Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Life Is Happening, or, The Greatest Showwoman on Earth

By: on February 10, 2022

My head is spinning by the speed of life happening.  Which seems ironic considering how the pandemic seems to have stalled the forward motion in the church in general, and the church I serve specific.  The church I currently serve called me to lead them to radical change.  And we were on the precipice to…

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A Writing (and Leading) Kick in the Seat of the Pants

By: on February 10, 2022

“Writing is magic, as much the water of life as any other creative art. The water is free. So drink. Drink and be filled up.”[1] So ends Stephen King’s memoir on the craft of writing. Sounds great. Meanwhile, whether someone wants to write the next great novel or a weekly blog post for a doctoral…

12 responses

Inspiring Lessons on Transcendence from the King of Horror

By: on February 10, 2022

When the King of Horror, author credited with over 60 novels, 200 short stories, and countless films/TV series, the creative mind behind diverging stories like The Shining and The Shawshank Redemption, writes a book on writing, it is most likely going to be a master’s class.    In On Writing, King argued, “If you want to be a…

9 responses

Writing it Out

By: on February 9, 2022

How does one write well? How does an author find their voice? How does one write? These were some of the questions we set out to explore this week in the readings of Stephen King’s On Writing and Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art. Both classified under the general literature genre and incorporating elements of…

12 responses

On Writing and the Creative Process

By: on February 9, 2022

Stephen King’s, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft is a two-in-one book that combines personnel memoir plus a practical guide for writers to improve their craft. The first section of the book, “On Writing” is more personal history than writing tips—although even here he manages to dispense writing advice as he recounts his youth…

9 responses

Write! Write! Write!

By: on February 8, 2022

On Writing is a memoir written by Stephen King. In his words, it is neither an autobiography nor an instruction manual, but more of a curriculum vitae to form a writer. In describing the art of writing, King compares the fundamentals to a toolbox. There are a few essential items, but the other tools are…

10 responses

“Rest in [Seeds], Mf*kr.”

By: on February 8, 2022

Oregon state law requires that that new residence obtain an Oregon driver’s license within thirty days of residency. My partner Liz and I moved to Newberg, Oregon from Indiana on June 30th 2015. I obtained my Oregon driver’s license on January 8th, 2022. My trip to the DMV took less than an hour, cost no…

5 responses

Mutual Influence: Evangelicalism and Middle East Culture

By: on February 4, 2022

British historian David W. Bebbington, specializing in the history of modern Britain, provides a thorough analysis of evangelicalism’s development in Evangelicalism in Modern Britain: A History from the 1730s to the 1980s.[1] Uniquely, he examines both the influence of evangelicalism on society and the influence of society on evangelicalism.[2] Classified as a history book, Bebbington…

10 responses

A Journey to Become an Evangelical and Beyond

By: on February 3, 2022

This week’s readings were intriguing and intimidating. Intriguing because I have a very cursory understanding of The Evangelical Movement and even less of an awareness of its historical effect on my personal faith. I am generally not much of a people pleaser except when it comes to people that I have respect for, so to…

5 responses

Swim or Suffocate

By: on February 3, 2022

  There is a widespread myth that sharks must continually swim or they will suffocate to death.  In truth there are only about two dozen species[1]—including the Great White, the Whale Shark, and the Hammerhead shark—that have a need to be on the move.  They have what is known as “obligate ram ventilators,” meaning they…

16 responses

Emergence of Evangelicalism in every culture

By: on February 3, 2022

The author of Evangelicalism in Modern Britain, David Bebbington, delivers a comprehensive historical account of the evangelical movement in British cultural settings from the 1730s to the 1980s. This historical research book highlights the impact of the Evangelical movements on the developments of many evangelical denominations. Bebbington’s research focuses on the impact of evangelicalism on society…

9 responses

Go beyond emphathy, Be a responsible leader~

By: on February 3, 2022

Edwin H. Friedman, in his book A Failure of Nerve, examines the connections between rapid solutions in an age of anxiety to well-differentiated leadership. According to his lifetime research and experience in social psychology, he concluded that a well-differentiated leadership would bring progress and healing to any broken relationships, families, company, and society. According to…

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Capitalizing Evangelicalism

By: on February 3, 2022

According to author, researcher, and historian David Bebbington, an Evangelical is marked by four distinct characteristics, which form a quadrilateral: conversion, activism, biblicism and crucicentrism (Focus on the cross and atonement).[1]  Conversionism, that is conversion of souls unto Christ, could be the single value from which evangelicalism was derived. Bebbington writes, “Conversions were the goal…

9 responses

A History Worth Knowing

By: on February 3, 2022

In Bebbington’s book, Evangelicalism in Modern Britain, he attempts to sketch with a broad stroke, the considerable influence that the evangelical movement has had in Britain from the 1730’s to the 1980’s. It is a comprehensive history, explaining the early beginnings and then demonstrating how the movement has diverged into so many different expressions of…

7 responses

Evangelicalism: contending for the faith which was once given to the saints

By: on February 3, 2022

Focusing on major developments and key players of a significant religious movement within a leading world nation, Evangelicalism in Modern Britain is an excellent historical analysis of the growth of Evangelicalism in Britain from the early 18th century to the late 20th century. Bebbington wisely begins by discussing conversionism, activism, Biblicism, and crucicentrism as the…

11 responses

How History Helps Leaders

By: on February 3, 2022

“We need to become a New Testament church!” My predecessor recounted the numerous times he heard that statement during his tenure. I like the response he consistently gave, “Which New Testament church do you want to become? Corinth with all its issues? Philippi with its infighting? A church in Galatia with a quick turn away…

8 responses

I’ll Trade You My Keller Card for Your Whitfield Rookie Card

By: on February 2, 2022

I will trade you my Tim Keller, Andy Stanley, Tony Evans, John McArthur, and Franklin Graham cards for your John Wesley, George Whitfield, John Newton, and William Wilberforce’s rookie cards. Okay, you can have my Jonathan Edwards All American card too.  While the term Evangelical has become synonymous with Conservatism, Republicanism, Fundamentalism, and Hobby Lobby…

12 responses

Driven to Action

By: on February 2, 2022

The author of Evangelicalism in Modern Britain, David Beddington, provides an excellent historical account of the evangelical movement from the 1730s to the 1980s. The four marks of evangelicalism provide the framework for his summary, which are: “conversionism, the belief that lives need to be changed; activism, the expression of the gospel in effort; biblicism,…

11 responses

Has the Church Capitalized Too Much?

By: on February 1, 2022

The readings this week were centered around the birth and progression of Evangelicalism and its relationship to capitalism. D.W. Bebbington’s historical Evangelicalism in Modern Britain provided a broad context of the formation and expansion of Evangelicalism throughout Britain. A history professor by trade in both Scotland and in the U.S., Bebbington articulates what an Evangelical…

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