Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Keeping Score

By: on April 20, 2023

“The Body Keeps the Score” is a seminal work that has significant implications for leadership in the context of trauma. Dr. Bessel van der Kolk’s insights into the physical and psychological effects of trauma, as well as effective interventions and treatment strategies, are highly relevant to leaders who seek to promote the health and well-being…

6 responses

Brokenness in an Echo

By: on April 20, 2023

The book Sway by Pragya Agarwal has some very timely application for the ways that our unconscious bias can create significant obstacles and issues in our interaction with each other and with society. He addresses a number of biases and shares stories about how they have real world implications. For this blog I want to…

2 responses

Seems Simple Enough

By: on April 20, 2023

Book Summary In his book, The Body Keeps the Score, Bessel van der Kolk argues that trauma is not just a psychological problem, but also a physical one. When we experience trauma, our brains and bodies go into “fight-or-flight” mode.[1] This is a natural survival response that helps us to cope with danger. However, if…

9 responses

It all started 40 years ago…

By: on April 20, 2023

April of 1983, I was a junior in high school and I was running for President of the Student Body. My main reason for running for office was to creatively impact more people with the gospel. One month before the election, one of my favorite teachers asked to see me after class. Mr. Riley looked…

24 responses

Perspective Enlightens Facts

By: on April 20, 2023

Ask Questions Learn More In the book Factfulness by Hans Rosling he passionately instructs his readers to consider new ways of thinking or certainly ways to avoid thinking. Rosling says “This book is my very last battle in my lifelong mission to fight devastating global ignorance. It is my last attempt to make an impact…

6 responses

The Label

By: on April 20, 2023

Discover Your Label There seems to be a constant desire to understand one’s own personality or the personalities of those we interact with. The drive to understand what makes each other tick, why we would act in such a way, what motivates us to keep moving through this life has certainly intensified over time. There…

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Lived Experience

By: on April 20, 2023

My goal in writing this essay is to provide a different lens on unresolved posttraumatic experiences and how these experiences are a lurking crisis in our society. The first section is a high-level overview of Van Der Kolk’s book. The following section is a personal account of a lived traumatic experience. And lastly, is a…

13 responses


By: on April 19, 2023

How many times have you found yourself towering over a little one who is begging for your listening ear?  Daddy, daddy?  Mommy, mommy?  Mrs. Glei. . . ?  Listening is a way to show respect and honor to another person.  Kids when they are or are not being listened to.  When I think about how…

8 responses

“Look at me and Listen!”

By: on April 19, 2023

As a young mom, my ability to multi-task had become a way of life and something I prided myself in. We were a household of six. My life was a constant flow of ministry, music teaching, and keeping up with family needs. We loved life and enjoyed the journey, but my mind was a distracted…

9 responses

Mama’s Parting Gift to Me

By: on April 19, 2023

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Dr. Bessel Van der Kolk teaches the reader how to get through a traumatic past and the difficulties that result from that past. In reading this book, I noted four lessons that I would like to briefly discuss, and then…

8 responses

Speaking of Speaking…(and Listening)

By: on April 19, 2023

While a Lead Pastor does a bunch of other work outside of the pulpit, they can’t escape the fact that they speak for a living (unless they have a preaching pastor on their team). Most of us as Lead Pastors can struggle to be organized or do mediocre HR and still be in the congregation’s…

11 responses

Let the Silence Speak!

By: on April 19, 2023

I love talking to people. It is one of my favorite things to do. I love learning people’s stories. My husband and kids laugh at me when we go places because I always leave having met someone new and knowing their story. I am a talker. I always have been. As a child, my Mama…

9 responses

See me, feel me, touch me, heal me

By: on April 19, 2023

I had watched a Julian Treasure TED talk in 2018 when I began presenting a regular workshop for an employment program in my neighbourhood. I own a marketing and communications company and have been working in this field since 1998 when I landed my first full-time job at Centennial College in their publications department. So…

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Namatay si Alexa noong isang araw (Alexa died the other day)

By: on April 19, 2023

Namatay si Alexa noong isang araw (Filipino) Alexa died the other day. My thoughts: Alexa died (intro) Impact on NPO 2023 – Facing the day. (Self Care) Treasure: Three outcomes, Rock – All the world is a stage, Ted talks, Book Reviews and Voice training.  Alexa died the other day.  When it snows in Colorado…

4 responses

Being Heard and Valued

By: on April 19, 2023

In my former life I can say with confidence that I’ve spent a significant part of my life reflecting on speaking and listening. In my former life as an ESL teacher, these were two skills that I taught regularly. And yet, they are challenging skills for an ESL student to improve. It’s less about memorizing…

6 responses

Be Present to be Useful

By: on April 18, 2023

“Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak…” James 1:19 A big part of what I do every week is prepare for and deliver sermons and other public talks. So, all semester I was looking forward to reading Julian Treasure’s book How to be Heard: Secrets for Powerful Speaking and Listening[1] to pick up…

12 responses

The Greatest Speech Lesson

By: on April 18, 2023

“Our job, all of us, every single one of us is to make sure that the people around us, whoever they are, know what’s going on in the things that we love the most.”[1]  Benjamin Zander, conductor of The Boston Philharmonic Orchestra, spoke these words to Julian Treasure during an interview for his book, How…

3 responses

It’s Hard to Listen While You Preach

By: on April 18, 2023

Every sailor knows that the sea, Is a friend made enemy, And every shipwrecked soul knows what it is, To live without intimacy, I thought I heard the captain’s voice, But it’s hard to listen while you preach, Like every broken wave on the shore, This is as far as I could reach… Every Breaking Wave by U2   Julian Treasure, author…

14 responses

Rare and Generous Gifts

By: on April 18, 2023

“The first duty of love is to listen.” Paul Tillich In How to be Heard: Secrets for Powerful Speaking and Listening, author Julian Treasure highlighted how sound permeates every moment of my day. What I hear contributes to my emotional state. Taking time to consciously listen produced joy when I paused to listen to the…

10 responses

How Could Your Grandfather’s Trauma Be Affecting You?

By: on April 18, 2023

“We must learn how to turn off our intense reactions and regain control of ourselves so that we can process painful memories without being overwhelmed.” (1) Many of us have been through trauma in our lives, whether as a result of an accident, a crisis, or a traumatic encounter. So what happens once the trauma…

4 responses