By: Kyle Chalko on June 28, 2018
Deep Change by Robert E. Quinn is a phenomenal find and an excellent book to end our semester on. Although I was confused at first about why we were asked to purchase the field guide instead of the regular book, I quickly found out why. There is so much more here than just a regular…
By: Jennifer Williamson on June 28, 2018
Missionaries must be prepared for deep change, and while it is not written from a Christian perspective, Robert E; Quinn’s Deep Change Field Guide: A Personal Course to Discovering the Leader Within offers advice that must be heeded by those who wish to develop fruitful cross-cultural ministries. As I research missionary effectiveness and sustainability in…
By: Chris Pritchett on June 28, 2018
Quinn – Deep Change Field Guide It was in seminary at Princeton when I read Quinn’s book, Deep Change. It was a course on learning to do empirical research for the purpose of transforming an organization. Quinn’s thinking is not unlike that of Edwin Friedman, Ronald Heifetz, and Peter Steinke. Very similar to the idea…
By: Shawn Hart on June 28, 2018
I could not think of a better book to wrap up the hectic semester I have had…I almost wrote summer, but my summer is far from over. I must say, this has been the most challenging and difficult year I have ever had…without a doubt. In the past year and the next three months, this…
By: Mark Petersen on June 28, 2018
As this first year of our DMin studies concludes, I’m grateful to end with reflections on Robert Quinn’s Deep Change Field Guide as a bridge to moving forward with understanding ministry leadership in our globalized settings. Ministry practitioners such as those of us in this cohort must grapple with a world that is convulsing with…
By: Jim Sabella on June 28, 2018
I am a missionary. Through the years, many people have asked me—what exactly does a missionary do? Some ask for information purposes others are curious and still others, well let’s just say they can be somewhat less friendly. With the book Boxes and Saints in mind, here is my response. At the core of my…
By: Katy Drage Lines on June 28, 2018
Boxers[1] Bean garden revenge Op’ra gods fear foreign devils Storied people lost. Saints[2] Named but confused faith St Joan guides and inspires her Sacrificed, she saves. Epilogue More than religion Into church come thieves, murd’rs To West-branded faith. [1] Gene Luen Yang, Boxers…
By: Dan Kreiss on June 27, 2018
The Deep Change Field Guide by Robert Quinn seeks to encourage readers that genuine change is possible and that all are capable of eliciting real and deep change. There are only two main problems with this thought 1. Deep and 2. Change. Few people really enjoy doing things deeply as it’s frequently painful. Cleaning a…
By: Jennifer Dean-Hill on June 27, 2018
Prezi PDLP Presentation
By: Jennifer Dean-Hill on June 27, 2018
Once upon a time a boxer and a saint fight screams! Death to the saint. Fires rage, saints die boxers rage more war with saints seas of blood run wide. Saints love orphans well. Boxers kill the ones who love. Who is left to love? A country mourns deep as the ones…
By: Lynda Gittens on June 27, 2018
Most children want to be superheroes. During my childhood, we had Superman, Batman, Underdog, and Wonder Woman. Young boys were tying a towel around their neck jumping off of chairs or out of windows to immolate flying. For Batman, it was making the sound “Dudududududududu Batman!” with their sidekick Robin. And of course, Underdog!…
By: Mary Walker on June 27, 2018
For China?! What is China but a people and their stories?[1] Mei-wen to Bao Gene Luen Yang, a practicing Roman Catholic grew up in a Chinese American Catholic community in the Bay Area. He felt that Christianity and Chinese culture seemed to go hand-in-hand. His Chinese neighborhood served as…
By: Jake Dean-Hill on June 26, 2018
As I read the Deep Change book by Robert Quinn, I found a few powerful quotes that directly apply to a “deep change” that took place in my life a number of years ago. I feel it would most beneficial to me, and hopefully you, for me to tell my story in light of each…
By: Stu Cocanougher on June 26, 2018
China has a long history with Christianity. With written records going back over 4,000 years, it is one of the great ancient civilizations that is still in existence. Missionaries love to point out that the written Chinese language consists of word pictures (think hieroglyphics). Some of these word pictures mimic stories in the book…
By: Kristin Hamilton on June 26, 2018
Given permission to write this week’s post about Boxers and Saints, by Gene Luen Yang, in Haiku form, that’s what I am doing! Saint of Four Girl faith, Martyred at Little Bao’s hand; Champions, at what cost? And with that, the final blog post for my DMin coursework is complete! I will continue to post…
By: Mike on June 26, 2018
Robert Quinn’s, The Deep Change Field Guide, is a leader’s do-it-yourself (DIY) manual on how to achieve what he calls a “fundamental state of leadership.”[1] Purpose-centered, internally directed, other-focused, and externally open is Quinn’s primary goal for the serious reader and leader in today’s global framework. He challenges leaders to willingly undergo a radical personal…
By: Christal Jenkins Tanks on June 23, 2018
By: Dave Watermulder on June 22, 2018
I was sitting glumly in office of my spiritual director. It was in the week before Holy Week, and I was feeling stressed. As I looked ahead to all the special services and extra activities that lay ahead, I had the sense that everything was just happening tome, and that I had very little say…
By: Jim Sabella on June 22, 2018
Here is the link to my Finishing Well presentation.
By: Jean Ollis on June 21, 2018
Gene Luen Yang’s ‘Boxers’ and ‘Saints’, while delivered in quirky comic book style, tells a serious and important story about Chinese history and the boxer rebellion. “Not all of the Boxers are noble, and Yang highlights this as the Boxers’ fear of polluting “Yin” and misogynistic rumors about Westerners that partly fuel their disgust. Like…