Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Let the Children Come

By: on November 16, 2023

I love hearing stories from my friends about their kids. One story I particularly love and tell often in sermons comes from one couple introducing the story of the Bible to their, at the time, 5 year old. They were telling the story of Adam and Eve taking and eating the fruit that God had…

7 responses

My client was “unconsciously” spellbound

By: on November 16, 2023

I’ll never forget my very first client who was a former pastor. During our first session he asked, “Are you going to be using God’s word in our sessions?” I allowed his question to sink in with a five second pause and responded, “Help me to understand something?” Me: Did you preach God’s word every…

18 responses

Integrating Mystical Experiences

By: on November 16, 2023

Unsettling Experiences I had an unsettling experience as a social work intern in the department of child psychiatry at a major children’s hospital. In supervision a case was discussed in which the family of a child in treatment had become Christian. Over the course of therapy it was noted that great improvements had been made…

13 responses

Unveiling the Unconscious: A Deep Dive into Mindful Business Practices

By: on November 16, 2023

The transformation of my business, Coleraine Communications, into Leading With Nice represents a journey to a transformative process. This shift aligns closely with the wisdom found in Daniel Liebermans Spellbound and the leadership principles discussed in Simon Walker’s The Undefended Leader. This transformation goes beyond rebranding; it reflects a dedication to principles such as honesty,…

10 responses

Keep Calm….and Find That GRIT!

By: on November 16, 2023

Rare Leadership is a pocket book guide on how to build and cultivate emotional maturity while developing effective leadership habits. This becomes a catalyst for a  robust and productive work environment! The book centers on the acronym R.A.R.E.    Here’s a quick rundown of my thoughts on the acronym:   R- Remain Relational: Be kind,…

7 responses

Was that God or My Subconscious?

By: on November 16, 2023

When you grow up in a Charismatic, Pentecostal country church you get to hear stories about miracles, angels, demons, possessions, dreams, visions, words of knowledge (knowing things about people you should not know), prophecies, etc. You even find yourself experiencing some things that you can’t explain. Some of my experiences left me forever changed. Books…

12 responses

You Were Born rich, Think and Grow Rich!

By: on November 16, 2023

Introduction Dr. Lieberman has done it again! This author’s work is simply excellent. With The Molecule of More, he gave me insights into how Dopamine’s influence informs love, sex, creativity, politics, and much more. [1] Now, with Spellbound Modern Science, Ancient Magic, and the Hidden Potential of the Unconscious Mind, Dr. Lieberman’s work gives us…

8 responses

It’s never too late to remember… Oxnaforda

By: on November 16, 2023

If I would have told my high school self… that I would be staying on campus at Christ Church College I would have called myself a liar. Truly. I was finishing school a year early out of happenstance mainly that I had simply finished school early. I took a few classes by mail for fun,…

4 responses

Spellbound: A Journey into the Unknown

By: on November 16, 2023

Adam Sandler, Tattoos, and the weird world of my mind. I invite you into a journey with me. It is a journey in a very strange land. It’s a quick journey – just a few sentences. I am going to share with you an experience while reading Dr. Daniel Lieberman’s book Spellbound: Modern Science, Ancient…

10 responses

I’ll Bet The Smurfs Had Tarot Cards

By: on November 16, 2023

I was never allowed to watch The Smurfs. You see, growing up in Wisconsin as a Catholic, and then becoming a Pentecostal in a pretty legalistic home, there were so many cartoons, daytime dramas, bedtime network shows, and movies that my parents, pastors and youth pastors deemed to be “off limits!” Don’t even get me…

8 responses

Listening at a Level 3

By: on November 15, 2023

As I took my first master’s level coaching course, one of my key learning takeaways was from the one of the premier coach training books “Co-Active Coaching” by Kimsey-House, et al.[1] As the book defined the three levels of listening, I was intrigued by Level 3 – Global Listening. Level 1 Listening is where one…

11 responses

Sit and Listen

By: on November 15, 2023

In September 2022 I sat in the hospital two days before heading out for Cape Town for our advance. I made the decision to withdraw from the program and to be with my daughter as she fought to breathe. I thought to myself, what kind of husband would leave his wife and child in this…

14 responses

The Mother Archetype

By: on November 15, 2023

It was a blistery, cold Sunday afternoon.  I was resting at home with my youngest daughter, Abigail, an infant at the time, while my husband took our other two daughters sledding with some friends of ours.  I was awakened from an afternoon nap when I heard someone yelling from our answering machine, “Cat, I’m on…

6 responses

超越, Chāoyuè = Transcendence, Chinese

By: on November 15, 2023

超越, Chāoyuè = Transcendence, Chinese Part 1 What my peers are saying, Ying and Yang revisited. Part 2 Freud, Jung and Lieberman Part 3 DMN revisited & Transcendence. Part 4 Epilogue…Oswald Chambers Part 1 What my peers are saying, Ying and Yang revisited. In many of the cohorts blogposts (all written very well) I sensed…

7 responses

We need the armor of the Lord

By: on November 14, 2023

The Scandal of Leadership There’s a war going on and if you’re going to win, you better make sure that you have Jesus deep down within. This battle can not be won with bullets or guns. Because the enemy you can not see, the human faculties. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against…

no responses

How Do We Stop The Stumbling Block?

By: on November 14, 2023

Certain books possess such exceptional quality that they engross readers to an extent where stopping becomes unthinkable. Then there are some books that are so outstanding like “The Scandal of Leadership” that comprehending the entirety of the author’s intended message becomes extremely challenging due to the multitude of intricate aspects which require not only careful…

6 responses

What does your sticker say?

By: on November 14, 2023

Antifragile The postman that I reported for carelessly placing the mail in different boxes decided to pay me back. Instead of placing my package on the porch, he decided to throw it underneath my car tire. He did not know if I had something fragile in the box. He was acting Spell Bound. That is…

one response

Holding the Hand of the Devil

By: on November 14, 2023

A few weeks ago, my husband, Brad, and I had dinner with a friend who moved out of state during the Pandemic.  Mark sat across the table from us seemingly more at peace than the last time we saw him.  He caught us up on his new job, his wife and three children.  Because I…

12 responses

Sleep on It

By: on November 14, 2023

“Now, go to bed and let your brain work on it while you’re asleep.” My mom frequently said this to me when I was a child practicing a new song on the piano. I would roll my eyes, believing she was just trying to get me to go to bed for the night, but she…

15 responses

The Mysteries.

By: on November 14, 2023

The Sci-Fi novelist Arthur C. Clarke once said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”[1] I know that quote because it’s provided the seed for many of my favorite stories, from superhero movies like Thor and Dr. Strange, to Sci-Fi shows like Star Trek, to mysteries like Sherlock Holmes, to just about anything having…

12 responses