Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Perhaps America Needs a Little More Tiger

By: on May 29, 2015

I was mesmerized by this book by Amy Chua entitled The Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. Chua’s book read like a personal journal of a sadistic-control-driven-mad-woman admitting the difficulties in parenting and the self-inflicted punishment and self-imposed grueling lifestyle of of being so driven. The story intrigued me that I finished the entire book…

11 responses

I Wasn’t That Mother, But Then Again…

By: on May 29, 2015

Maybe I should have been. Surprising words to hear from someone like me. By my own estimation I was probably one of those lenient, compromising mothers Amy Chau writes about in her splendid memoir, Battle of Hymn of the Tiger Mother. Memoirs, at least the very good ones, reveal as much as they inform. The…

6 responses

Voice and Choice

By: on May 29, 2015

I do not follow Facebook closely. I enjoy it as a connection with family and friends; it is not my preferred method of communication. On a recent post a neighbor shared a special achievement of his twelve year old son, Justin.[1] Justin has always been a good athlete and is involved in year-around sports. He…

6 responses

Looking Back on Tiger Mom

By: on May 28, 2015

This week’s reading was mysterious and wonderful. Amy Chua had me captivated in the breathtaking story of her amazing family – and her Chinese parenting style. Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother (2011) took a lot of courage to write, but even more courage to actually live out. After starting the book, I could not…

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Asian Theology

By: on May 28, 2015

In his book Grassroots Asian Theology: Thinking the Faith from the Ground Up, Simon Chan offers a fascinating look into the reality of Asian Theology. He draws a stark contrast between the official method of Asian theology and points to the more prevalent folk or grassroots theology of most Asians. Formal theology is often practiced…

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Don’t Pull the Tiger’s Tail

By: on May 28, 2015

I was born in the Year of the Dragon. I don’t take much (any) stock in astrology, much like Amy Chua, the Tiger mother who tells her own story as a Chinese mother raising two daughters in her satirical memoir Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. [1] Persons born in the Year of the Dragon…

9 responses

The Cry of the Tiger Mother

By: on May 28, 2015

“My goal as a parent is to prepare you for the future – not to make you like me.” [1] A South Korean baby’s first birthday is celebrated much like a wedding. Invitations are sent out to family and friends, a beautiful venue is hired, a lavish meal is prepared, and gifts are expected. The…

6 responses

Confession: I Could Be A Tiger Mother

By: on May 27, 2015

Technically speaking I hold immigrant status in the western country of my residence. However, the reality is that since all but the infant stages of my life have been lived within Canada, I understand what it is to live under some of the lofty expectations of immigrant parents in a new land. They wanted the…

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By: on May 27, 2015

Hello, my name is Ashley, and I am an addicted Netflix binger. I have had this problem since Netflix originated. Over the Memorial Day weekend, my friends and family were out of town, and I was left to my television and Apple TV. Instead of working ahead in school, or readying myself for my upcoming…

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The Tiger Mother

By: on May 26, 2015

While reading Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, I really felt it related to my African cultural context. I grew up in an authoritarian social structure where age and gender-related expectations and values that have been taught are strictly enforced. Similar to Chinese Culture, children in my culture have little or no say in the…

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Parenting for success

By: on May 23, 2015

Amy Chua’s book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother [1],  is a story about a Chinese mother’s journey to raise her daughters within American culture.  The book is introduced as a story about cultural differences between American and Chinese parenting styles.  However, I found the book to be lacking in reality for what most families in American face, no…

6 responses

Culture Shock is Good for the Soul

By: on May 23, 2015

I am glad Amy Chua wasn’t my mother…for a lot of reasons! First, I think I would have been a great disappoint to her. And I would have been miserable, because I have no musical talents, I have average intelligence, and my values (friendship, service, fellowship) would have clashed with Chua’s program for my life.…

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Tiger in Charge!!!

By: on May 21, 2015

  May 21, 15   While reading about the Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother I really related back to the style of leadership that my father had. I lost my mother when I was in the sixth grade so I did not get to know her real well. But what I did learn is how…

15 responses

Tiger Mother or Mama Grizzly?

By: on May 21, 2015

Tiger Mother or Mama Grizzly? Chinese Tiger Mother or Western Mama Grizzly . . . Which metaphor resonates with you? Amy Chua in her provocative book, “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother”, creates a conversation for the culture chasm that exists between parenting in a Chinese culture as opposed to raising children in a Western…

9 responses

Cultural Hallmarks

By: on May 21, 2015

“We aren’t here to raise happy kids, we’re here to raise healthy, competent, thoughtful adults!”  So said I with just a hint of smugness round about the time my oldest daughter was a mere 7 years old and still a compliant little bundle of joy…  Then over the next ten years I promptly proceeded to…

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By: on May 20, 2015

  Liz and I have a group of close friends in Wichita. We try to be vulnerable and share life with each other but as kids have come into the picture we have all acknowledged that the most difficult issues to discuss, or criticisms to receive, are in regards to our parenting and kids. It’s…

7 responses

Parenting, Values, and Choices

By: on May 20, 2015

Amy Chua has a bit of Jennifer Hatmaker’s (www.jenhatmaker.com) humor – sarcastic, extremist, and self-deprecating. All the while, she, like Jennifer, hits on some major soft spots in Western parenting, values, and choices. In Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, Chua expresses her desire to raise her two daughters in the Chinese way. Playing off of…

17 responses

Tiger Mother

By: on May 20, 2015

  Amy Chua’s book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother was a fascinating read and really brings to life some key cultural differences in parenting. Her transparent and lively narrative style made reading it a joy. I particularly enjoyed this book because I have had the privilege to teaching seminary classes and intensive training courses…

6 responses

Ode to shame. . . and honor

By: on May 20, 2015

The more I read of “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother” [i] by Amy Chua, the more I liked it. It was written with honesty and self-parody, by a woman with a keen mind for the absurdity in both eastern and western cultures, as well as bravery in the face of how her Chinese parenting…

8 responses