Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Hirschman on Voice and the Church Split

By: on October 26, 2017

In 1970 I was 12 years old. That was the year when more than fifty percent of the members of our church decided to exit our church community. My family was not one of them. I remember the pain it caused in our church and our family. People who were friends for years no longer…

6 responses

Toilet Paper

By: on October 25, 2017

From my current vantage point writing a dissertation, even with terrific mentorship, seems like sheer nonsense and fantasy.  How on earth will I ever be able to adequately discern a meaningful question, conduct beneficial and focused research, and then formulate the acquired knowledge and information into something that contributes in some small way to a…

11 responses


By: on October 25, 2017

  As a 9th grader, I was involved in a confrontation, and at that moment I was about the lead with a right hook, a teacher came around the corner. Now, I was a student at the school where my father taught, so I chose to exit. Forward three years, I was a model for…

7 responses

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

By: on October 25, 2017

My experience as an American has given me the impression that loyalty is expected, except when it’s not, that choosing to leave is disloyal, except when it’s not, and those who protest should shut up or leave, except when it has worked out nicely for Americans to stay and complain. For many of us, our…

6 responses


By: on October 24, 2017

Sarah Pink’s, Doing Visual Ethnography, was an interesting read. Although I did not like her writing style, I was interested to learn more about this word/term, ethnography, that I was introduced to for the very first time. As I did some research on this book and this new term, I learned a few things that…

14 responses

Do I Walk, Talk or Stay?

By: on October 24, 2017

When there is a decline of an organization, the participants or customers wrestle with how to respond: do they exit by walking away from the organization, talk by voicing their opposition and concerns to the leadership, or remain loyal to the organization in hopes of improvements? Although Hirschman gives a thorough, intellectual explanation of each…

8 responses

Economics and the Art of Church Shopping

By: on October 24, 2017

    The handwriting is on the wall. Actually, it’s not handwriting that adorns the walls of many churches, but a wooden plaque with removable numbers that indicate the church’s attendance and offering receipts. For many churches, that information has migrated from the plaque on the wall to a spot in the church bulletin. Either…

5 responses

Standing Firm

By: on October 21, 2017

Sarah Pink’s, Doing Visual Ethnography is a breakthrough in the use of visual media to inspire, create, and express new dimensions of knowledge. Ethnography is an approach for researchers to connect and relate to social cultures with new disciplines, agendas, and theoretical principles.[1] Pink’s work confirms the successful transition of visual anthropology into the 21st…

10 responses

When “Self” Has to Come First

By: on October 19, 2017

Edwin Friedman’s theories about family systems changed my life. In my MDiv program we read Generation to Generation in one class, followed by Failure of Nerve a year later. These two books opened my eyes and gave me the courage to make some very important changes in my life, including where I lived, how I…

12 responses

The Quick Fix- Leadership in Crisis

By: on October 19, 2017

As I began to read his book, my curiosity grew as to who was Edwin H. Friedman. I asked myself “why was his input on the subject matter of leadership and family seen as important?” In searching the web for information, I stumbled upon his obituary in the Washington Post dated November 7th, 1996 entitled…

6 responses

I found the Golden Nugget

By: on October 19, 2017

It’s been a surreal week as the Elite 8 cohort has struggled to read and respond to Derek Rowntree’s Learn How to Study: Developing the study skills and approaches to learning that will help you succeed in university.  While I couldn’t locate but one insignificant review on this book, I jumped in to the reading…

11 responses

Cracks Me Up When UK Folks Use S’s Instead of Z’s

By: on October 19, 2017

I am a little sorry, but the first thing I noticed about Bayard’s book was the common usage of the letter S instead of the letter Z in words like “memorising” and “analysing”. I understand this is not a very deep first impression of an academic publication, and it should NOT have surprised me, especially…

12 responses

Birth of a sceptic

By: on October 19, 2017

In Learn How to Study: Developing the Study Skills and Approaches to Learning that Will Help You Succeed in University, Derek Rowntree offers basic and practical concepts to aid learners in assimilating and retaining the vast amounts of material we will encounter in our DMin program.  I’ve decided the best way to approach the learning…

11 responses

A Failure of Nerve Among Church Leaders

By: on October 19, 2017

  “Leadership is essentially an emotional process rather than a cognitive phenomenon.” (Friedman p. 14) Edwin H. Friedman was a rabbi, a family counselor, and leadership consultant, who was best known for his 1985 book  Generation to Generation which applied the concept of “family systems theory” to churches and synagogues.  In his follow-up book,  A…

8 responses

Total Recall Requires Grit and Scientology?

By: on October 19, 2017

Derek Rowntree’s Learn How to Study: Developing the Study Skills and Approaches to Learning that Will Help you Succeed in University, is a comprehensive and systematic approach to studying and is helpful for anyone who wants to grow as a learner. If you have never read Rowntree’s text I suggest you begin with Chapter Five:…

16 responses

So Just Make a Decision!

By: on October 19, 2017

Edwin H. Friedman lamented the fact that leaders were not more decisive. He said that “leadership in America is stuck in the rut of trying harder and harder without obtaining significantly new results.”[1] Why? Leaders experience ‘paralysis’ because of their inadequate concept of the ‘social science construction of reality’. Their construction does not explain the…

6 responses

Another Groundhog Day post

By: on October 19, 2017

Reading “Learn How to Study” by Derek Rowntree brings the movie Groundhog Day back to mind. It seems as if we were just having these same discussions about the topics that this book takes on and tries to cover. The genre might be called “study skills”, and it seems as if we are continuing to…

7 responses

I really don’t know…

By: on October 19, 2017

“For many students essay-writing is the bane of their lives.  They question the usefulness of essays, make heavy weather of writing them, and generally try to put off the task for as long as they can get away with it” [1]  This is how I felt about Derek Rowntree’s book, Learn How to Study: A Programmed…

11 responses

“Getting Organized”

By: on October 19, 2017

In the first chapter of his book, “Learn How to Study,” Derek Rowntree begins in the first chapter with a compelling reason for this book: “We usually don’t improve at it unless we give some thought both to our own purposes and to what those other people expect of us.”[1] In a manner designed around…

5 responses