Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Noll’s Scandal

By: on January 24, 2020

The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind is a fascinating work by Mark A. Noll of the study of the evangelical mind, and how evangelicals, especially modern American evangelicals, “have failed notably in sustaining serious intellectual life.”[1] Noll is a prolific writer and research professor of history at Regent College in Vancouver, B.C., Canada, specializing in…

8 responses

An Evangelical Mind, Is A Terrible Thing To Waste!

By: on January 24, 2020

John Fea describes Mark Noll’s The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind as continuing to serve as a guiding light, an intellectual road map, and a source of inspiration decades later for many of Noll’s readers. The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind convinced Fea that the life of the mind was a legitimate calling despite his…

10 responses

What is Truth?

By: on January 24, 2020

In John’s account of Jesus before Pilate there is an interesting exchange that I reflected on while reading this week: Jesus answered, “For this reason I was born, and for this reason I came into the world— to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.” Pilate asked, “What is truth?”[1]…

10 responses

In the Throne Room

By: on January 24, 2020

I fell in love with academia by accident. In fact I would not have even stumbled upon my love of learning without the requirements of the church for ministry. While I grew up in a mainline denomination that fully affirmed academia, I have always been drawn to the inclusive nature of Jesus. The incarnation points…

7 responses

Life of the Pentecostal Mind

By: on January 24, 2020

I understand where Noll is coming from in his, albeit harsh, critique of the “innovative theologies” of the Pentecostal and Holiness movements.[1] The eschatology formed from the revivalist movement, which taught believers to forego thinking and education for the sake of evangelism due to the imminent return of Christ, did cause many Pentecostals to diminish…

12 responses

Is Secularism New in African Societies?

By: on January 24, 2020

It is fascinating to read what Taylor’s thesis on secularism in our society during this 21st century. He believes that what is wrong with enlightenment quest of progress is what is coming out as secularization that lies behind the enlightenment, what comes to me with controversial issues and asking specific questions from the Africa perspectives.…

2 responses

Free Your Mind

By: on January 24, 2020

The other day, I was just in the gym getting ready to work out, and I walked up to a conversation between two people, and one turned to me and said, “explain to her the difference between North Carolina and South Carolina.” Without hesitation, I knew what she was inferring that South Carolina people are…

12 responses

Stand in the Gap

By: on January 23, 2020

The scandal of the Evangelical mind, regrettably, is all around us. It is in popular media, social media, the public square, politics, universities and in other accessible spaces. Embarrassingly, we just cannot avoid it. To check my claim, I decided just now as I’m writing this, to turn on the radio and tune in to…

7 responses

A Charismatic Confession

By: on January 23, 2020

Some of my cohort mates may have missed it but I slipped in a confession in our discussion last week. I had quickly said that I have times when I feel slightly embarrassed by my faith tradition. This occasionally occurs when discussing doctrinal matters. subjects more intellectual in nature or when thinking of charismatic charicatures.…

11 responses


By: on January 23, 2020

We need government. We need to work from the Kingdom of God. And we need to seek to understand what our responsibilities are and how to be Christ-like within systems we often cannot control which are designed to maximize self-centered gain. We are not mere principles of use for complex systems of our societies. Scripture…

6 responses

Mark Noll and Peter Enns walk into a bar . . .

By: on January 23, 2020

Mark Noll keeps the Canadian connection alive, as all of our authors so far this semester have strong ties to Jenn’s motherland.  Mark Noll, former Professor of History at the University of Notre Dame, is current Professor of History at Regent College in Vancouver.  A prolific author, and high achieving academic, perhaps his most impressive…

8 responses

The Mourning and the Moving On

By: on January 23, 2020

In his book The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind Mark Noll is quick to admit that the scandal is in fact the lack of an Evangelical mind.i Tracing much of the issue back to Evangelicalism’s fundamentalist roots he mourns the lack of desire to explore how the many facets of God relate to the world.…

11 responses

What’s In It For Me?

By: on January 22, 2020

“Some people say a man is made outta mud A poor man’s made outta muscle and blood Muscle and blood and skin and bones A mind that’s a-weak and a back that’s strong   You load sixteen tons, what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt Saint Peter don’t you call me…

10 responses

The Great (Teleological) Transformation (of Innovation)

By: on January 21, 2020

Innovation is inherently philosophical. Nearly every useful definition of innovation consists of two parts: a highlight of what is “new,” “novel” or “fresh,” and the second part nearly always points to  “added value” to some group of people. When “value” is discussed, the conversation turns necessarily to philosophy – What is value? Value towards what…

13 responses

My Flourishing is Inextricably Linked to Yours

By: on January 21, 2020

It was a cold Minnesota Saturday and local Mohican faith leader, Jim Bear Jacobs, had joined a delegation that I was facilitating in order to challenge our dominant culture understanding of Scripture, Christian faithfulness, and restorative leadership.  During the conversation, he brought up the commodification of land by white, European settlers.  Referencing what some would…

19 responses

The capitalist system

By: on January 20, 2020

The capitalist system A market is a social structure that brings together a buyer and a seller to agree on a price to exchange goods or services. … The nature of market is such that the market always tries to bring itself to equilibrium. The question I ask myself about the issue is capitalism. where does capitalism go? We may not know the…

7 responses

A Call To Relevant And Adaptive Leadership.

By: on January 20, 2020

We live in a world where we have come to recognize that change is the only constant. This is so much so in what we have come to call “The secular world” or secular2 in Charles Taylor’s definition[1], change has become unpredictable because it happens too fast. In such an environment, and especially today when…

2 responses

Requiem of Urban Tales of Secularism

By: on January 19, 2020

Moving to the Bay Area in July 2019, was provocative and exhilarating. The accepted assignment to undertake was a role as Young Adults/Discipleship pastors within a 17–year church with a congregation of millennials full of hope and potential eager to evangelize to the people of their broken region. Of course, being an evangelist at heart,…

3 responses

The Wind and the Waves

By: on January 19, 2020

Hockey was big in my family, as was soccer (of course, I mean British Football). Tuesday and Thursday mornings every week my brother and I were up before school for hockey practise. In the evenings after school, when we weren’t at soccer practise, we were playing ball hockey and shooting pucks in our driveway. When…

3 responses

Of Whips and Table Flipping  

By: on January 19, 2020

In the Gospel of John, we read of a story that many of us are familiar with: The cleansing of the temple by Jesus.  John writes:   When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. In the temple courts he found people selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at…

10 responses