-and-greet at a restaurant within the Panda Hotel complex). Not wanting to be late (as always) we were some…

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By: on February 9, 2019

When friends or family have asked about this new doctoral program that I started this year, I have explained it all to them again and again.  And as I describe it to other people, I realize again: if I were going to make up a DMin program that fits for me and my interests, this…

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Experience of a Lifetime

By: on February 2, 2019

The opportunity to travel to Hong Kong was a dream come true for me.  In a way, I forfeited a year of college at Portland U for the opportunity to travel and experience other cultures through the eyes of a ministry program.  And I do not regret my decision!

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Kreiss LGP 8 – Year 1 in Review

By: on January 21, 2019

I fell into the program in the midst of a headlong sprint having just completed my Master of Divinity degree in 3 hard years and passing the 5 required ordination exams for my denomination. I figured; ‘Why stop now? Might as well keep pushing and get the doctorate knocked out too.’ In hindsight a brief…

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What a year!

By: on January 21, 2019

I’m alive and well – albeit tired – and still functioning fairly well four semesters after my program start. Unlike most of my cohort, I didn’t have formal theology/divinity education prior to enrolling in George Fox so I started leveling classes the summer prior to the program start (summer 17).  I knew from reading bios/facebook…

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Jumping into the deep end

By: on January 21, 2019

What a year to step back into studies and begin my education once again. I will admit that entering into a doctoral program after 20 years of not writing and studying like a graduate student was a little intimidating. I did think I had an edge though because I currently live abroad. Living abroad sometimes…

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I made it!

By: on January 21, 2019

I made it!   I have what it takes.   I began this year wondering if I could cut it. Did I have what it takes to sit with the big dogs in a Doctoral Program. Well here I am, writing my year-in-review statement. Granted I haven’t seen my summer semester grades yet…

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By: on January 21, 2019

I first read Chasing the Dragon in the 1980’s. At the time, Jackie Pullinger was a superstar among missionaries as far as angsty New Zealand teenagers were concerned. She spoke plainly, unreservedly and often confrontationally. Jackie was a force majure to institutional faith, and she got away with it because few clerics were prepared to…

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VE Colleen Batchelder Hong Kong

By: on January 21, 2019

  Introduction “What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?”[1]All of us have mulled through this question and dared to live a life of significance. We count the risk and drudge through the barriers that separate us from our victory. However, we bravely face trials because we know that there’s…

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Under the Beauty

By: on January 21, 2019

Hong Kong is a city that I have enjoyed going to for many years.  It is a place our family has seen as a vacation spot full of wonderful western food and fast paced shopping.  It has a convenient subway system, orderly and on time bus and tram system as well as a beautiful harbor…

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Move with us

By: on January 21, 2019

Hong Kong is known as a port city and a historic drug haven, and more recently, as being given back to China by the British, with a fifty-year process of re-integration. Steve Tsang’s, A Modern History of Hong Kong helpfully informed us of the setting for our upcoming trip to this city in transition. But…

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A Discovery Adventure to The East.

By: on December 30, 2018

I was eager to go to Hong Kong and had my expectations of what the city looks like but was not sure what to expect in terms of immigration officials and the hospitality of the people of Hong Kong. I was excited and really looking forward to meet my cohort LPG 9, other cohort members…

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Jake’s HK VE

By: on December 12, 2018

Personal Interests: When reflecting on my time in Hong Kong, the first thing I noticed upon arriving was the incredible multitudes of people in a very small space. From the subways to the 50 story high-rise apartment buildings, people were stuffed into every nook and cranny of the city. The interesting part was the fact…

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I’ve a Feeling We Are Not in the US Anymore

By: on November 27, 2018

Culture Traveling from the United States to Hong Kong was a daunting task.  The long flight to what seems to be the other side of the world and the language not based on European romance languages makes the trip to Hong Kong seem even more frightening. From the non-stop flight from Chicago to Hong Kong,…

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Beauty in Complexity

By: on November 12, 2018

Most of my days are spent finding ways to more efficiently move data from one place to another. In website development we live and die by the reality that if our site doesn’t start to load within 3 seconds people move on to the next site. In this light processing data faster becomes an obsession.…

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What a whirlwind…Year in Review

By: on October 21, 2018

November 2016, I get a message from Stu Cocanougher about his work on a Dmin program. He wanted me to read his blog post and see what I thought about it. He then started sending me different videos of  Dr. Jason Clark describing the Leadership and Global Perspectives program through Portland Seminary. I remember thinking…

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