Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

“To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before!”

By: on January 25, 2023

I’m not a trekkie! I’ve never been a Star Trek fan. I don’t particularly like science fiction. Back to the Future is as far as I go. To the trekkies out there, please don’t take offense. My family is full of Star Trek lovers. Believe me, I have viewed all iterations of  Star Trek dating…

17 responses

Turning Failure Into Success

By: on January 24, 2023

As we go through the doctoral program, we learn and apply from each book we read, blog, and discuss. I have personally found that I am learning a great deal through my colleagues. In Monday’s zoom class, I again realized what a gift it is to be in this program. How do I slow down…

8 responses

Are All Threshold Concepts (And Liminality) Created Equally?

By: on January 24, 2023

The challenge with this week’s reading—beyond the hard work of engaging in areas of study that are well outside of my understanding—is narrowing down the numerous thoughts I had while reading these papers (some of that reading more ‘inspectional’ than others!). Here are a few places my thoughts went to as I read: First, while…

13 responses

Threshold Concepts in Ministry Development

By: on January 23, 2023

Recently I watched the 2016 film “The Arrival” in which 12 extraterrestrial spacecraft visit Earth. Mild spoiler alert: It turns out that how people engage with the aliens leads to a major threshold moment for humanity and alters the course of history. Last week I read the story of Jacob in Genesis. Jacob sent everything…

13 responses

Oh, Now I Get It!

By: on January 23, 2023

I considered titling this blog post “Threshold Concepts for Dummies” because after reading these two extensive and comprehensive books I felt like, well…a dummy. I’m not being self-deprecating; I honestly felt dumb. I’ve been reading, thinking, studying, and pontificating large biblical/theological concepts for many, many years, and yet I have not been exposed to this…

10 responses

A New Way of Seeing

By: on January 23, 2023

The term threshold concepts inherently speaks of movement and flow from one place to another. Learners have a “transformative” experience where they understand previously “troublesome” knowledge, often by “integrating” concepts from multiple disciplines. The result of this experience is an “irreversible” clarity that is nonetheless “bounded”[i]. If that definition was a bit opaque at first,…

8 responses

Trouble’s Coming!

By: on January 23, 2023

This week, I finished my LCP Assessment. If you have done yours, you know it asks for names of people who have influenced you in your career path. One of the names on my list is Don Harrison[1], who is a consultant we have used in the past, and from whom I have received various…

10 responses

Learning why to drive

By: on January 23, 2023

a young man behind the wheel of a car I wondered while watching the TEDx video if Dr. Coven has the gift of prophecy as he described the idea of a threshold concept as he used the example of a new driver learning to drive. My son is 17 and about to embark on in-car driving lessons. However, the journey to get him to…

9 responses

Бар’єри для навчання та момент «Ага»

By: on January 23, 2023

Бар’єри для навчання та момент «Ага», (Ukrainian) Barriers to Education and the Aha moment Part 1 – Barriers to Education (from an ESL perspective) I teach Ukrainian refugees on job training on Wednesdays. Mondays and Wednesdays I teach Central and South Americans in Intermediate Grammar. As an English as a Second Language teacher, I am…

13 responses

The Rise of Coaching

By: on January 21, 2023

 “You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to PUT OFF YOUR OLD SELF, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires;  to be MADE NEW in the attitude of your minds and to PUT ON THE NEW SELF, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.”   EPHESIANS 4:22-24  According to Forbes…

10 responses

Jesus Self-Differentiates

By: on January 21, 2023

Doctor Seuss’ books were a favorite growing up. I remember a less popular Doctor Seuss book titled: “Are You My Mother?” As a young child I thought it was pretty silly to follow the main character, a little bird, on his journey to find who his mother was. Asking who my mother is could be…

4 responses

Be faithful and available to Mining Gold~

By: on January 20, 2023

Mining for Gold is a book on developing Christian leaders through coaching written by Tom Camacho. Tom Camacho started his leadership experience first in the military as an officer and a pilot, then moved on to human resources and leadership development role in the GE corporate world. Then into answering the calling to the ministry…

5 responses

Coaching and Pastoring… Is there a difference?

By: on January 20, 2023

What’s the difference between pastoring and coaching? I have to admit that I have held a negative view of coaching born from life-coaches who have taken advantage of and given horrible advice to my sister-in-law. Tom Camacho’s Mining for Gold gave me a new perspective on coaching. At its core, Camacho states that “mining for…

6 responses

Look for the Next Person Up

By: on January 20, 2023

“We always look for the next person up.” This rang through my ears with enough pure elation that it would be an understate to say that it made my day. It was said to me by a women in her seventies as we debriefed interviewing candidates for an open staff position. She said it with…

6 responses

Empowerment: Modeled or Read?

By: on January 20, 2023

Reading Mining for Gold by Tom Camacho brought back strong memories of Bill Burnett’s and Dave Evan’s New York Times best-selling book, Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived Joy-Filled Life. The similarities between the two books are almost identical in theme: True happiness comes from designing a life that works for you.  On…

11 responses

Leadership Clarity

By: on January 20, 2023

Mining for Gold by Tom Camacho is an inspirational and empowering book that encourages readers to take risks and find success in their lives. The book dives deep into the concept of gold mining and makes the correlation of how we can use our own life experiences to uncover hidden gems within ourselves and others.…

11 responses


By: on January 20, 2023

“Thriving kingdom leaders are like pure gold. They are very valuable and they are quite scarce. Loving, fruitful and multiplying leaders are works of art, masterpieces fashioned by the hands of God himself. Like trees bearing fruit in season, their leaves don’t wither and they fulfil the call God has for their lives (Camacho, Tom.…

11 responses

The Transformational Power of Great Questions

By: on January 20, 2023

In “Mining for Gold: Developing Kingdom Leaders through Coaching,” Tom Camacho offers a guidebook to his leadership development theory, a theory that integrates key life coaching skills and scripturally informed leadership practices and perspectives. He writes, “We must get a new lens on leadership. We need to develop the skills of Coaching Leadership.”[1] His book…

12 responses