Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Innovative Deliverance

By: on September 7, 2023

AI Oxford Language defines innovation as “the action or process of innovating” and “a new method, idea, product, etc.”. Inventing things is not new to humankind. All the things and conveniences we enjoy had to be invented. Some person was given the idea and created just what they thought was needed at that time. Did…

3 responses

AI Can Enhance HI

By: on September 7, 2023

In 1991 I was a youth pastor and I specifically remember being at my secretary’s home to talk about an upcoming mission trip. Before I even sat down, she ecstatically said, “Hey PT, look at this! The World Wide Web!” This computer thing is amaaaaaazing!” I had no idea what she was talking about but…

10 responses

This Post May or May Not Be AI…

By: on September 7, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents a double-edged sword, harboring both immense promise and perilous risks. On one hand, AI revolutionizes industries, enhancing efficiency and solving complex problems. However, its unchecked proliferation raises grave concerns. One peril lies in job displacement, as AI automation threatens livelihoods across sectors. Moreover, AI bias and discrimination are rampant, perpetuating societal…

7 responses

AI: Limitless Possiblities

By: on September 7, 2023

Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT are things I know next to nothing about. The videos we watched this week were helpful for me. I decided to download the app on my phone and take it for a spin, just to see what the fuss was all about. I created a prototype of a letter of recommendation…

7 responses

All the Kids Are Using It

By: on September 7, 2023

Last Saturday my husband and I were driving my college freshman back to his dorm after his first collegiate football game. Talking about classes starting soon I felt the need to impress upon him that college is not high school, that using AI, especially ChatGPT could get him into a lot of trouble. I told…

8 responses

What is at Stake is Most Precious

By: on September 6, 2023

If I were asked to uncover the decline of America’s thinking and writing, I believe I would point to the cultural changes of family and parenting that started soon after the presence of television in our homes. When writers such as Walter Lippman, Alan Bloom and Christopher Lasch observed the growing number of people dependent…

16 responses

Oxford: People, Places and Plans

By: on September 5, 2023

The adage if walls could talk comes to mind when I consider the upcoming doctoral advance to the celebrated city of Oxford, England. In preparation for the trip, I reviewed Paul Sullivan’s quippy book The Secret History of Oxford[1] and lost myself in Youtube videos about this historic city. As a writer, intellect, and lover…

2 responses

AI Revolution: My Journey from DOS Commands to Advanced Automation AI Revolution: My Journey from DOS Commands to Advanced Automation

By: on September 5, 2023

I have been using AI to write articles, create marketing plans, help me think of what I might missed, check grammar and spelling, create art (images) but mostly, I use it in automation, writing simple code for websites and creating complex spreadsheet functions really quickly. In high school I was one of the first classes…

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A Tool, Not A Demon!

By: on September 5, 2023

I have different views on AI than most Pentecostals, especially those in my community. I simply see AI as a tool such as a hammer, tape measure, speed square and nothing more, as each tool is an incredible help in accomplishing a task or project. I believe AI is very similar to the good and…

9 responses

The Powerful Force of AI

By: on September 4, 2023

The year was 1974. My mother was an accountant at a large, growing automotive remanufacturing company in Philadelphia and was asked to house an office with three employees in our home to manage the executive payroll. My father remodeled the basement to accommodate but had no idea how large the office would become with the…

12 responses

A CEO, an Intern, and Navigating A.I.

By: on September 4, 2023

Not long ago, the CEO[1] of a certain organization had to give a speech. That speech would be recorded and played for incoming trainees connected to a particular field of study and a particular university. I asked the CEO about that recording, after he told me he used AI to help write the speech. Three…

10 responses

Proceed with Caution and Integrity!

By: on September 4, 2023

It wasn’t long ago I found myself in the musty basement of Collins Memorial Library at the University of Puget Sound doing research using a microfiche. My much younger fellow graduate students had no idea what a microfiche was and quickly introduced me to the wonders of online research. I found the documents I needed…

11 responses

AI: the Bad, the Good, and the Purpose of Humanity

By: on September 4, 2023

Much is written on the Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) Theory. There is a curve with five kinds of people distributed. They are the innovators, the early adopters, early majority, late majority, and the laggers.[1] Everything inside of me wants to think of myself as an innovator or early adopter. My track-record says late majority or…

6 responses

AI/Divine Intelligence: Seeking collaborative work

By: on September 4, 2023

How might Artificial Intelligence present dangers, limitations, or possibilities in my academic pursuit?  I will attempt to answer this question in this blog. I have not been acquainted with AI and how I might make use of it as a student prior to this assignment. It was helpful to look at definitions of AI. “AI,…

4 responses

Tool, Crutch or Something Else?

By: on September 4, 2023

The use of artificial intelligence offers benefits and opportunities, but it also presents challenges and risks.  Technology acts as a catalyst that expands the opportunities for humanity to pursue.  It is amoral, not good or evil in itself, but can be designed and used for good and evil purposes. Much of its use for good…

6 responses

Musings on The Secret History of Oxford

By: on September 4, 2023

The history and information in Paul Sullivan’s The Secret History of Oxford is vast and detailed and after reading through it I found I could only retain a few facts. However, it will be a great book to have on hand when visiting Oxford. Fact vs History Speaking of facts, the history of Oxford is…

one response

Counting the Cost of Electric Sheep

By: on September 4, 2023

My husband and I recently had dinner with a close friend and his twelve year old son, Johnny.[1] We started talking about Chat GPT. Johnny told us that one of his classmates claimed to have used Chat GPT for every assignment the previous year with great success. I know Johnny to be prone to exaggeration.…

4 responses


By: on September 4, 2023

In 2002, Steven Spielberg directed a movie staring Tom Cruise called “The Minority Report.”  I remember watching it and seeing aspects of technology that was so mind-blowing to me at the time. Tom Cruise, for crying out loud, would use this hands to move files around on a large touch screen computer. Absolutely Insane. And…

11 responses

Искусственный интеллект – тьма и свет – (Russian) – Artificial Intelligence – Dark and Light (Google Translate)

By: on September 4, 2023

Искусственный интеллект – тьма и свет – (Russian) – Artificial Intelligence – Dark and Light (Google Translate) Summary (before you read) Part 1.   AI – Initial task, “The Creator – A Film”, responding to the fear. Part 2.   AI – Weapons, at the US Northern Border & AI at the Southern Border. Part 3.   AI…

2 responses