Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

3/8 or 3/827,000

Written by: on October 21, 2022

How to Read Numbers brings great insight on how misleading and dangerous numbers and statistics can be and how to spot them.[1] In our society today, we have never had so much information available to us, but never had so much confusion on who or what to believe. In this time of Covid in the U.S. you had a country divided on the vaccine. Is the country really trying to help us? Or reduce the worlds population by getting the vaccine? Numbers and statistics can be a vehicle in getting people going in the direction you want them to go.

How to Read Numbers will help you identify common mistakes that can mislead you or motivate you into an action that you do not fully understand or embrace. With Washington having the most stringent Covid mandates, here was a mass exodus of christians where I live during the Covid mandates. As people over and over stated that their rights had been violated through mandates the Governor of Washington instituted, you had many churches becoming political churches. Not only political churches, but many churches shutting down, pastors harshly mistreated for getting the vaccine, or wearing a mask. Worse people seemed to be an emotional frenzy and all about their rights being violated.

How to Read Numbers: A Guide to Statistics in the News (and Knowing When to Trust Them) is a great reminder to investigate the data or statistics for ourselves. It is a great reminder that before we take a stand and ask others to stand with us, that we have taken our research a step further, to investigate the study of the data or numbers. Often times we jump into action before we know all the information, and often cause embarrassment to ourselves and others. But one of the things this book does is help us continue to have a growth mindset, rather than a fixed mindset.

For example, for almost 18 months I ministered to 5,000-10,000 people a week in close proximity without a mask or the Covid Vaccine. With the Washington D.C. advance I got my Covid Vaccine. After getting the vaccine I got Covid three times in a period of six months. I had to try and keep up with my schedule, I struggled with energy, even to walk at times, I had to take a nap each day so I could come back after school and minister at night.

Do I want to blame Covid? You betcha! Do I want to be upset with getting the vaccine? I do, I liked my life before the D.C. advance, I was strong, and nothing could stop me, accept Covid. Seeing the Covid memorial in Washington D.C. really impacted me, to see people crying, and planting a white flag due to personal loss of Covid. When an elderly person in our church passed away from Covid, it hurt. It hurt me as leader. As people in our church and community learned I had gotten vaccinated, they believed I was no longer anointed from God and started leaving the church and school. I was now a traitor, a person who sold their soul to the government.

As we were in S. Africa, we learned how devastating Covid was in especially the poorer areas or slums. That even a great amount of people inside the church passed away from Covid. What we learned however, that there was even a greater threat that they were facing which was Tuberculosis. The church and government worked together to help stop the spread of Covid. They were now in a relationship to work together for a greater threat of Tuberculosis. In that relationship, they were sharing life saving statistics and numbers to help the people survive and live.

In Chapter 9 Chivers focuses on Is that a Big Number? Often numbers through the news are presented without the context.[2] The most important piece of the context is the denominator. The denominator becomes an important factor when dealing with numbers, does this number represent the entire population or controlled group?[3] We must be careful that our research is accurate, especially if we want to make big number statements for impact.

How to Read Numbers is not a book I will keep on my night stand. However it is a book I will keep in my study. It is book that has impacted me to look further and deeper. To make sure that numbers and data I provide our accurate. I can look at the research and make a better decision.


[1] How to Read Numbers. David Chivers and Tom Chivers (P)2020 Orion Publishing Group

[2] Ibid pg. 63

[3] Ibid pg. 64

About the Author


Greg McMullen

Pastor Greg resides in Lake Stevens WA and pastors a small rural church in the Machias area . The Well Church has a large food ministry in which many different cultures come each week to gather food and counsel. The Church has a small school that is bearing good fruit. Pastor Greg has a large family of 10 children and enjoys fishing and hiking.

2 responses to “3/8 or 3/827,000”

  1. mm David Beavis says:

    Hey Greg,

    Thank you for your reflections from How To Reach Numbers. Your story is fascinating. I have never heard of someone getting COVID after receiving the vaccine three times in six months! You also were a much more energetic young man while we were in South Africa! It is amazing to me when I compare you in DC with you in Cape Town.

    In regards to your project, what are some numbers that have influenced you in the direction of your NPO?

  2. David,

    Fall and Winter of 2021/2022 was a humbling year for me. I went from being very active, to having to take a nap each day after teaching at our school.

    In general, I think it is easy for people to blame rather than take responsibility for their actions. I can see why missionaries take a year or long break before returning to the mission field. I would love to blame the vaccine, honestly I was pushing myself greatly while eating an extremely poor diet.

    Cape Town was a wonderful experience for me, as the Lord seemed to heal me and give me energy again. Whether it was in obedience in trusting him with Addy, I am sure thankful. Cape Town changed a lot of things for me. I hiked 12 miles last week with the kids from the school and think I could have done a couple more miles. I am hoping to get to be able to do 16 miles in a day and start doing the Pacific Crest Trail.

    Cape Town was a real reset for me, to stop traveling at 85 mph and slow down to 45 mph. I might even slow down to 35 mph to try and enjoy the journey more.

    In regards to my project, often people especially pastors, throw out numbers for impact or show we have taken time to research our topic to give it more weight. Often for the sake of time, I would take what another leader/pastor has said and quoted them, without taking time to research if what they said is even accurate.

    For me personally as pastor, this has challenged me to take more time to make sure my material and numbers are more accurate.

    Cape Town was a real reset for me, to stop traveling at 85 mph and slow down to 45 mph. I might even slow down to 35 mph to try and enjoy the journey more.

    Peace and Blessings to you David.


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