Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

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Fear and Faithful Presence

By: on February 28, 2019

November 9, 2016 is a day that I will remember for a long time. The previous day the United States had elected a new president – Donald Trump. I was in shock and I did not know how to process this information. A man who from all accounts envisions himself to be Tony Soprano had…

12 responses

LGP or Semiotics?

By: on February 28, 2019

    Please don’t read this on an upset stomach. Another book from the business world. What could it possibly have to say to the church or those interested in Christian leadership? There is no denying that the 21st century represents a level of complexity unmatched by previous generations. The church would do well to consider…

12 responses

Leading in a VUCA world

By: on February 28, 2019

Jennifer Garvey Berger and Keith Johnson have written a book for the “VUCA” world we live in.[1] Volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity are key traits that define these times. We are learning to lead within a high-stress, constantly-changing environment, as we are pulled in many divergent directions. Multiple options and polarizing stakeholders often paralyze leaders who…

9 responses

Canada’s Healthcare as Faithful Presence: A Nod to Tommy Douglas

By: on February 28, 2019

This week’s reading of James Davison Hunter’s To Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy and Possibility of Christianity in the Late Modern World took some important twists before landing on it’s recommendations. He begins by easily identifying a common belief from both the American Christian left and the American Christian Right that Christians are called to…

10 responses

Faithful Resistance

By: on February 28, 2019

University of Virginia Professor James Davison Hunter breaks his text down into three distinct sections, a very “Trinitarian” formula, as he shares his thesis on how Christians can help transform the modern world in his award winning text, To Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy and Possibility of Christianity in the Late Modern World.  The…

9 responses

Berger, Please Help Me With Vision

By: on February 28, 2019

Chapter 4 in Simple Habits for Complex Times: Powerful Practices for Leaders is titled “Create A Clear Vision for an Unclear Future.” [1] Let us pretend together that I asked Jennifer Garvey Berger and Keith Johnston to help me with VISION in my context as Conference Superintendent. The graphic above is the current vision statement for…

14 responses

I have an itch; would you mind?

By: on February 28, 2019

I was conned, misled and entrapped in the most cunning of ways. Calling a book “To Change the World” when the content of the book argues that such a thing is not possible, is a writer’s sleight-of-hand at its best.[1] Personally, the book scratched an itch that I have had for a number year. The…

12 responses

Should We Change the World?

By: on February 28, 2019

I think James Davison Hunter’s To Change the World delivers on explaining the irony and tragedy of Christianity in the late modern world. As I read, I kept hoping that it would also deliver the possibility as well. And I believe it does. I agree with Hunter on his broad categories of what the Church’s response…

7 responses

Keep Asking “Different” Questions!

By: on February 28, 2019

Jennifer Garvey Berger and Kevin Johnston, cofounders of Cultivating Leadership, and coauthors of Simple Habits for Complex Times: Powerful Practices for Leaders, challenge their readers to understand the new complexities of leadership within today’s context and present them with tangible resources to aid their organizational strategy. They dare their readers to ask the question, “How…

8 responses

People of The Way

By: on February 28, 2019

These people who have stirred up trouble throughout the world have come here too, and Jason has welcomed them as guests! They are all acting against Caesar’s decrees, saying there is another king named Jesus![1] James Davison Hunter’s To Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy, and Possibility of Christianity in the Late Modern World builds on…

6 responses

Leading Through the VUCA

By: on February 28, 2019

This week’s book, Simple Habits for Complex Times: Powerful Practices for Leaders by Berger and Johnston, tells us that we are living in times of “VUCA”, meaning “volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity.”[1] I got a kick out of the authors making an acronym out of this and organizing the book around how to actually deal…

27 responses

Good habits, re-visited

By: on February 28, 2019

My wife Lisa walked into the room the other day and saw that I was reading Simple Habits for Complex Times by Jennifer Garvey Berger and Keith Johnston.  She looked at me and said, “the titles of all your books are all stressing me out!” This week’s reading fits in with many of the other books we…

7 responses

Courage redefined.

By: on February 28, 2019

Every day, when I enter my office, this is the picture I see behind my desk. Both of these framed pieces were given to me by close friends after I participated in ministry events and campaigns with them. On the left is a token from a conference where I taught. It is a challenge to…

6 responses

The Elan of Elan

By: on February 28, 2019

I spent last weekend facilitating the second annual Elan retreat—which was actually two parallel retreats for two cohorts of missionaries. Cohort 2 has just begun the first year of the Elan program, which is focused on spiritual formation. Their retreat was a time for learning new ways to connect with God and was aimed at…

11 responses

Leading Through Uncharted Territory

By: on February 27, 2019

A friend of mine tells the story of a time when he visited a friend who was a jet fighter pilot. The friend took him to where he would do his training in flight simulation. The jet fighter pilot was a master, but still practiced for hours everyday in the flight simulators. They looked like…

5 responses

Change…change,change, change…Change

By: on February 26, 2019

Jenifer Berger and Keith Johnston’s Simple Habits for Complex Times is a courageous guide-book on how to adapt to change and lead more effectively and efficiently in a progressively chaotic and unpredictable world. Change…change, change, change…change…change, change…, change… (this is not a tax commercial, but you get the point). No! Change is not free, and…

6 responses

New Wineskins for Consumer Culture

By: on February 24, 2019

“Miller analyzes how consumer culture commodifies everything, including religious practice, making it impossible to confront it head-on. His discussions on learning the origins of where a consumer product comes from and on embedding religious practices into the traditions from which they are taken are particularly helpful. Miller succeeds in moving the discussion of consumer culture…

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By: on February 24, 2019

The world is changing before our eyes. Things that were once sacred has become fads changing and evolving with the time. Religion has become a counter product of the newest event or program at the local church. On any given Sunday, people can choose for an array of buffet style Christianity ranging from the traditional…

one response

Religion and Consumerism

By: on February 24, 2019

The book by Vincent Miller has been a significant challenge to me as much as it has been a profoundly and theologically structured. What struck me most was part of its title “Christian Faith and Practice in a Consumer Culture.” I related this with our Quaker Christian Faith and Practice, and one of the essential…

5 responses