By: Peter Crackenberg on June 21, 2017
The “2016 London-Oxford Advance” was my first “face-to-face” experience as a new student in the Doctor of Ministry in Leadership and Global Perspectives program at George Fox Evangelical Seminary. Throughout this twelve-day experience, my head was filled with new thoughts and ideas as we were introduced to many great leaders and thinkers. Yet, beyond the…
By: Mary Walker on June 21, 2017
The London/Oxford Advance was the first for our cohort and marked the official starting gun for our Doctorate of Ministry programme. It was great to meet my fellow students, advisors, and faculty face to face and to get to know each other a little better over the coming nine days. LGP7 cohort and advisors:…
By: Jason Kennedy on June 21, 2017
Overwhelmed does not even begin to explain the George Fox London advance. While I have had the privilege to travel all over the world, surprisingly I had never set foot on European soil. Never could I imagine to have such a remarkable experience. Due to the fact that I have a love for all things…
By: Josiah Philipsen on June 21, 2017
We are a unique group with a special anointing! Desires of the Heart (video) COHORTS GLP7 Figure 1. “SEVENS” In London …
By: Kevin Norwood on June 21, 2017
Here is the link to my project hosted on Youtube.
By: Nick Martineau on June 21, 2017
Hong Kong VE Assignment Students Personal Interests I started my journey to Hong Kong with a detour through Nanning to visit my Uncle. My Uncle Mike is a rogue American that has made China his home for 10+ years. My time with him was fascinating. I got to meet…
By: Jon Spellman on June 21, 2017
Author’s note. In place of visual elements, I have opted for audio only. As one who deals with the reality of diminished vision myself, I am keenly aware of the challenges faced by people who have diminished or no sight. I thought it to be a worthy endeavor to capture a few little pieces of…
By: Dave Young on June 21, 2017
I headed to Hong Kong with a different perspective than our Cape Town advance. My heart and mind was filled with expectation of being with dear friends. I knew we’d be learning and experiencing fantastic things but it paled in comparison with the camaraderie and intellectual stimulation of friends—if not family—crazy uncle and all.
By: Brian Yost on June 21, 2017
Hanging Out in Hong Kong-VE Blog
By: Travis Biglow on June 21, 2017
Visual Ethnography Learning Synthesis ‘Story’ Post Face-to-Face Advance Hong Kong By Travis Evan Biglow DMIN 737 November 25, 15 Jason Clark
By: Dawnel Volzke on June 21, 2017
By: Garfield Harvey on June 21, 2017
Introduction One of the outcomes of our program is to “gain an advanced understanding and integration of ministry in relation to the dynamics of globalization and leadership.” Culture helps to define situations, attitudes, values and sometimes our careers. When we look at culture, it helps us to identify how we fit in based on our…
By: Rose Anding on June 21, 2017
The tragedies of my yesterdays are now the sermons I preach, the lessons I share, and the memories that have caused me to lay down the stones that I used to carry. – Rose Anding
By: Garfield Harvey on June 21, 2017
Nominated for numerous awards throughout his music career, Garfield is a versatile composer and musician who studied Professional Music at Berklee College of Music. His years of experiences has led to his current vocation on the music staff at Christian Life Center in Fort Lauderdale, FL, where he oversees the orchestra as composer and conductor.…
By: Claire Appiah on June 21, 2017
DMIN 727: Student Spotlight Bio Story of Claire Appiah Instructor: Dr. Jason Clark February 25, 2016
By: Marc Andresen on June 21, 2017
Marc has been heard to say, “I am never happier than when I am teaching the Bible.” That passion has played out in several disparate arenas. A contributing experience to his commitment to Bible teaching came in the early 1980s, during the ten years that Marc was Associate Pastor at Columbia (California) Presbyterian Church. Marc…
By: Jason Kennedy on June 21, 2017
Who is Jason Kennedy? Hailing from Texas, but rooting for the Oklahoma Sooners, Jason Kennedy is the youngest of 3 children born to Dean and Sandie Kennedy. Jason grew up in a nuclear family where his mother and father have never divorced and instilled a work ethic into him. The Kennedy’s were pretty typical in…
By: Colleen Batchelder on June 21, 2017
Colleen Batchelder “The place God calls you to is the place where your deepest gladness and the world’s deepest hunger meet.” – Frederick Buechner Colleen’s greatest passion is to be the hands and feet of Christ to those who fear…
By: Phil Goldsberry on June 21, 2017
Phil Goldsberry lives up to the title of his book, Life in the Dash: A Closer Look at the Not-So-Fine Line Between Birth and What Happens Next, that he published in 2007. In his book he encourages everyone to live the life that they want to be spoken about when the inevitable happens. His prescribed…
By: Kevin Norwood on June 21, 2017
Kevin Norwood Kevin started in youth ministry under Paul Abner at Lakeside Assembly in Oklahoma City in 1987. Paul was a veteran youth minister who had been at Lakeside for fifteen year. After serving with him for five and half years, as one of the nations…