Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Where Have All the Leaders Gone?

By: on January 25, 2024

I will never forget the day the world shut down. The closing on our 65-year-old church building was just a week away and we were 80% of the way moved out with just a few more things to donate and sell. The storage units were filled. We had already started meeting at a movie theatre…

6 responses

“The Conversation IS The Relationship”

By: on January 25, 2024

Drawing from nearly two decades of conversations with Fortune 500 executives, Susan Scott offers fresh and surprising alternatives to the “best practices” wreaking havoc on today’s businesses. In her book, Fierce Leadership, she states, “Our careers, our companies, our personal relationships, and our very lives succeed or fail, gradually then suddenly-one conversation at a time.”1…

11 responses

Embracing New Realities with Reassuring Calm

By: on January 25, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic happened to all of us. It is our common lived experience. Though not as globally impactful I experienced regional viral epidemics and the ensuing public health interventions while living in Vietnam. The first in 2003 when SARS was diagnosed in Hanoi, quickly followed in 2004 by H5N1 better known as the Avian…

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Elephants and Lions

By: on January 25, 2024

Before moving into my current position as an associate Pastor, I had a bizarre, but incredibly powerful dream. According to Daniel Lieberman, and several stories in Jewish-Christian history, dreams can be an effective vehicle for the subconscious or God to get our attention. [i] This dream may have been the Spirit speaking through my subconscious or…

11 responses

מלחמות ושמועות מלחמות – Wars and Rumors of Wars

By: on January 25, 2024

מלחמות ושמועות מלחמות (pronounced: melchamot veshemuot melchamot) – Aramaic for Wars and rumors of wars. Part 1:  Introduction Part 2: What lessons I took from Annabel Part 3: Impact on GoodSports Ukraine Selah Introduction: Matthew 24:6-7 (New King James Version): “And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not…

6 responses

Embracing Shift: Developing Leader Resilience in The Face of Adjustment

By: on January 25, 2024

Leaders make a difference. They move people to new places – physically, psychologically, emotionally, spiritually – that they could not have achieved alone. They provide inspiration, courage, conviction, hope, and comfort. -Annabel Beerel-   About a week ago, I saw a news ticker on one of our national television networks. The news ticker contains news…

8 responses

Culture….It Matters!

By: on January 24, 2024

Defining Culture I read a book about 20 years ago for one of my Graduate Programs. The book, Culture Matters, is a collection of essays written by social scientists, scholars, journalists, and practitioners. I read it from cover to cover, long before inspectional reading was introduced to me. It is worth mentioning that it was…

8 responses

Reflections on Transpersonal Leadership

By: on January 24, 2024

“Leaders need to have complex cognitive structures so that they can adapt to, accommodate, and transcend challenging circumstances. On the one hand, they need strong egos to tolerate the tension of standing alone and not being easily overwhelmed. On the other, they need to be sensitive to their inner drives and ego defenses and be…

7 responses

Who To Become When You Really Don’t Know What’s Coming

By: on January 23, 2024

Praxis leaders[1] Dave Blanchard and Andy Crouch presented a webinar in the Summer of 2020 called, “Leading Without a Forecast: What to Do When You Really Don’t Know What’s Coming,”[2] on the heels of their timely article, “Leading Beyond the Blizzard: Why Every Organization is Now a Startup.”[3]  In their introduction, Andy tells the story of the…

8 responses

What I wish I knew in March, 2020

By: on January 22, 2024

I’ve always felt comfortable leading. From early in my life, I could naturally envision a preferred future, could see obstacles to that future, and then rally others around overcoming challenges to accomplishing that vision. I’ve been professionally serving in some form of leadership for over 35 years, and along the way I picked up a…

16 responses

Responding to the “Signs of the Times”

By: on January 22, 2024

A Call to Action In my organization, we have historically been led by a Catholic order of Sisters. Just over 10 years ago, that group of They developed a booklet that we refer to as Hopes and Aspirations. Offered as a gift, it was a collection of guidance for future leaders. It is filled with…

5 responses

Rethinking Reading

By: on January 22, 2024

In the Amplified Version of Ecclesiastes 12:12 Solomon says: “But beyond this my son, [about going further than the words given by one Shepherd], be warned: the writing of many books is endless [so do not believe everything you read], and excessive study and devotion to books is wearying to the body.” To that end,…

11 responses

Leader wanted: Courage required

By: on January 22, 2024

Written against the backdrop of the COVID19 pandemic, Rethinking Leadership: A critique of Contemporary Theories by Annabel Beerel succeeds in its stated goal. In her opening pages, Beerel stresses the need for “sharp leaders who are cognitively savvy and emotionally astute” to lead us into the future.[1] She writes to emerging, learning leaders in order…

7 responses

Changing World Deepening Courage

By: on January 22, 2024

The world is changing and fast. We’ve been reading about some of these changes, especially when it comes to the world of AI. In her blog post, Eve Poole writes, “Whether or not – and when – the robots will take over is a moot point.”[1] It’s happening. With the pace of my personal and…

8 responses

Make AI Robot in Our Own Image?

By: on January 18, 2024

As humans we are designed for greatness, and we have the capacity to make far greater creatures, ones that are even more human than us, not less. -Eve Poole-   My denomination underwent a significant shift in theological framework. Since its founding in 1948, our denomination has consistently positioned humans as the focal point of…

6 responses

The Divine Spark

By: on January 18, 2024

“The Creation of Adam” by Michelangelo “The concept of the Divine Spark has captivated the human imagination for centuries, transcending cultural and religious boundaries to illuminate the profound essence that resides within each individual. Rooted in various spiritual traditions, philosophical teachings, and mystical experiences, the Divine Spark represents a source of divine energy or consciousness…

11 responses

AI and January 20, 2030

By: on January 18, 2024

Consider the following headlines, which are all based on true policies: Homeless Shelters Perpetuate Homelessness Drug Busts Increase Drug-Related Crime Food Aid Increases Starvation “Get Tough” Prison Sentences Fail to Reduce the Fear of Violent Crime Job Training Programs Increase Unemployment1 What is going on here? Why do seemingly well-intentioned policies produce the opposite of…

6 responses