Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Thou Shall Not Commodify

By: on March 31, 2022

In Vincent Miller’s 2008 book, “Consuming Religion” a critical distinction is made in the beginning of the introduction: “This is not a book about religion against consumer culture; it is a book about the fate of religion in consumer culture” (p. 1). There are plenty of books written about the former but this insightful work…

12 responses

A Re-Lived Theology

By: on March 30, 2022

This week we explored Consuming Religion by Vincent Miller, focusing on the disconnect between religious belief and practice and the corresponding narrative by Jason Clark’s Evangelicalism and Capitalism. While I could find little about Miller in the way of a biography, he is an academic that is currently at the University of Dayton serving as…

9 responses

Commodifying Jesus

By: on March 30, 2022

Certainly, the purity of true religion and faith could never be distorted by the variants of the dominant culture, or could it? Vincent J. Miller, a professor of Theology at Georgetown University, wrote Consuming Religion to reveal the unavoidable impact consumerism has had among the people and structures of faith. Giving a nod to Bebbington…

9 responses

Culture, gender-related and ethical considerations are Key considerations in assessing the application of each form of leadership.

By: on March 20, 2022

Peter Northouse is a Professor of communication in Western Michigan University who is highly esteemed for his work in Leadership studies and communications. Northouse has written the book, Leadership: Theory and Practice, which is both rich in the theory of leadership but also a practical guide on the practice of leadership.[1] Northouse has written on…

one response

A critical and complex commodity

By: on March 20, 2022

Northouse’s excellent analysis of leadership in every generation since Aristotle highlights the critical nature of this subject[1]. Indeed, from the beginning of time, long before Aristotle came on the scene, God demonstrates leadership by initiating creation, modelling character, facilitating change, and influencing many individuals and groups for good. Inspired by God, several individuals continued this…

6 responses

A Whole Lot on Leadership

By: on March 18, 2022

Peter G. Northouse, professor emeritus of leadership, interpersonal, and organizational communication, wrote “Leadership: Theory and Practice” for students of leadership in the academy and an array of workplaces.[1] His book is classified under Social Sciences as a Sociology text focused on Leadership. But that classification seems too common to describe what Northouse seeks to accomplish…

10 responses

Dolly Parton, Led Zeppelin, and Leadership

By: on March 17, 2022

I must admit: I hate country music. I dislike the sound and find the lyrics sappy and sad. I grew up on Led Zeppelin and Bruce Springsteen. However, I gained much respect for country icon Dolly Parton this last week. She received a nomination for induction into the Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame and declined it.…

10 responses

Shadow Work Covers a Multitude of Sins

By: on March 17, 2022

Peter Northouse’s book Leadership: Theory and Practice is what is says, a relatively deep dive into leadership theory and types, while offering real-world approaches and case studies to engage theory at a practical level. In his 7th edition, Northouse also offers assessments throughout his book for deeper reflection and self-awareness. He writes, “At its heart, leadership…

12 responses

Leadership Varieties

By: on March 17, 2022

In Peter G. Northouse’s 1997 book, “Leadership: Theory and Practice,” a wide variety of leadership styles are analyzed for their merits. After each style is evaluated, a determination is made on which style is best in particular situations. Each chapter could stand alone, discussing a single leadership style and its best application. It is a…

10 responses

Authentic leadership is a treasure waiting to be found

By: on March 17, 2022

Leadership: Theory and Practice, 8th edition by Peter G. Northhouse presents many different leadership theories and models to offer leaders and organizations to practically apply different theoretical leadership models. Each chapter summarizes and discusses different leadership theories by presenting a “definition, a model, and the latest research and applications of emerging approach to leadership.”[1] In…

12 responses

Why Pastoring Ranks As One of the Most Challenging Leadership Roles In America

By: on March 17, 2022

Peter Northouse argues that leadership is intuitively challenging to define, like the words peace and love. After examining the myriad of ways it has been expressed over the centuries, he finally lands on: Leadership is the process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. [1] It’s evident from Northouse’s examination of leadership throughout history, its many forms…

14 responses

The Possibilities are Endless

By: on March 16, 2022

If you know me at all, you know I appreciate the practical applications. Peter Northouse’s Leadership: Theory & Practice has immediately become one of my new favorite books on leadership – one that I know I will be utilizing for years to come. Northouse, an academic with extensive experience in the field of communication, has…

11 responses

The Vacuum

By: on March 16, 2022

This past week I was conversing with an older mentor when he commented on the vacuum of leadership we have in our nation, and in particular, the state of Montana. It isn’t the first time I have heard this lament, and truth be told, I also have observed this lack of leadership across many sectors…

9 responses

Tribal Epistemology

By: on March 11, 2022

Pragya Agarwal, the author of Sway, is a freelance writer, behavioral and data scientist, and the founder of a research think-tank, The 50 Percent Project. She focuses on women’s rights around the world, and she writes widely on the subjects of bias and prejudice, motherhood, gender, racial inequality, and mental health. This book, Sway, categorized…

8 responses

The Kingdom: A Place to be Seen and Heard

By: on March 11, 2022

The emotionally charged world in which we live today seems like it is primed for Pragya Agarwal’s book Sway: Unravelling unconscious bias. [1] Nearly every day there is some reference to racism, sexism, homophobia, or the discrimination of someone. The political rhetoric of the day is to point fingers and blame someone for another group’s…

10 responses

Blind Spots Redux

By: on March 11, 2022

It seems our readings have had a theme the past couple of weeks—blind spots. Last week it was the challenge of recognizing the limitations of an economic system that has enveloped the world. This week it is the challenge of recognizing one’s own implicit or unconscious biases. Pragya Agarwal—British behavioral and data scientist, activist, and…

10 responses

Unbiased leadership.

By: on March 10, 2022

Bias refers to discrimination on the basis of race, gender, social-class, educational status, religion, theology, denomination, nationality, ethnic group, profession or other factors. The high incidence of bias today has resulted in a toxic environment characterized by racism, gender-apartheid, nepotism, tribalism, exclusion and a host of other undesirable behaviors. Bias is not only a reflection…

9 responses