By: Pablo Morales on October 29, 2015
INTRODUCTION The world is in constant change. These changes create new challenges that require leaders to think critically in order to provide solutions that will address those challenges in new and effective ways. The book Contemporary Social Theory is a summary of these efforts. SUMMARY Professor Anthony Elliot provides a summary of the vast array of issues…
By: Jason Kennedy on October 29, 2015
Introduction I am 40 and living with my parents….temporarily until my girls move to Texas permanently. On Monday at 6am as I head out the door, my dad asks, “what time will you be home?” Seriously, I am 40 years old with a wife and two children, I have flown all over the world, and…
By: Colleen Batchelder on October 29, 2015
Elliott seeks to uncover the social theory that is tied into sexuality, dominance and capitalism through the discussion of Marxism, Feminism, Structuralism and various other theories. He suggests that semiology plays a valid part in understanding these constructs and provides us with the ability to delve past the façade and seek to understand humanity and…
By: Claire Appiah on October 28, 2015
Change Is Inevitable Except For Moral Absolutes Contemporary Social Theory: An Introduction by Anthony Elliott Introduction This book is a rich, introductory resource on contemporary social theory as it is reflected in the disciplines of sociology, politics, history, and cultural studies. It is a great textbook for individuals who have little or no exposure to…
By: Mary Pandiani on October 28, 2015
I love it when a plan comes together in a serendipitous way. Some might say it’s when all the stars align. Others say it’s all by chance. For a few men sitting down for a meal, the synchronicity of the Holy Spirit emerges through a simple conversation, sparking an idea around discovering new and fresh…
By: Anthony Watkins on October 28, 2015
Introduction Anthony Elliot’s book covers a broad range of social theories down through history from Marx, Weber and Freud, through Marcuse, Levi Straus, feminism and more. So, I recognized it encompasses a lot. I looked for a branch to perch on to try to survey the book’s material and try to digest some of it.…
By: Nick Martineau on October 28, 2015
I must admit, I have had a very naive view of Pentecostalism. I’ve always just classified those that speak in tongues as Pentecostal and more lately I’ve connected Pentecostalism to the prosperity gospel. Well, I have been proven wrong. Miller and Yamamori’s book, Global Pentecostalism – The New Face of Christian Social Engagement, has…
By: Phillip Struckmeyer on October 28, 2015
Oops My Bad, I Believe That Too, and That Is What I Felt in Hong Kong! I had three major reactions while receiving and positioning “Global Pentecostalism: The new face of Christian social engagement” by Donald Miller and Tetsunao Yamamori into my personal library. First I had a “Oops, my bad” moment. Next I was thinking…
By: Rose Anding on October 27, 2015
How do we live as individuals? How do we live in a society of different individuals and character? Introduction It’s often said that stereotypes are rooted in truth, but is this a valid statement? People who make this argument often want to justify their use of stereotypes. The problem with…
By: Jon Spellman on October 27, 2015
I feel a bit like a subject this week, a research subject that is! While engaging with our reading this week, it’s like I’ve been poked, prodded, examined, questioned and generalized to the point of exhaustion. It feels a bit strange to have someone study me, my group actually, and present findings based on observed…
By: Dave Young on October 27, 2015
One of the numerous times that Jesus’ detractors tried to trip him up he was asked “which is the greatest commandment?” His response is a summary of all God’s instructions: “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. The second is equally…
By: Dawnel Volzke on October 24, 2015
I must say that Charlene Li is one of my favorite thought leaders when it comes to leadership within today’s modern organization and digital world. There is no denying that social media has changed the way that leaders must interact and engage with the world. Leaders of today’s high-performing organizations must engage with technology in…
By: Jason Kennedy on October 23, 2015
INTRODUCTION Alister McGrath’s seminal work, Christian Theology: An Introduction seemed a daunting read. Covering some 2000 years of Christian thought, key figures, various doctrines, and debates, McGrath exhaustively explores the world of Christian theology and makes it reasonably accessible to the modern reader. Given the vastness of material, McGrath proverbially “eats the elephant one bite…
By: Brian Yost on October 23, 2015
I have always loved the metaphor of the sandbox. Perhaps it is because I spent so many hours in the sandbox as a kid (and then as a dad). I know how sandboxes work and I know that some kids gravitate toward group play while others stake out their boundaries—literally; a quick squeeze of the…
By: Garfield Harvey on October 23, 2015
What happens when a reader lacks the vocabulary or intellect to comprehend a ‘deep revelation’ of our opinionated approach to theology? How much context should be included to avoid distorting the truth? Who has the best biblical approach? What philosophies influence theology today? This I will answer: Pragmatism – results dictates the value of truth…
By: Travis Biglow on October 23, 2015
Out of this reading what stood out the most to me is the idea of relationship. I love this because in the US many churches are about numbers and not the people. I love these readings because all of them make me reflect on what I am doing now. From this program I began a…
By: Mary Pandiani on October 22, 2015
Years ago, a friend of mine was laying cement for a new driveway on a cul de sac where he and his family lived. In addition to their family, nearly 20 neighborhood kids played outside every Saturday, in particular a band of young boys who loved to ride their bicycles up and down the street.…
By: Phil Goldsberry on October 22, 2015
Introduction “Christian Theology”, by Alister E. McGrath, is a comprehensive look historically and theologically at the foundational tenants of the Christian faith. McGrath says in the opening “To the Reader: How to Use this Work”, “You must not be frightened by the amount of material the volume includes; you do not need to master…
By: Kevin Norwood on October 22, 2015
Introduction I love theology. As much as anyone can love a subject that is so expansive, complicated and deep. I have grown so much as I have studied systematic theology over the past few years. Knowing theological history helps me to better understand Christianity since Jesus walked the earth. Jesus encountered those who knew and…
By: Aaron Cole on October 22, 2015
Introduction: An Introduction to Christian Theology by Alister E. McGrath is a comprehensive reference on Christian theology. This resource takes you from theological arguments like the challenge and controversies of Gnosticism facing the early church to the tension that lies between a secular philosophy and Christian theology. The material is divided into three major sections:…