Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World


By: on January 30, 2023

From 2004-2010 American television had a show that ran for six seasons on ABC.  The show was called LOST, and I, along with my family and close friends, were HOOKED. Each week we would tune in live, or watch it downloaded from iTunes, to see what was gonna happen to Hugo, Sawyer, Jack, Sayid, Kate,…

12 responses

Eternity in our hearts

By: on January 30, 2023

According to Time Magazine, Joseph Campbell wrote one of the 100 most influential books of the 20th century in “The Hero With A Thousand Faces.”[1] I had been exposed to Campbell’s work through a Psychology course I took as an undergraduate; we were assigned to watch “The Power of Myth”, the 1988 series of PBS…

15 responses

Threshold Concept & Story telling.

By: on January 30, 2023

Threshold Concept “…that knowledge should indeed be ‘troubling’ in order for it to be transformative, this book provides new perspectives on helping students through such conceptual difficulty in order to enhance learning and teaching environments (Meyer and land, 2006).” The barriers to understanding exits when intellectual and practical comprehension is absent. Basically, one can crosses…

6 responses

Ua Mau ke Ea o ka ʻĀina i ka Pono

By: on January 30, 2023

I have two things in common with Joseph Campbell, we both grew up as Catholic/Animists. As a reminder, “Animism is the belief that everything has a soul or spirit, an anima in Latin, including animals, plants, rocks, mountains, rivers, and stars. Animists believe each anima is a powerful spirit that can help or hurt them…

6 responses

Inner Ogres

By: on January 30, 2023

Joseph Campbell’s seminal work points to an underlying reality that myth and story speak to the human heart (or as Campbell would call it, the psyche). Through story we instruct, we connect, we inspire and persuade, and we even rejoice. It’s also how we deal with our imperfection, our brokenness. As Campbell says, “Modern literature…

7 responses

Follow Your Bliss?

By: on January 29, 2023

(Note: I have no idea why the font changes from a light black to a bolded black. I played with all the options to change font and boldness, etc and nothing would work.) Most of us have probably read the quote by Joseph Campbell, “Follow your bliss.” I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it on many…

12 responses

A Call to Adventure

By: on January 29, 2023

First Stage of the Journey:  Call to Adventure It is a scary place to be. . . the moment you leave the status quo and pursue a call to adventure.  It was March 23, 2021 for me.  I was an elementary school teacher, Kindergarten, to be exact.  School was supposed to be closed for two…

6 responses

Unlocking Triangles

By: on January 29, 2023

Whoever coined the phrase, “there are two sides to every story,” never studied systems theory or emotional triangles. Based on chapter seven of Edwin Friedman’s book A Failure of Nerve, it seems there are actually three sides to most relational issues–the  perspective of the two parties at the root of the struggle and that of…

3 responses

The Genesis paradigm, which is Traditional Christian teaching on gender, and the modern prevailing gender paradigm are at variance and causing friction across many spheres of life, which way should the Church go?

By: on January 28, 2023

We are living in interesting times, and I often find myself trying to reconcile my mind with things that are hard to believe are happening because they defy logic and convention. Where are they coming from, this is a question I find myself asking many times as I look at the trends in our world…

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Anxious Conversations

By: on January 27, 2023

There is no better masterclass in leadership than Failure of Nerve. It brilliantly diagnosis the problem of modern society and the lack of leadership, only to invite the leader to look at themselves to understand where the problems truly lies. This is the unique and timeless perspective that Friedman offers in the ubiquitous leadership environment…

9 responses

Vision of Restoration

By: on January 27, 2023

In this book, The Genesis of Gender, Dr. Abigail Favale presents her current Christian position on the question of gender by bringing her personal experiences and professional expertise in a theological framework that is written in a style of using and weaving many personal stories together. Favale writes to tell many real stories of different…

6 responses

Perfect Power in Weakness

By: on January 27, 2023

Edwin H. Friedman’s book A Failure of Nerve “Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix” is excellent; Friedman’s unique experience and observation on leadership took him to different essential spheres of our society, including family, church, and politics. There are several lessons; I want to look at some and will reference some other resources…

7 responses

What’s that song? … The Second Time Around

By: on January 27, 2023

Anxiety Disorder: Separation anxiety (f93.0) Developmentally inappropriate and excessive fear or anxiety concerning separation from those to whom the individual is attached. Selective mutism (f94.0) Consistent failure to speak in specific social situations in which there is an expectation for speaking despite speaking in other situations. Specific phobia (f40.248) Marked fear or anxiety about a…

5 responses

Stories in Pictures

By: on January 27, 2023

Somewhere in the midst of storms, voluntary evacuation, and quick trips back to our property to grab what we needed, I grabbed the wrong book. I did my reading and wrote my blog post on our flight home. I went to post last night and realized that the book I grabbed was Thinking, Fast and Slow…

2 responses

Unraveling the Gender Paradigm Ball of Yarn

By: on January 27, 2023

One of the theology students recently visiting Lebanon shared this concept from one of her professors: “read and listen with critical generosity.” What I took from her explanation is the invitation to listen and read with a critical posture rooted in scholarship and a generous application of the famous prayer of St. Francis—one line of…

14 responses

Breaking The Barriers, Passing Through The Portal

By: on January 27, 2023

A year ago, my son and daughter (9 and 7 years old) asked me, daddy is there any portal in this world for us to go to another dimension? Then the next question that surprised me quite a bit was, daddy, is there any portal in the world for us to go to heaven and meet…

6 responses


By: on January 26, 2023

Mitchell Airport in Milwaukee, WI is known as one of the “happier” airports in the USA.  Why you ask?  Well Barry Bateman  the former airport director who retired in 2020, Bateman made up the word and suggested the signage in order to add some comic relief to what can be a tense aspect of air travel. …

10 responses