Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

FInding Safe Places in London

By: on December 15, 2013

First Impressions The London Advance for the George Fox Theological Seminary Doctoral Program (September 2013) introduced me to two wonderful places of safety and joy.  The first was found on Sunday afternoon, when my introverted nature draw me away from my cohort to fulfill my passion as a world traveler: to get closer to everyday…

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Next Station… Piccadilly Circus

By: on December 15, 2013

For many years I have dreamt about someday visiting Europe, especially the city of London.  This past September my dream came true, and it certainly did not disappoint. In late September, my wife and I boarded a plane for London to participate in my second travel advance through George Fox Evangelical Seminary.  Throughout my time…

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A Prodigal Visual Ethnography of London

By: on December 12, 2013

Introduction Pink argues that Visual Ethnography should entail a personal, subjective and reflexive orientation.[1]  As such, I have chosen to present a personal visual ethnography of London that intersects with my research and ministry interests and the concepts that I have recently learned in DMIN 737 elucidated by photos I personally took while participating in…

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Fox or CNN

By: on December 11, 2013

Fox or CNN – The Matrix of Christian Ethics – Nullens & Michener In this fascinating book, ethics are reexamined in light of worldview and a methodological Christian interpretation. I’m convinced more and more of the leverage or influence worldview has on all of our mental inputs and outputs.  Rationality often seems to be cast…

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Looking Forward and Past in London

By: on December 10, 2013

Looking Forward and Past in London dminlgp: Looking Forward and Past in London Visual Ethnography Project – Looking Forward and Past in London – Phil Smart There is tension in corporate religious life. Although some would like to live their Christianity in solitude or apart from a traditional community of believers, the reality is that…

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Looking Forward and Past in London

By: on December 10, 2013

Looking Forward and Past in London Visual Ethnography Project – Looking Forward and Past in London – Phil Smart There is tension in corporate religious life.  Although some would like to live their Christianity in solitude or apart from a traditional community of believers, the reality is that most will, and need, to be associated…

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Capture the moment

By: on December 10, 2013

1. No pictures, please! “Needing to have reality confirmed and experience enhanced by photographs is an aesthetic consumerism to which everyone is now addicted.” Susan Sontag We live in a very visual world. There is almost no mystery left; everything is made visible. By bringing it to light (developing the negatives), the positives reveal, what…

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Evangelicalism and a Life Time of Studying the Bible

By: on December 7, 2013

I vividly remember preparing for my very first sermon after I had graduated from Seminary. I parsed the Greek verbs from the passage; I applied all the hermeneutic principles learned from the Bible classes I had taken. I listed all the interpretations of words on one side of a sheet of paper and listed all…

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Exclusivity of Evangelicalism and Exclusion of Culture

By: on December 6, 2013

I have just returned from a ten day visit to mission field in eastern India.  The purpose was ministry as well as field research to study and understand the socio cultural practices of a particular tribe in the region and the reason for their growing interest in Christianity.  have been very receptive to evangelism efforts…

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The Bible as a Weapon?

By: on December 5, 2013

When I was young, Sunday school teachers described the Bible in many ways to make it practical for us. It was like a map for life. When a person applied its principles it would lead to a good life. I was like a toolbox, ready to be used for whatever was needed in life. It…

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Emerging conversations

By: on December 5, 2013

Respectful conversations In may 2013 Harold Heie, Senior Fellow of the Colossian Forum (TCF) and Rob Barrett, TCF Director of Fellows and Forums launched an online project called “respectful conversations.” They felt the urge to initiate conversations. It was their goal to take immediate steps to encourage and help facilitate forums for respectful conversation regarding important…

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Respect and Inclusivism

By: on December 5, 2013

What it means to be an Evangelical is under debate. Some want to draw narrow boundaries, others want to draw broader boundaries. Consensus is a pipe dream. Unfortunately, when conversations do occur many speak past each other, as opposed to each other. When folks with differing views do engage each other, it can seem more…

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American Evangelicalism and Nuclear Energy

By: on December 5, 2013

When I was a young boy, my dad loved taking me fishing.  In fact, I loved the time with him as well.  Often we would travel approximately 20 miles and launch our boat on the Susquehanna River.  One of our favorite fishing holes was located about two miles from the launch, it was known as…

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How I Got Over

By: on December 3, 2013

I will be honest with you.  I often get frustrated with exercises such as “Respectful Conversations.”   That is not to say that the ideas and conversations aren’t valuable or worthy, it is just that attempting to cobble together an evangelical consensus is pretty impossible.  Evangelicalism really is a movement, wild and uncontrollable.  It consists of…

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Respectful Conversations

By: on December 2, 2013

As I read the variety of articles in Robert Heie’s blog project “Respectful Conversation” a theme threaded its way throughout the writings.  The theme was “How?”  How do we approach these topics from an Evangelical Christian perspective?  It seems there is the knowledge within Evangelicalism that topics such as science, politics, education, and morality need…

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By: on December 2, 2013

I absolutely love to drive and especially when I can drive a sports car down windy hilly roads in the country!  There is something about shifting down into a curve and throwing the balance of the car at just the right time and powering up and through the curve and finding the next gear even…

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Respectful Conversations on Diversity

By: on December 1, 2013

I found these short readings to be very insightful and relevant. I was drawn to sections in which worldview and contextualization – in which part of my semester’s thesis is based upon – were highlighted. Worldview should play such a strong part in our decisions, beliefs and actions, but yet doesn’t.  Richardson assumes that believers…

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Open Leadership in my Company?

By: on November 23, 2013

Charlene Li in her book Open Leadership: how social technology can transform the way you lead explains how social media has changed the way organizations must lead in the future. With Facebook, twitter and blogs, the customer is king and can reward or punish a company by pushing a button. I know my wife will…

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Fail fast, fail smart

By: on November 22, 2013

Barcamps are highly participatory user-generated formats, where people meet to network, share and learn. Attendants of barcamps provide the content themselves. This participant-driven concept seeks to enable exchange on an eye-level. My organization Kirche2 planned two barcamps for November. We thought of it as a further step for our project. After a big conference, we…

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