Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

The First Egalitarian Leader

By: on September 5, 2018

As I read the Theology of Leadership journal I was immediately drawn to the section called Saint and Leader? The Example of St. Francis of Assisi by Nathan Harter. I’m sure I’m not the only one who was drawn to this part of the journal due to the fact that St. Francis has become one…

8 responses

Here we go again!

By: on September 5, 2018

And so it begins. Year 2 of the LGP doctoral program. Another challenging attempt to balance work, ministry, study, and home life all while attempting to maintain the remnants of any form of physical fitness or periods of R & R. Who thought this was a good idea? As we attempt to develop as leaders,…

7 responses

The Proof of the Pudding is in the Transformed Lives

By: on September 4, 2018

Jackie Pullinger quickly discovered that she needed the power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit for her work among addicts in the Walled City. “Jesus did not promise running shoes in the hereafter to the lame man. He made him walk. He not only preached but also demonstrated that he was God. He made blind…

5 responses

Western or Eastern Orthopraxy? (Late submission of Chan)

By: on July 5, 2018

The Western or Eastern Orthopraxy? Simon Chan’s text is most powerful because of its subtitle – ‘Thinking the Faith from the Ground Up’. Too often the Church has erred because theology has been foisted upon believers from the top down frequently leading to burdensome orthopraxis much like that of the Pharisees with whom Jesus had…

29 responses

Organizational potential

By: on June 30, 2018

The International school that my children attend is an example of disfunction. It has one main administrator that has to have her hands in all areas of the school. This type of micromanagement has been taught to the other 2 principals as well. For the last 2 years my wife has worked at this location…

4 responses

Deep Change or Slow Death…The choice is yours.

By: on June 29, 2018

As I started reading Robert Quinn’s Deep Change Field Guide I could not help but see my dissertation problem looking up at me from the pages. Quinn is a business consultant at The University of Michigan Ross School of Business. As such he works with large corporations who are in desperate need of real change in their…

7 responses

I knew it!

By: on June 28, 2018

I have to admit Robert Quinn’s text, Deep Change Field Guide, feels like it was written by and for social workers. As I skimmed the book and read reviews, it occurred to me that Deep Change is, at its core, a mix of cognitive behavioral theory, motivational interviewing, self-reflection, reframing and ultimately reinforces my favorite…

12 responses


By: on June 28, 2018

Deep Change by Robert E. Quinn is a phenomenal find and an excellent book to end our semester on. Although I was confused at first about why we were asked to purchase the field guide instead of the regular book, I quickly found out why. There is so much more here than just a regular…

5 responses

Deep Change for Missionaries

By: on June 28, 2018

Missionaries must be prepared for deep change, and while it is not written from a Christian perspective, Robert E; Quinn’s Deep Change Field Guide: A Personal Course to Discovering the Leader Within offers advice that must be heeded by those who wish to develop fruitful cross-cultural ministries. As I research missionary effectiveness and sustainability in…

4 responses

Culture Eats Strategy For Breakfast

By: on June 28, 2018

Quinn – Deep Change Field Guide It was in seminary at Princeton when I read Quinn’s book, Deep Change. It was a course on learning to do empirical research for the purpose of transforming an organization. Quinn’s thinking is not unlike that of Edwin Friedman, Ronald Heifetz, and Peter Steinke. Very similar to the idea…

one response

Be Careful…Walk on the left side

By: on June 28, 2018

I could not think of a better book to wrap up the hectic semester I have had…I almost wrote summer, but my summer is far from over. I must say, this has been the most challenging and difficult year I have ever had…without a doubt. In the past year and the next three months, this…

4 responses

Walking naked into uncertainty

By: on June 28, 2018

As this first year of our DMin studies concludes, I’m grateful to end with reflections on Robert Quinn’s Deep Change Field Guide as a bridge to moving forward with understanding ministry leadership in our globalized settings. Ministry practitioners such as those of us in this cohort must grapple with a world that is convulsing with…

4 responses

I’m Proud to Be A Missionary

By: on June 28, 2018

I am a missionary. Through the years, many people have asked me—what exactly does a missionary do? Some ask for information purposes others are curious and still others, well let’s just say they can be somewhat less friendly. With the book Boxes and Saints in mind, here is my response.  At the core of my…

7 responses

Boxers & Saints: Homestretch Haikus

By: on June 28, 2018

  Boxers[1] Bean garden revenge Op’ra gods fear foreign devils Storied people lost.           Saints[2] Named but confused faith St Joan guides and inspires her Sacrificed, she saves.         Epilogue More than religion Into church come thieves, murd’rs To West-branded faith.     [1] Gene Luen Yang, Boxers…

4 responses

The Problems with Deep Change

By: on June 27, 2018

The Deep Change Field Guide by Robert Quinn seeks to encourage readers that genuine change is possible and that all are capable of eliciting real and deep change. There are only two main problems with this thought 1. Deep and 2. Change. Few people really enjoy doing things deeply as it’s frequently painful. Cleaning a…

4 responses

Those Who Love

By: on June 27, 2018

Once upon a time a boxer and a saint fight screams! Death to the saint.   Fires rage, saints die boxers rage more war with saints seas of blood run wide.   Saints love orphans well. Boxers kill the ones who love. Who is left to love?   A country mourns deep as the ones…

6 responses