Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

With a nod to our Anglican friends

By: on October 2, 2023

I first heard of Bebbington at a ministry conference just a few months ago. Usha Reifsnider, who serves the Lausanne Movement as Co-Regional Director for Europe, gave the plenary address about the changing face of Evangelicalism. She shared Bebbington’s quadrilateral to define Evangelicalism and I thought, “I need to know about this guy.” Fast forward…

6 responses

Leading with Style

By: on October 2, 2023

Type A Personality. Enneagram 7. Myers-Briggs ESFJ. The temptation when reading a book like Simon Walker’s Leading with Nothing to Lose is to understand it almost like a personality test. Where do I see myself in his descriptions? What’s my natural style? Is there an online quiz I can take to determine my leadership type?…

one response

Was C.S. Lewis an Evangelical?

By: on October 2, 2023

As I write this blog, I am sitting in a little room in Oxford, England. This has been a monumental week as 60 of us have come to spend a week together for our annual Portland Seminary Oxford Advance. As I walked the historical streets, entered bookshop after book shop, and toured the Bodleian Library,…

7 responses


By: on September 15, 2023

Oxford I will honestly admit that I did not hold the fascination with Oxford that so many people have. I always perceived it as a place that I had little to no connection with. As my departure date grew closer, it seems as though my interaction with people that are completely enamored with Oxford strangely…

6 responses

One with the Land, how nature can lead us!

By: on September 15, 2023

I’m not sure I am drawn to Nelson Mandela’s model of leadership because I am about to embark on Advance number 2 which brings up memories of South Africa, or if it’s because I really appreciate his style.  I am drawn to consensual leadership as mentioned in Simon Walker’s book Leading with Nothing to Lose,…

2 responses

Leading from Your Scars

By: on September 15, 2023

In this sequel to “Leading Out of Who You Are” by Simon Walker, the author summarizes his second of three books, “Leading with Nothing to Lose,” by writing, “We will look at the key elements of power, the particular forces involved in any transaction. Then, having established the basic elements, we will go on to…

6 responses

Letting Go Lustfulness and Legitimize Love

By: on September 14, 2023

Undefended leadership is about a kind of generous hospitality: a giving of ourselves to the world that transforms it, an opening-up of space in our lives in which the ‘other’ is welcomed and, indeed, utterly changed (Simon P. Walker)   The allure of power resides in its capacity to influence others and fulfill personal desires. Possessing power…

4 responses

AI…No Thank You!

By: on September 14, 2023

“Alexa, Stop!” Before I can write about AI and the applications of it to my studies, I must first talk about my Nemesis Alexa. I was an enthusiastic, early user of Alexa. I was completely captivated by the idea of having her respond on command. I bought an Echo Dot for every room in the…

3 responses

Surprised by Leadership

By: on September 14, 2023

For years I dreamed of pursuing a doctorate. I considered social work, psychology, ministry, missiology, and even Southeast Asian studies. I secretly hoped to become a docent at the Asian Civilizations Museum in Singapore. Needless to say, I am surprised by my choice and surprised by leadership. In Leading with Nothing to Lose: Training in…

8 responses

For such a time as this…

By: on September 14, 2023

As I read Walker’s book two verses kept burning in my heart. With every page chills went up and down my spine. The verses below screamed off nearly every page. “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been…

5 responses

Leading…No “Hot Girl Summer” for me!

By: on September 14, 2023

I had a plan for my Summer. It included many trips to the beach, a quest to find the best breakfast taco (my favorite food), a moderate amount of Uber driving for my children, leisurely reading for a book club that I joined (friends from high school), drinking frozen beverages and having my age-appropriate version…

4 responses

Self-Emptying…The Leadership Paradox

By: on September 14, 2023

With leadership books and theories in plentiful abundance, Simon P. Walker takes the subject and draws yet another angle that causes one to take a step back and evaluate self and leadership. In his first book, Leading Out of Who You Are he defines the undefended leader. The undefended leader leads out of their own…

4 responses

Who Will Lead from a Relationship Standpoint?

By: on September 14, 2023

A few weeks ago, Tremper Longman posted on his Facebook page about his relationship with Pastor Tim Keller with whom he shared a close friendship.  Longman asked: Who will be (or is) the next winsome advocate for Christianity now?   There are plenty of culture haters out there, but who will be those voices that try to love and…

8 responses

“Weakness” is Power

By: on September 14, 2023

About a year ago, I taught a class on the book of Revelation from a historical-critical point of view. Weirdly, Simon Walker’s, Leading with Nothing to Lose, reminded me of some of the insights and discussions we had in there. I know this may seem like a weird connection, but this is how my brain…

11 responses

Nothing to Lose, So Much to Gain

By: on September 13, 2023

Leadership is often associated with power, control, and authority. However, what if true leadership emerged not from holding onto power, but from letting go of it? What if true leadership looked more like putting others first, turning the other cheek, washing the feet of the individuals on the team, being last, or laying down one’s…

4 responses

Mit tenne Jézus? (Hungarian)

By: on September 13, 2023

Mit tenne Jézus? (Hungarian) – What would Jesus do? Highlights Part 1 Rare Leadership & More than a menu Part 2 Chapter 13, What would Jesus Do? Part 3 Indigenous Church: Self Supporting, Self-Governing, Self-Propagating. GoodSports International Part 4 Summary Part 1 – Rare Leadership & More than a Menu Rare Leadership The DLGP study…

9 responses

Moving Away from Performing with Counter-Cultural Leadership

By: on September 12, 2023

Reading Simon Walker’s second book of the Undefended Leader Trilogy: Leading with Nothing to Lose,[1] I was happy to see that Walker continues to focus on leadership characteristics that extend beyond what is reinforced in today’s popular culture: …you’ll struggle to find a single class that suggests that learning to be weak may actually be…

8 responses

Jesus and John Wayne

By: on September 11, 2023

My preferred genre of books is the biography, which is the account of someone’s life written by someone else. I also enjoy a good autobiography (emphasis on ‘good’), and yet, those quite often are self-serving, short-sighted, and elbow-bending/back-patting. You always know when a celebrity, I mean, politician, is gonna declare a run for US President…

11 responses

Artificial Intelligence equals a 21 gram weight loss?

By: on September 9, 2023

When considering this topic, I immediately could find myself drifting to the apprehensive side of AI.  I think I’ve seen too many movies where this type of intelligence could lead us to a place where the machines have taken over humanity.  This conversation has been going on for a very long time as machines have…

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