By: Stefania Tarasut on December 10, 2014
Here it is Friends!! Happy Christmas! Please let me know if you have trouble seeing it.
By: Mitch Arbelaez on December 9, 2014
Attached you will find my VE presentation. It is more or less a read along with pictures. Just click into this title and then click the link below when it turns blue. Blessings to each of you! In The Shadow of The Mountain by J. Mitch Arbelaez Cape Town Review 2014
By: Travis Biglow on December 9, 2014
By: Clint Baldwin on December 9, 2014
Friends, Here is a bit of reflection on our semester together. I’ve had a bit of trouble with the file (apparently it’s a bit larger). You may have to actually download it to view. I hope the link works for everyone. Blessed Advent to all! Clint Ubuntu not Apartheid by Clint Baldwin
By: Dawnel Volzke on December 9, 2014
Romans 12:2 (ESV) says, “do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” I’ve come to see that sometimes one needs to venture out of their comfort zone into…
By: Brian Yost on December 9, 2014
Two days of travel with cramped airline seats and long layovers brought me to Cape Town excited, but exhausted. I was ready for a good meal, a long hot shower, and a comfortable bed… Click here to keep reading–Yost_dmin171_VEsynthesis
By: Richard Volzke on December 9, 2014
My personal interest: My time in Cape Town has taught me that people, no matter their origin, all have the same hopes and dreams. A need we all have is to be accepted and respected by our peers. It has only been a little more than twenty years since the end to apartheid in…
By: Liz Linssen on December 8, 2014
By: Bill Dobrenen on December 8, 2014
Greetings to all! My file is too large with pics to post to our site so this is the text only version of my VE Synthesis paper. If you would like to see the whole enchilada with pics, you can download the file through this link: I hope the link works for you. I…
By: Deve Persad on December 8, 2014
As I write this post I’m looking at a painting I purchased in the Capetown harbour market. Having the chance to meet the artist and his brother, helped me to understand the real life application of many of the stories we heard while in South Africa. Their story does not appear in my report or…
By: Carol McLaughlin on December 8, 2014
Thank you for the privilege of sharing this learning journey. The meaning of our motto, Never Above, Never Below, Always Beside continues to unfold. links to visual ethnography: Flickr Haiku Deck (pretty new format, decided to give it a try). Word. doc McLaughlin_dmin737_VEsynthesis
By: John Woodward on December 5, 2014
To My LGP4 Cohort, Advisors, and Staff, Thank you for an amazing experience this semester. What a blessing to share this learning with all of you. My best wishes to all of you for a blessed and joyous Christmas season. In His Mercy, John Woodward woodward dmin737 VEsynthesis
By: rhbaker275 on December 5, 2014
Baker_DMIN737_VEsynthesis What a great experience we shared. I thank all the cohort members and special thanks to staff who worked for well over a year to provide us this great leaning experience. A very happy Christmas to you and your family. Ron
By: Mary Pandiani on December 4, 2014
You can check out my initial foray into using Prezi (be sure to choose the 10 second interval for the music) at this site: Most of the pictures in the Prezi you’ll know from the GFS Facebook blog. But this one above you might not have seen – it best expresses my…
By: Jon Spellman on December 3, 2014
Spellman_dmin717_VEsynthesis MED RES
By: Julie Dodge on December 2, 2014
I wish you all a wonderful Christmas season, celebrating our Saviour! We’ll chat soon, no? Dodge_DMIN737_VESynthesis
By: Phillip Struckmeyer on December 1, 2014
By: Nick Martineau on December 1, 2014
This was a fun assignment. I hope in Hong Kong to take better pictures now that I have a better idea of expectations. Peace to you all and praying for you as you finish up your work this week. Word Download: Martineau_dmin717_VEsynthesis
By: Ashley Goad on November 30, 2014
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Happy First Sunday in Advent, friends. VE Paper: I Love to Tell the Story VE Presentation: CapeTown Advance
By: Stefania Tarasut on November 27, 2014
What I appreciated it about Charlene Li’s book Open Leadership: How Social Technology Can Transform the Way You Lead, is the way she describes the organizational models. She talks about three models that seem to be dominant in our culture, organic, centralized and coordinated. It seems to me that open leadership is taking the best…