Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Best Practices in Seeking a Therapist

By: on January 26, 2023

Stephen King has provided a personal reflection on the art of writing in his book: On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft. King’s book is 316 pages long and the content is jam packed with great advice for beginning writers. His advice spanned the depths of creating plot and character to simple suggestions of having…

11 responses

God is a Big God Who Fits into Orthodoxy?

By: on January 26, 2023

The Genesis of Gender: A Christian Theory written by Dr. Abigail Favale engages the subject of gender theory and its impact on one’s identity from a historical, biological, and philosophical perspective while applying a narrow theological construction. Her agenda is, “analyzing the genealogy of gender, providing an account of how the gender paradigm emerged and…

13 responses

Make Me Thy Fuel O Flame Of God

By: on January 26, 2023

This book, Failure of Nerve, by Edwin Friedman, was compiled from writings ten years after the author had passed away. It was Friedman’s opinion in these writings that under pressure, most leaders will give in to the weakest member of the organization because of fear of retaliation. [1] Their giving in to these people causes…

9 responses

Failure to Launch

By: on January 26, 2023

I was not looking forward to preparing for this week’s blog. I didn’t know why but I suspect it was because I elected not to purchase the book but to download it. I knew that it probably was not a good decision because I have never been a fan of e-books, I am old school.…

11 responses

Unlocking a Nerve

By: on January 26, 2023

I do not believe in coincidence. I often smile when puzzle pieces emerge uniquely by the Spirit though. There is something that is so incredibly cool and fulfilling when the fingerprint of the Spirit is all over you or the things you come in contact with. Whether it’s being assigned a book at the perfect…

10 responses

Toxic Tester

By: on January 26, 2023

While preparing to write the third Syntopical Essay last semester, I was reviewing notes collected from Friedman’s book Failure of Nerve. Chapter Seven, titled Emotional Triangles, caught my attention, and aroused my curiosity. However, due to time constraints, I had to ‘file that one away,’ as my husband would say, so I could return later.…

13 responses

Threshold Concepts. Is The Bible Off Limits?

By: on January 26, 2023

After reading this week’s material and watching Robert Coven’s TED talk on threshold concepts, I can’t help but share my personal journey of struggling through certain thresholds regarding my faith, and in particular Scripture in higher education. I have a deep love and respect for the Bible. I couldn’t always say this, but I appreciate…

12 responses

Favale’s Journey and What She’s Learned

By: on January 26, 2023

Dr. Abigail Favale is an outstanding writer and she focuses her sparkling prose intensely on the issues of feminism and the gender paradigm. Dr. Favale is also a fellow Bruin: she earned her B.A. in Philosophy from Geoge Fox University only to return many years later to teach in the Humanities Department. A conversion from…

7 responses

“NO! Not Change!”

By: on January 26, 2023

In A Failure of Nerve Edwin Friedman writes about leadership and the various aspects of being a self differentiated leader. A leader who can avoid the traps of being consumed in the crisis or fears of the people or organization that they lead. As a leader I have seen these traps repeatedly entangle good leaders,…

no responses

Who Ultimately Tells Me Who I Am?

By: on January 26, 2023

Abigail Favale’s book, The Genesis of Gender, is personal, philosophical, historical, and theological. Positioned as a book on theology and sociology, Favale begins by recounting her journey from a traditional childhood, to different forms of feminism, to her current position, not easily categorized into the extreme ends of the gender debate spectrum. Even the subtitle,…

14 responses

Speaking the truth in love

By: on January 26, 2023

Based on a Catholic perspective to scripture including the theology of Aquinas, The Genesis of Gender: A Christian Theory highlights the extreme views of secular feminism on gender and, on the other end of the continuum, sadly, evangelicalism. It then proposes what may be considered a balanced, Biblical perspective on the subject. Written by Catholic…

16 responses

A Near Myth

By: on January 25, 2023

Abigail Favale’s book, The Genesis of Gender: A Christian Theory, is somewhat appropriately named. On one had the subtitle indicate that this book explores the origins of gender from a uniquely Christian perspective. On the other hand, it is clear that this book was written for an evangelical, rightwing, conservative etc. audience. Favale sets the…

15 responses


By: on January 25, 2023

One week ago I started my inspectional reading of Threshold Concepts and Troublesome Knowledge by Jan H. F. Meyer and Ray Land. After 46 pages I was negatively asking, “What in the world is this book about?” In discouragement I placed the book down and was not looking forward to this post. I even thought,…

27 responses

The Cellular Blueprint

By: on January 25, 2023

Edwin Friedman’s A Failure of Nerve continues to pique my interest in how it presents good leadership as a journey of discovering one’s own identity as an exercise of self-differentiation. As I examined the book for a second time, the chapter on “the fallacies of self”[1] helped to clarify the balance that must be struck…

3 responses

Take Two Steps Back and Look Again

By: on January 25, 2023

One of the apparently pressing issues within the privilege of Western culture today is that of gender identity. I have now been living in the US for more than a year and this topic and all the focus on it leaves me in unfamiliar territory grappling for handholds within an emotional hotbed of discussions. My…

9 responses

Did God really say?

By: on January 25, 2023

The Genesis of Gender: A Christian Theory by Dr. Abigail Favale dives into the topics of gender theory including feminism and gender dysphoria, offering a perspective on a biblical framework that has developed out of her personal experiences. She writes of her conversion to Catholicism and how profound an impact it had on her worldview…

10 responses

Podcast, Cormac, Mars, and Threshold Concepts

By: on January 25, 2023

I am often amazed at how creative designers can take abstract ideas from multiple domains and produce digital/non-digital products that nail a concept. It’s as if tacit “interdisciplinary” knowledge and creative designers go hand-in-hand. My friend, Tony, who owns a creative design agency, illustrates this ability to a T. Two years ago, I partnered with…

7 responses

Why Reteaching Concepts Helps Me Communicate Competently

By: on January 25, 2023

The key to learning new concepts in any discipline is the realization that communication consists of confident competency.  It is the orientation of all effort of what we give our lives to that builds not only our knowledge, but our competency. As I listened to the TED Talk by Robert Devon as he asked the…

4 responses

No, ChatGPT isn’t going to change everything.

By: on January 25, 2023

On the morning of December 5th, 2022, I received a text from a friend of mine introducing me to ChatGPT. His wife was preparing a sermon that week. She asked for my help in collecting research material for her message. She promised me a $5 Starbucks gift card. I would have done it for free.…

11 responses

To Feel is Not to Be

By: on January 25, 2023

Dr. Abigail Favale’s spiritual journey has undoubtedly been intriguing. Raised in an evangelical home and having attended George Fox University to study Philosophy, Favale began to question Scripture and the role of women. In time, she was lured away from the faith entirely by feminism, to which she would testify that she lost herself for…

11 responses