Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Selfless, Undefended Leadership

By: on October 14, 2021

In his book, “Leading out of Who You Are” Simon Walker attempts to reveal the “secrets” that lie behind great leadership. This is book one of his trilogy entitled, “The Undefended Leader.” Walker states, “Leadership is about who you are, not what you know or what skills you have” (p.5). It is a common notion…

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Tell a More Hopeful Story

By: on April 11, 2020

One of the persistent comments I’ve read and heard in the midst of this pandemic is ‘nobody saw this coming’. At this point I always have to decide whether opinionated Jenn shows up or pastoral Jenn. Why? Because the fact is that some people did see this coming. Bill Gates in 2015[1]; epidemiologist Larry Brilliant…

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When a man speaks in the forest….

By: on April 5, 2020

“When a man speaks in the forest, and there is no woman there to hear him, is he still wrong?” Apparently, the answer is most certainly, yes. We held a vote on the subject at home, and the result was resounding. Consequently, I take comfort in Kathryn Schultz book, Being Wrong: Adventures in the Margin…

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Dreaming About a Better World…

By: on March 25, 2020

My heart is broken this week as I come face-to-face with so much grief and disillusionment.  Working as a Hospice Chaplain and Bereavement Director has been an overwhelming adventure during these trying times.  Patients are dying, but people cannot come together to grieve.  This crisis has flipped the world upside down with regards to helping…

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Democracy, Identity, and Equity is a Mirage in Africa

By: on March 24, 2020

During the late 19th century and early 20th century, there was a scramble for Africa colonization by the different European countries. The British, French, Italians, Portuguese, Germans, and Spanish took over various parts of Africa and exploited them well. They came established the development they had founded in their countries, which they knew would not…

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Looking at a Distorted Mirror

By: on March 23, 2020

Francis Fukuyama is one of my favourite writers in the world of Identity and socio-economic thinking; which, of course, means other people can’t stand his thinking at all. One Irish writer refers to him and an “intellectual Piñata”.[1] Fukuyama became prominent at the end of the 1980s because he displayed a degree of prescience regarding…

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Fukuyama Leaves Me Wanting More

By: on March 20, 2020

This past week has been very challenging, perhaps extremely distracting and dismaying, for all of us. For us here locally at the Vineyard Church of Houston, we held our first “COVID-19 Response” joint staff and Pastoral Council meeting (via Zoom) last Thursday evening, March 12. Since then, we have and continue to learn and share…

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