Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Humble Leadership

By: on September 12, 2019

When I first heard Jim Collins lecture on leadership back in February 20, 2002, I was immediately hooked. I still have an autographed copy of his book and refer to it often. What captivated me was not so much the content of his talk, although all of it was relevant and cutting-edge, it was something…

10 responses

Shaping a Lifestyle of Discernment

By: on September 12, 2019

Henri Nouwen is one in a constellation of Christian mystics who speaks of the sustainable, centered, cohesive way of life that is present to and oriented around the God we can discover in Jesus. With each paragraph saturated in humility and vulnerability, Nouwen offers us permission to be nothing more than human beings who are…

9 responses

Good to Great…or False?

By: on September 12, 2019

James C. “Jim” Collins is an American author, consultant, and lecturer on the subject of business management and company sustainability and growth.[1] In his classic and continuing bestseller book, Good to Great, Collins and his researchers sifted through 1,435 Fortune 500 companies to find the few that met their study’s criteria for greatness, out of these companies they…

4 responses

With Open Hands

By: on September 12, 2019

In the house where I grew up I remember there was a book on a shelf in the upper hallway that had a picture on the front cover that often caught my attention. The picture was of open hands covering a woman’s face. ‘With Open Hands’ is the title of the book and, Henri Nouwen…

8 responses

Discernment in a Lifelong Journey

By: on September 12, 2019

As a fan of Henri Nouwen, I already owned “Discernment: Reading the Signs of Daily Life.” It was fun to open it back up and re-read my highlights, pondering how they might be prevalent to where I am today. It’s hard for me to separate discernment of my travel to London without including why I…

12 responses

McKibben to Thunberg; Good to Great

By: on September 12, 2019

I was given Jim Collins New York Times bestseller Good to Great to read by the Head of Staff at a church I used to work for back in 2007.  The book was described as “the best book he had read on organizational models” and the ideas presented within were what he hoped the large…

6 responses

Cracking the Walnut

By: on September 12, 2019

Becoming great and sustaining greatness is the theme of Jim Collins’ books, Good to Great and Good to Great in the Social Sectors which the author describes as prequels to his previous work Built to Last. Unfortunately, his case studies included companies such as Circuit City which filed bankruptcy just seven years after the publishing…

7 responses

Holy Ground

By: on September 11, 2019

How does one start to unfold the many possibilities that a book like Discernment Reading the Signs of Daily Life by Henri Nouwen conjures up? Especially when it comes to putting it into practice in a place like London and Oxford. A place of which my only experience is based on books that I have…

8 responses

House of Harry Potter

By: on September 11, 2019

I thought it would be a great idea to take my son to Oxford and visit the house of Harry Potter. He is a fan of Harry, and it would have been an excellent experience for hin but unfortunately the trip conflict with his school. All probably know that many tourists go to visit Oxford because…

7 responses

Everyone and every context have a story

By: on September 10, 2019

Henri Nouwen, a Roman Catholic priest, professor, author, and compassionate teacher teaches us to do the hard work of being transformed by God as we listen and engage by reading, prayer, and cooperating with others in their journey. Reading this text reminded me about the story an employee told me when he was in the…

9 responses

Nouwen, Discernment (Introduction, Ch. 1-3, 5-7, 9)

By: on September 10, 2019

Nouwen, Discernment (Introduction, Ch. 1-3, 5-7, 9)  Discernment is a book that I would be reading entirely because of the book sensitive topics that are very close to my heart. There is no doubt that Nouwen took his time to integrate precious aspects in his approach to the issue of Discernment. In my opinion, the author takes…

8 responses

Sainthood and Leadership in Christian Family

By: on September 9, 2019

St. Francis of Assisi is bringing a new perspective to Christian leadership which leads us to the title of the journal “Theology of Leadership.” Nathan Harter describes Francis a man who defined his leadership theology that was not based on the main church structure of the Roman Catholic.  He describes Francis s a festive and…

one response

Discernment and Innovation

By: on September 9, 2019

Henri Nouwen’s Discernment stands as a collection of his teaching of spiritual discernment, relying heavily on his influence of Thomas Merton, as collected by his followers posthumously. This book helps me in three ways as I approach our Advance. First, by helping me personally discern further direction and nuances of my intended studies in innovation…

14 responses

Legacy and Innovation

By: on September 9, 2019

Let me begin by saying that I had the privilege of visiting Oxford in February 2019 with my housemates.  We all readily agreed that Oxford was one of our favorite places we visited on our European excursion.  A friend of ours was attending one of the colleges, so she and her fiancé knew all of…

7 responses

Walk This Way: Cross-Cultural Servant Leadership

By: on September 7, 2019

On the first Sunday of July, we entered into our new church home in the heart of the college town of Berkely, California ready to serve as the Discipleship/Young Adults (Professionals) Pastors. As we worked through the sanctuary door, we could see the Sunday teams preparing and setting up for church service, and that day…

6 responses

Keep Looking From the Balcony

By: on September 7, 2019

The inaugural issue of Theology of Leadership Journal was an interesting read. I hesitate to use the word “delightful” because I have rarely come across an academic-oriented journal which attempted to combine biblical, theological, and church leadership threads. My inherent eisegesis has become attuned to how each assigned reading will enhance my doctoral research pursuits…

14 responses

A More Excellent Way Of Leadership.

By: on September 6, 2019

Is it not interesting that the light attracts all manner of insects and they will come from as far as the light is visible. A trip to one of the world’s biggest fresh water lakes, Lake Victoria in Kenya was very interesting when at night a ‘city’ emerged over the lake and I inquired what…

6 responses

Conflict and Growth

By: on September 6, 2019

Many people come to churches or other faith communities believing the church is supposed to be a place where everyone gets along, showing unconditional love all the time, but this is not always true. Once a person joins with a church and becomes part of its mission of showing the love of Jesus Christ and…

8 responses


By: on September 6, 2019

ADVENTURES TRIP TO LONDON: CULTURE SHOCK Culture Shock! London by Hargraves Experiencing other people’s culture is quite interesting and challenging. This is my expectation in the soon coming trip to London. Hargraves says, ‘knowing the culture of other people is important and challenging’. Culture shock affects all aspects of life for example it affects: religion,…

5 responses

So…What’s It Like Pretending You Are Not Dying?

By: on September 6, 2019

Life is a journey ~ and we’re all along for the ride. Someone once asked one of my Hospice patients, “What’s it like to know you are dying?” His question back was, “What’s it like pretending you are not?” Touché! We are all dying on this earth from the moment we are born, but it’s…

15 responses