Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World


By: on June 4, 2015

  I thoroughly enjoyed reading this week’s articles mostly because they beautifully articulated, “an itch I’ve been wanting to scratch.” I’m guessing this week’s readings would resonate with any one who finds themselves in leadership. The longing question Len asks, “How do we walk with God into a new future – an unknown place?[1]” is…

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Gliding through glassy seas

By: on June 4, 2015

“Liquid Modernity,” “Chaordic Age,” “Post-post—Modernity,” “Post-Christian,” “Post-Church,”   uuuuggghhhhh!  It’s exhausting!  We are forced more and more to navigate nuances, to make values-based decisions while constantly adjusting our vision to ever-morphing shades of grey.  That’s what it means to be a church leader today.  If I’m being honest, sometimes I just want things to be…

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Go With The Slow

By: on June 3, 2015

“Go With The Slow” – Costco’s caption of their most recent The Costco Connection – intrigues me. Yes, many ads of products fill the inside, but the main focus in their Health section concerns subjects such as de-stressing, wellness, spiritual focus, being present, and mindful eating. These articles contradict what would be expected for a…

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Navigators, Map-Readers and Family Systems

By: on June 3, 2015

Sometimes I simply marvel at the convergence of concepts and ideas. One feeds the other, provides understanding and forges new connections. This has been true of our reading this week. As I write this I am in Tigard, Oregon, a short distance from the Seminary. I’ve been here since Monday for a face-to-face for Pastoral…

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From Russia, With Love…

By: on June 3, 2015

Currently, I am sitting in the Moscow airport. There are two children watching a movie with the sound turned to the highest decibel level possible, and a man has been systematically hammering at the tile floor for close to two hours. This all comes after a 12-hour transatlantic flight. I am tired. My words do…

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Uncomfortable Possibility

By: on June 3, 2015

“What churches need are not more entrepreneurial leaders with wonderful plans for their congregation’s life, but poets with the imagination and gifting to cultivate environments within which people might again understand how their traditional narratives apply to them today.”[1] I have written before about the beauty and challenges of my home church. Our church of…

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Uncertainty and Chaos the brothers of Change!

By: on June 3, 2015

Uncertainty and Chaos the brothers of change! June 3, 15 This reading was one that I will cherish a lot. I felt like God was talking to me and letting me know that chaos has purpose and its ok. I always feel like chaos is not bad because things that are business as usual get…

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The Space Between

By: on June 3, 2015

I’ve never been a fan of the Oreo cookie. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not the whole thing that I don’t like…I’m not that crazy. The cream part in the middle, that’s where you’ll find me. In fact when I was younger (hmmm, including yesterday) I used to remove the top cookie, eat the middle…

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Off the Map

By: on June 3, 2015

  “Churches are entering a nowhere land that has come into being in the turbulent waters of societal shift. We have become travelers with maps that are outdated and that no longer describe the landscape.”[1] This quote by Len Hjalmarson captures a key issue in church leadership. There are models of leadership and “doing church”…

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Navigating into the future

By: on June 2, 2015

The church I pastor, Alliance Bible Church, is in a place of uncertainty, or as Len Hjalmarson writes “a place of liminality… of a space in-between, a transition point, where old and new collide.” “Limina” is old Latin for threshold.[i] In some ways we wear our “liminality” as a badge – we’re a home of…

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Hjalmarson Knows My Church!

By: on June 2, 2015

I think Len Hjalmarson has attended my church! Hjalmarson’s articles perfectly captures the nature of my church and puts into words many of my concerns about the way my church functions. And his forecast for my church doesn’t look all that bright as our leaders would have us believe. A little background. I had spent…

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The church in Uganda and Africa is in transition

By: on June 1, 2015

While reading Len Hjalmarson’s article “Broken Futures-Adaptive Challenge and the Church in Transition” I was led to reflect on my travel to Uganda where I’ll be interacting with leaders who are eager to contribute to early childhood education and how the church in Uganda can apply an imaginative and restorative leadership to keep the totality…

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Tiger Mother—Puerto Rican Style

By: on May 30, 2015

I don’t know whether to laugh, scream, cry or simply be in a state of shock. This was my reaction as I read and flipped through the pages of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua. I found myself thinking, “Wow, I thought I had it rough when my mom took away certain…

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Avoiding Chua style parenting

By: on May 30, 2015

I must admit that I did not get a lot out of this week’s reading. Amy Chua had some good points in her book, Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Mother[1]. I agree with her that you should hold your children to high standards.   Chua stated that, “the Chinese mother believes that: Schoolwork always comes…

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Perhaps America Needs a Little More Tiger

By: on May 29, 2015

I was mesmerized by this book by Amy Chua entitled The Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. Chua’s book read like a personal journal of a sadistic-control-driven-mad-woman admitting the difficulties in parenting and the self-inflicted punishment and self-imposed grueling lifestyle of of being so driven. The story intrigued me that I finished the entire book…

11 responses

I Wasn’t That Mother, But Then Again…

By: on May 29, 2015

Maybe I should have been. Surprising words to hear from someone like me. By my own estimation I was probably one of those lenient, compromising mothers Amy Chau writes about in her splendid memoir, Battle of Hymn of the Tiger Mother. Memoirs, at least the very good ones, reveal as much as they inform. The…

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Voice and Choice

By: on May 29, 2015

I do not follow Facebook closely. I enjoy it as a connection with family and friends; it is not my preferred method of communication. On a recent post a neighbor shared a special achievement of his twelve year old son, Justin.[1] Justin has always been a good athlete and is involved in year-around sports. He…

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Looking Back on Tiger Mom

By: on May 28, 2015

This week’s reading was mysterious and wonderful. Amy Chua had me captivated in the breathtaking story of her amazing family – and her Chinese parenting style. Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother (2011) took a lot of courage to write, but even more courage to actually live out. After starting the book, I could not…

9 responses

Asian Theology

By: on May 28, 2015

In his book Grassroots Asian Theology: Thinking the Faith from the Ground Up, Simon Chan offers a fascinating look into the reality of Asian Theology. He draws a stark contrast between the official method of Asian theology and points to the more prevalent folk or grassroots theology of most Asians. Formal theology is often practiced…

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