Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Blessed are the flexible

By: on March 4, 2023

The Practice of Adaptive Leadership: Tools and Tactics for Changing your Organization and the World is about possibility, yet not a baseless or pie-in-the-sky sort. But one grounded in a realistic kind of possibility which demands working hard to lead in a fast-changing environment. Drawing from a total of more than 60 years of leadership…

2 responses

Ironic Reality

By: on March 4, 2023

“Do you know ____?” I had a conversation with an old acquaintance that was about 45 minutes of this question in some for or another as they ran through a list of the connections they had made during their time in ministry. It reminded me of conversations around lunch tables at large Evangelical conferences centered…

8 responses

Happy Cow Trails

By: on March 3, 2023

Have you ever heard of the concept of Cow trails?  When looking at a field where cows often graze you’ll begin to notice trails that there is no longer growth possible.  This is because Cows take the path of least resistance.  Day after day they follow this easy trail because it requires less work.  “That…

8 responses

Commodities Church

By: on March 3, 2023

“All your big givers are going to leave.” That is what an older church member leveraged over the phone one morning – my day off, no less. I had made changes to the music and it was not received well by some. Enter the threat: if you do not change it back then all your…

15 responses

Thinking about thoughts…

By: on March 3, 2023

Have you ever thought about your thoughts? Thoughts can live in the present, then suddenly think of the past, or dream of the future. They can wander to distant lands and then focus and shut out distractions[1] Well, no doubt, noted psychology professor and esteemed scientific thinker, Daniel Kahneman, has thought much about thoughts. Reading…

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Tribe of Issachar

By: on March 3, 2023

The Great Transformation by Karl Polanyi is an ambitious, encompassing work to uncover what went wrong with self-regulating markets and the corresponding effects on civilization, especially during the turn of the 19th century. Polanyi was born in 1886 in Vienna and was an economic historian, social theorist, and political economist. He lived through two wars,…

14 responses

Creating a culture of Adaptability is Key to Successful Leadership.

By: on March 3, 2023

The pace of changes has increased significantly since the beginning of the 21st Century, and success in organizations is becoming more about adapting to the environment.  The challenge of leadership is not just about adapting to the environment but also leading their followers to change and adapt to the environment. People have inertia and resist…

14 responses

Systemic Foundations: Lost or Retained

By: on March 3, 2023

Says Joseph Stiglitz in the foreword of The Great Transformation, “It is hard and probably wrong, even to attempt to summarize a book of such complexity and subtlety in a few lines.”[1] With that in mind, the following is by no means a summary, but a few themes discovered and a small personal application. Understanding…

5 responses

Christian Embedding

By: on March 3, 2023

Evangelicalism and capitalism have long been intertwined, but the relationship has shifted dramatically in recent years. For Max Weber, Émile Durkheim, and Georg Simmel, the exploration of the institutions of modern capitalism was an important part of their respective social theories, and the neglect of this issue left a void in sociological scholarship during the…

9 responses

Through the fire…

By: on March 3, 2023

Tempered Resilence: The author is attempts to explain to us how one becomes a leader after being subjected to challenging circumstances. The author uses the analogy of going through the process of blacksmithing. He explains that those that can stand to go through the tempered times are true leaders. He predicts  that those that can…

no responses

Living and Serving with Templates?

By: on March 3, 2023

The illusion that we understand the past fosters overconfidence  in our ability to predict the future. -Daniel Kahneman-   Becoming a pastor and church leader who is successful and liked by the congregation in the long term is a dream for many ministers. I also hoped for it and fought hard to achieve it. Therefore…

12 responses

Perils to Pearls

By: on March 2, 2023

Reading Polanyi, The Great Transformation I was instantly taken back to political science in community college. I felt a passion start to rise up in where I wanted to dive deeper into Polanyi. In my time in Community College, I became passionate with Karl Marx The Communist Manifesto.[1] John Stuart Mill on Liberty.[2] Jean-Jacques Rousseau,…

6 responses

Don’t just survive, Thrive by leading adaptively~

By: on March 2, 2023

The Practice of Adaptive Leadership was written by Ronal Heifetz, Alexander Grashow, and Marty Linsky. They all bring abundant insights and professional experience from teaching and leading international leadership consulting. This book expands on the theory of adaptive leadership to invite the readers to perspire in “making progress on the most important challenges you face…

8 responses

Büdös láb or Stinky feet (in Magyarul or Hungarian)

By: on March 2, 2023

What follows: Büdös láb or Stinky feet Representativeness[1] Availability[2] Anchoring[3] Looking for Kahneman Nobel Prize – Kahneman’s own words 10 Questions for Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman C. S. Lewis – Dignity of Causality   Büdös láb or Stinky feet (in Magyarul or Hungarian) Once upon a time, there was a missionary (me) preparing to wash…

13 responses

Christianity Has Had Tremendous Influence, But More Remains To Be Done.

By: on March 2, 2023

There is no doubt that Christianity has had a tremendous impact on different cultures and is the single most influential religion today. According to the World Data website, there are 2.2 billion Christians worldwide who are distributed between the dominant religious groups of Catholics, the Orthodox, Protestants, the Anglican community, and the Pentecostal movement.[1] Hollard…

2 responses

All Systems Overloaded!

By: on March 2, 2023

I discovered that my approach to completing the assignments this semester needed to change. The volume of reading, even done inspectionally, can easily become overwhelming. I realized in the first few weeks that I needed to make a shift. Making a shift from getting it done by the deadline to creating a meaningful experience that…

20 responses

Overcome, Improvise, Adapt…and be a Leader.

By: on March 2, 2023

The Practice of Adaptive Leadership: Tools and Tactics for Changing Your Organization and the World was written by Ronal Heifetz, Alexander Grashow, and Marty Linsky in 2009. Published by Harvard Business Press, all three authors have impressive academic pedigrees and work experience. Their book falls into categories of Leadership-Management-Business Analytics. We have read numerous books…

11 responses

Adaptive Leadership and the Electric Slide

By: on March 2, 2023

In 1994 Ronald Heifetz set the leadership field afire with his theory of “Adaptive Leadership” in his book Leadership Without Easy Answers.  Since then, adaptive change vs technical change has been the focus of many a leadership conference.  Wrapping one’s brain around the applicable differences between adaptive and technical can be an exhausting task.  In…

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