Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

We have lost the cultivation of virtue

By: on November 2, 2017

Much like our own research journey, it is always helpful when the author is clear about the problem she is seeking to address. Elder described the problem she was seeking to address as a problem of formation and awareness. The author writes: “But much of our thinking, left to itself, is biased, distorted, partial, uninformed…

8 responses

Critical Thinking and the Need for Christ

By: on November 2, 2017

Who would’ve thought that a book on critical thinking could arouse feelings of longing and theological reflection? While I know it was meant to be a practical handbook, The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking Concepts and Tools hit me at a heart and soul level—like combination romance novel/theological inquiry. Alas, in the day of Tweets…

9 responses

My Head Hurts From Thinking Critically

By: on November 1, 2017

The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking Concepts and Tools by Linda Elder and Richard Paul was quite the little gem to read. It was packed with a tremendous amount of rich material that was very helpful as I look to become a better critical thinker in my area of research. One of the more challenging…

12 responses

Krit-i-kuhl Thing-king

By: on November 1, 2017

Finally, a book I can read cover to cover in the short time provided to devour books.  This is good for my obsessive/compulsive nature and my need to have a sense of closure.  Do you have any idea how long the list of books I will feel compelled to go back and ‘finish’ is likely…

14 responses

It’s a Barbie World

By: on October 27, 2017

Ethnography is the study of images and what images mean for a particular culture. Its art 101 mixed with anthropology 101 but tagged with a $50 name. My immediate question is, what’s the point of learning about what images mean? We all already use images intuitively. Is it not enough to just continue to do…

11 responses

Interstellar Thinking

By: on October 27, 2017

Linda Elder and Richard Paul’s, The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking Concepts and Tools is a 24-page mini-guide that serves as a supplement, design tool, and personal guide to ensure we are applying the right critical thinking approaches to life and learning.  Critical thinking is the “analyzing and evaluating” of thinking, but with the unique…

10 responses

Ethnography our new word of the day…

By: on October 27, 2017

I like to think I know have a vast knowledge about many things.  Growing up I would watch the T.V. show Cheers with my father.  One of the characters was named Cliff Claven.  Cliff was a Postal worker who had a vast knowledge of a great many things, but it was all surface level, he…

9 responses

Reflexive Ethnography and Ethics in Theological Practice

By: on October 26, 2017

Doing Visual Ethnography by Sarah Pink is at once fascinating and complex for the non-professional anthropologist. The concept of using images to scientifically describe the customs of people and their culture suggests engagement by a broad community. However, once the reader begins to examine the text more closely they will realize Pink is not interested…

12 responses

“Produce knowledge by producing knowledge”

By: on October 26, 2017

  Visual Ethnography is “capturing and expressing perceptions and social realities of people”.[1] When we gathered for this group photo on our last evening together in Cape Town, it captured the end – and beginning – of a journey which included new friendships (joy), challenging discussions (stress), rich learning (travel), fun adventures (adrenaline), and an…

12 responses

Hirschman meets Martin: Exit, Voice, and Luther

By: on October 26, 2017

I’ve been reflecting this week on the layers of complexity and messiness within institutions, specifically during experiences of dissatisfaction. How do we respond within the church when we’re frustrated? As I’ve pondered this, I’ve also procrastinated on writing my sermon reflection for this week, which will eventually focus on the 500th anniversary of the Protestant…

7 responses

Loyaltist Behavior: when conscious becomes unconscious

By: on October 26, 2017

On A&E there is a tv series entitled “Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath”. The premise of the show is that Leah was a former member of the Church of Scientology (a religious organization founded in 1954 by L.Ron Hubbard). She spent majority of her life supporting this religious movement. She was introduced to the…

5 responses

Voice and Exit in (and out of) the local Church

By: on October 26, 2017

There is a lot of technical economic language in Exit, Voice, and Loyalty: Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations, and States by Albert Hirschman, in spite of the struggle I had following some of the language – not to mention much of Hirschman’s prose –  I found this relatively small book to be both interesting and insightful.…

6 responses

Visual WHAT?

By: on October 26, 2017

Ethnography? I am embarrassed to say I never heard that word before this Doctoral program, not even once… It’s kinda sad to have to look up your key word for the week to see what it means. But, look it up I did. Sorry to say, I still don’t fully understand what it really is.…

9 responses

Pastor as Visual Ethnographer

By: on October 26, 2017

In the era of “fake news”, there are questions about what we hear, see and consume as “trustworthy” or “true” information. What does an event mean, how do we understand the words that a person uses, and how “objective” can reporters really be?   In her book, “Doing Visual Ethnography”, Sarah Pink writes that “the…

10 responses

Power, and the surrender of power

By: on October 26, 2017

In the development of our DMin research, we must not neglect the significant potential of image and video to record, track, explain, and illustrate concepts.  Sarah Pink’s book, Doing Visual Ethnography (2nd Edition), advances the power of image to convey meaning; as we apply these principles, we can also communicate our ideas in a more…

10 responses

A thousand words deserves a picture

By: on October 26, 2017

“As visual media proliferate and as our understanding of visual cultures deepens, visual research has grown. As the field develops, so does a need for textbooks and resources at all levels.”[1] This resource proposed by Victoria Alexander has been fulfilled by Sarah Pink in your book titled, “Doing Visual Ethnography.” In this work, Pink diligently…

7 responses

“Images + Words > Words alone”

By: on October 26, 2017

“Images + Words > Words alone” Every pastor who gets ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA) is required to take at least one unit of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE). For me, this involved 120 hours in a hospital setting, with a small group of other students doing chaplaincy training together. CPE is a painful journey…

6 responses

Optimistic Economics – Optimistic Life

By: on October 26, 2017

“A niche thus exists for this book, which affirms that the choice is often between articulation and ‘desertion’ – voice and exit, in our neutral terminology.”[1]   All through his book, Exit, Voice, and Loyalty: Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations, and States, Albert O. Hirschman has an underlying assumption that things can get better.…

6 responses

A Trip to See Buddha

By: on October 26, 2017

“If a picture paints a thousand words”, says Nicholas Boyd Crutchley, “then let a picture inspire a thousand words.” [1] This is such a cliché and overly used phrase, but true. Pictures and media can speak to us in ways that simple words would not let us hear. I have seen this while preaching on…

10 responses