Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Leadership Endorphins

By: on November 5, 2022

Leading Out of Who You Are by Simon P. Walker is a must-read for leaders. As a clergyman himself, Walker’s advice is noticeably grounded in his faith, however, his insights are powerful and valuable for anyone in a leadership role. Dr. Walker brilliantly identifies characteristics of leadership from a variety of perspectives and personality types…

15 responses

What All Has the Reformation Set into Motion?

By: on November 5, 2022

I found myself thinking again of a constellation of readings from our spring 2022 term as I read “The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution” by Carl R. Trueman:[1] “Evangelicalism in Modern Britain” by David W. Bebbington,[2] “The Protestant Work Ethic and the ‘Spirit’…

10 responses

Freedom to be Vulnerable

By: on November 4, 2022

My husband and I love going to the theater. Every year, we get season tickets to see the current Broadway productions. A night out at the theater is one of our favorite date nights. I love it when the lights go down and we are transported to another world. The actors often make the production…

9 responses

Content of Their Character

By: on November 4, 2022

In his book Leading Out of Who You Are, Simon Walker addresses the undefended leader’s character. The leader’s character sets one apart for genuine and authentic leadership. He describes the undefended leader as one whose character is morally upright due to being birthed by severe trials. Although he doesn’t specifically mention crucibles of fire, his…

9 responses

The mysterious thing we call influence

By: on November 4, 2022

Simon Walker’s Undefended Leader is a great book that I enjoyed reading. It has great insights for self-leadership and leading others. Like other clergymen reaching beyond the four corners of the church, his leadership insights can impact even those that have not found the church welcoming. As I read this book, it becomes clearer how…

10 responses

Finding Identity Within Today’s Culture

By: on November 4, 2022

Throughout my years of working with children, teens, young adults, and people in various countries, they all want to know the answers to the following questions: Who am I? Where do I belong? What is my purpose?[1] The culture, in which we live today, embraces expressive individualism and sexual identity politics [2] to the extent…

12 responses

Trust Based Church Environments

By: on November 3, 2022

Simon P Walker’s Leading Out of Who You Are is the first in a trilogy of books he writes about what he calls “undefended leadership”. Walker’s main assertion seems to be that undefended leadership is characterized not by knowledge or skill, but by who the leader is and the trust they establish with their followers.…

8 responses

Small Applications Toward Undefended Leading and Living

By: on November 3, 2022

Simon Walker’s book, Leading Out of Who You Are, Discovering the Secret of Undefended Leadership, presents a nontraditional approach to leadership and calls people to a transformational journey of self-reflection and discovery.[1] He believes that most leaders operate out of “defendedness,” an attempt to hang onto power by controlling how much of themselves they allow…

17 responses

The Light shines in the Darkness

By: on November 3, 2022

Carl R. Trueman is a professor of biblical and religious studies at Grove City College in Pennsylvania and an ordained minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. In his recent book, The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self, Truman extensively analyzes the modern and ongoing cultural transformation of sexual behaviors and self-identification that Christians face…

5 responses

A Matter of Trust

By: on November 3, 2022

This week’s reading of Leading Out of Who You Are by Simon Walker underlines how vital trust is in leadership. If followers don’t trust their leaders, they simply will not continue to follow. [1] In thinking of this trust relationship, I am naturally put in mind of Native Americans. Recent research says that 66% of…

12 responses

Two Pegs For All Commandments and Prophets

By: on November 3, 2022

Carl Trueman’s book, The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution offers his thesis that the western culture/society has collapsed as seen by humans’ acceptance and normalization of diversity in sexual identity.  Trueman’s argument is tethered to his outline of the journey of history that…

11 responses

The Kingdom of God is Within You

By: on November 3, 2022

In the 2020 book, “The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self,” by Carl Trueman, a comprehensive explanation of humanity’s need for self-identity, and its various manifestations, is thoughtfully explained to the Church. Trueman interprets these self-identity revolutions as “a much deeper and wider revolution in the understanding of what it means to be a…

7 responses

Fool me once…

By: on November 3, 2022

I admit that I was super excited when I saw the word anxiety. I immediately thought, “finally something I know something about”. I quickly changed my view as the author reminded the reader that this was not a book about traditional anxiety. It still sparked my interest. At some part I felt as if this…

3 responses

Rousseau to Freud to Cyrus for the Double…Entendre

By: on November 3, 2022

In The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self, Carl Trueman delves into a historical and philosophical study of identity. The premise comes early in chapter one, “the underlying argument of this book is that the sexual revolution, and its various manifestations in modern society, cannot be treated in isolation but must rather be interpreted…

9 responses

Cool or Christian?

By: on November 3, 2022

Christianity and Christian values are under attack. Seeking to address this disturbing development, Carl Trueman begins his landmark book, The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self by asking how has the current highly individualistic, iconoclastic, sexually obsessed, and materialistic mindset come to triumph in the West? Or, to put the question in a more…

10 responses

Less To Do With Sex & Everything To Do With Identity

By: on November 1, 2022

“Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.” Author Rod Dreher introduces The Rise of Triumph of the Modern Self by connecting to the famous words of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. He then says, Ordinary Christians need – desperately need – a more profound and holistic grasp of the modern and postmodern condition… The Rise…

10 responses

A Better Metric for Strong Leadership

By: on November 1, 2022

“Why is he seen as a leader?” This was on my mind often when this ministry leader at the megachurch I worked at came to mind. The staff culture possessed a great emphasis on “leadership.” A “strong” leader was taken seriously and had a future within the organization. This particular ministry leader, we’ll call him…

7 responses

The Trueman Show: A Fairytale of Human Ontology

By: on November 1, 2022

“Indeed, if we strive to be too good we only engender the opposite reaction in the unconscious. If we try to live too much in the light, a corresponding amount of darkness accumulates within.”[1] – John A. Sanford Shadow work is the process of integrating the individual or collective parts that have been largely hidden,…

7 responses

Nicodemus welcomed Jesus backstage

By: on November 1, 2022

How then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things?   Simon Walker, in his book Leading out of Who You Are, brilliantly “steals like an artist” [1] and adopts Erving Goffman’s theory on human behavior with “the metaphor of a theatre.” [2] He describes people having a front stage where they can present…

2 responses