Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Striking Gold

By: on January 18, 2023

The book Mining for Gold: Developing Kingdom Leaders through Coaching by Tom Camacho contains frequent historical stories about people who struck gold, and after reading this book, I feel like I could add my name to the list. The book provides a philosophy and framework for healthy Leadership Coaching, which is helpful, but my ‘Eureka’…

9 responses

Isten a vezetők bányásza és finomítój.

By: on January 18, 2023

Isten a vezetők bányásza és finomítój.  (Hungarian ) God is the miner and Refiner of leaders. That is how Imre Balogh translated Camacho’s words for me this morning.  He called from Hungary to tell me that he and his newly married wife were expecting a little girl.  Imi (his nickname) was my pitcher on the…

5 responses

We Do Not Always Get to Coach a David

By: on January 18, 2023

I have always enjoyed the story of Samuel. From his mother crying in the temple to the head- scratching episode of Endor, his story has been an absorbing page turner that never gets old to me. His steadfastness and devotion to God when those around him lose their way resonates deeply with me. (As an…

18 responses

Fitted for a New Hat

By: on January 18, 2023

“That’s insane. Why not start another worship service within the church you are currently serving,” the coach asked me. I had been going through a year of discernment, telling two churches “No, thank you” after they offered for me to serve as their senior pastor, and had been approached by two other couples in the…

13 responses

Mining For Treasure

By: on January 17, 2023

The last two and a half years of leadership reading, and discovery got me asking these questions, what is the purpose of the church, and are we fulfilling our missional purpose. I have observed a number of churches with cute catch phrases, and mission statements. But are those expressions of cleaver branding or God’s desired…

8 responses

Developing Kingdom Leaders or Kingdom People?

By: on January 17, 2023

Tom Camacho is clearly passionate about developing leaders—you can ‘feel’ his passion for the topic throughout the pages of his book, Mining For Gold. Here are some of my thoughts about a few of his points: Points I Appreciate (Or a few specific ones among many): • I appreciate his vision to develop people—whether ‘lay…

12 responses

Goldmining at the margins

By: on January 17, 2023

Mining for Gold discusses leadership development through coaching. Specifically, coaching that integrates biblical principles with identity, purpose and strengths. The book is divided into two parts comprising of six chapters each. The first part focuses on the process of discovering God’s gift in one’s life, and the second part on refining or developing the gift. To…

16 responses

Hope for the Future

By: on January 17, 2023

Comacho has taken a brilliant approach in weaving the analogy of gold refinement and applying it to the realm of coaching for Kingdom leadership development. The idea of refining, becoming, and empowering drew me as a teenager to Job 23:10. I memorized it and often quoted it to myself through the years. Though I was…

9 responses

Let everyone learn to sail

By: on January 17, 2023

“I have found that almost every leader asks these two questions of God: Who have you created me to be? What have you created me to do to serve you and your kingdom?” [1]  Aren’t those the very questions that most Christians ask themselves sooner or later? I would even venture to say that non-Christians…

7 responses

Fool’s Gold

By: on January 16, 2023

As a child I always loved a good adventure. I would often reenact “Little House on the Prairie” (1)scenes outside discovering new unfound places and things. One of these adventures was to find gold or other gems that would make us rich so all our problems would disappear. Armed with a sifter and a shovel…

11 responses

They said it… Willpower won’t fix it!

By: on January 16, 2023

So often in the new year we make New Year’s resolutions, convinced that this new year will be the year that we will overcome all our vices and change the way we live… because we are motivated this year. “We will do it this year!” Then life happens and we fail for the first time,…

4 responses

We Need Barnabas!

By: on January 16, 2023

I enjoyed reading Tom Comacho, Mining for Gold: Developing Kingdom Leaders. [1] However Dr. Clark challenged to not hold back anymore, “to have more confidence with my anointing and prophetic gifting, for some reason I seem to hold back” I gave him some lame excuses and blamed some things on Covid and how I don’t…

5 responses

Gold Mine

By: on January 16, 2023

“We are called as leaders to mine for the gold in others, cooperate with God as he refines that gold and then help them invest that gold in the kingdom.” (Camacho 2019, 4)  God has prepared a gold mine, the treasure of His image in every human being.  It is incredibly humbling to consider that…

10 responses

The Pressure is Off – A Pastoral Paradigm Shift

By: on January 15, 2023

Youth ministry was not the career path I desired. Though pastoring has been the dream since I was 18 years old, I rarely saw myself as a youth pastor. A senior pastor? Absolutely. Youth pastor? In the words of Moses, “Pardon your servant, Lord. Please send someone else.” To my surprise, I have served in…

7 responses

Desire for More

By: on January 14, 2023

I felt it early, even as a child. The bone deep desire for something more. Do the right thing. Get the good grades. Don’t cause waves. Control is my addiction and approval my vice. I am chasing, always chasing. Trying. Yearning. Wanting. Numbing. I live in bondage…to myself. The fatal flaw of humanity is a…

7 responses

A Challenge to Change

By: on January 13, 2023

A survey in 2018 showed that Indonesian reading interest was ranked 62nd in the world. [1] Somehow, I was not too surprised by that survey. Honestly, I seem to be one of the people mentioned in that survey. I do not hate books, but hard for me to put reading books as my top priority,…

12 responses

“When the going gets rough, turn to inquiry and wonder”

By: on January 13, 2023

“When the going gets rough, turn to inquiry and wonder”, is a guideline taught by Parker Palmer as one of many guidelines that promote a “circle of trust.”[1].  Trust is an important word for most of us.  As I reflect on myself and this journey into the Doctorate world, I recognize the layers of trust…

13 responses

Dopamine Moments

By: on January 13, 2023

It is with great delight that the authors of The Molecule of More deliver on their promise of revealing how a single chemical “will determine the fate of the human race.”[1] This single chemical is dopamine and it is getting its fair share of the attention in the media and popular works, and rightfully so,…

4 responses


By: on January 13, 2023

To start, I would say that these readings help me to gather my  thoughts and to point me in the direction that I needed to go. In gathering myself to start this blogging is like trying to start a car with dead battery, but anyway I guess if I just start writing something I might…

8 responses


By: on January 13, 2023

Without critical thinking, how can we really live a meaningful life? We need this skill to self-reflect and justify our ways of life and opinions. Critical thinking provides us with the tools to evaluate ourselves in the way that we need to. Over the years I have done well at taking apart my life to…

11 responses