By: Christy on February 5, 2025
“That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, ‘Let us go over to the other side.’ Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it…
By: Diane Tuttle on February 4, 2025
Have you ever done a jigsaw puzzle with 1500 to 2000 pieces? It seems to take forever and in the midst of it I wonder if it will ever be finished. Pieces are all over a table and everything is disjointed. Then suddenly, the pieces start to fall into place. The picture becomes clearer and…
By: Adam Cheney on February 4, 2025
I try to live each day as authentic as possible. I try to be the same person whether I am at home, at church with my Christian friends, or engaging my Islamic immigrant friends. Whatever the audience, I try to point people to Jesus. However, it is living in authenticity that can become so challenging.…
By: Glyn Barrett on February 4, 2025
Despite the vast array of books, papers, research, and training programs, the fact that “finding an all-embracing definition of leadership remains elusive”[1] is both a concern and exciting. Firstly, it is concerning because if it is true that we are yet to grasp an effective understanding of what effective leadership is, it brings clarity as…
By: Shela Sullivan on February 3, 2025
What is this book about? “Rethinking Leadership: A Critique of Contemporary Theories” by Annabel Bereel provides a comprehensive critique of traditional leadership theories and offers insights into more effective leadership practices.[1] The book highlights the limitations of conventional models, such as trait theory, transactional leadership, and transformational leadership, and argues that these approaches oversimplify the…
By: Ryan Thorson on February 3, 2025
What does it take to lead well through change and crisis? What sorts of tools does a leader need in their tool belt when facing the tumultuous world in front of us today? Annabel Beerel’s text on various leadership theories, their values, and limits, was insightful and helpful. The clear and easy layout of the…
By: Jeff Styer on February 3, 2025
While reading Annabel Beerel’s, Rethinking Leadership: A Critique of Contemporary Theories there were many ideas that came to mind to focus on for this post[1]. Bereel has a chapter on neuroscience, a topic I love, and how it relates to leadership, she references Daniel Kahneman and David Rock whose books we have read.[2] In her…
By: Noel Liemam on February 2, 2025
“When it comes to strong leadership, I think about strength of character, body, and mind. Strong leaders also have clear vision, direction, and purpose. Purpose is huge: Why you work matters, not just to you, but to others in the organization or institution.” [1] David Nicholl response to Hutchinson Karise as he was asked about…
By: Daren Jaime on January 31, 2025
In a world marked by uncertainty, division, and rapid change, and societal turbulence, the need for strong, principled leadership has never been greater. People are searching for leaders who inspire trust, uphold integrity, and can bring clarity in times of confusion. A claim that Karise Hutchinson echoes in her writing Illuminaire, people want leaders who…
By: Chad Warren on January 30, 2025
In today’s fast-paced world, we are often told to push forward, strive for progress, and never settle. The mantra, “Winning in the Margins,” embodies the sentiment to use every available opportunity in our lives to advance and succeed. However, the drive for success can lead us to overwork, overload, and overlook one crucial element—margin. But…
By: Julie O'Hara on January 30, 2025
I fondly recollect the Shape-O toy by Tupperware. Yellow shapes fit through corresponding cutouts in a blue and red pull-apart ball. I remember the satisfaction of putting all the pieces in, the rattling noise, then being able to empty the container and start over. At one time, it must have been difficult to execute…
By: Debbie Owen on January 30, 2025
“The only constant in life is change.” We know this is true. Our bodies are constantly changing (not always in the ways we want them to), our external circumstances shift, our relationships evolve, and even our perspectives can change over time. In my own experience, I’ve been on a leadership team in three churches that…
By: Kari on January 30, 2025
“Don’t let your desire to serve others lead you to burnout like I did.” – An OB-GYN who worked in Asia “I was so busy working for the Lord that I forgot the Lord of the work.” …
By: Elysse Burns on January 30, 2025
Four years in the desert have given me a deep appreciation for greenery. I love watching the number of potted plants in my entryway grow, despite the harsh climate. The aloe’s hardiness—thriving with a shallow root system and self-propagating abilities—is incredible. Meanwhile, the fairy lily’s delicate bloom is always a delightful surprise. Despite their resilience,…
By: Graham English on January 30, 2025
As we start a new chapter of life and leadership in 2025 and the second half of the DLGP, I am aware of the complexity of leadership in our ever-changing world. Leadership is about context. While there is certainly timeless leadership wisdom, the field of leadership study has evolved significantly, with the recognition that what…
By: Joel Zantingh on January 30, 2025
This week’s foray into Illuminaire: Bringing Life & Light to Leaders Across The World gave me a gift in the phrase, “the journey of becoming” [1]. It was not long ago, in 2021 to 2022, that I was in a major transition in my leadership journey for a year and a half, and what I experienced…
By: Christy on January 29, 2025
Every 8 years, my organization appoints a new executive director, and we are currently walking through this process. Sometimes, this change comes with minimal disruption to organizational direction, and other times it comes with a change of direction, a completely new executive leadership team, and entirely new structures. Thankfully, our board has been pleased with…
By: Jennifer Eckert on January 29, 2025
I used to have a beautiful chestnut brown pony named Cupcake, with a vibrant star on her forehead and one white sock. She was a mix of a Quarter Horse and a Shetland Pony, perfectly sized for a scrawny kid like me. My mother, a single parent with a modest income, bought her for me…
By: Diane Tuttle on January 29, 2025
A book feels like I have an old friend in my hands. I like the texture, the ability to turn a corner of a page to mark my spot and writing some notes in the margins. Yes, Dr. Jason, I still like to write in my books. Consequently, I was not excited about reading this…
By: Shela Sullivan on January 28, 2025
Karise Hutchinson is a Professor of Leadership and the founder of Illuminaire Leadership, also known as Illuminaire Institute. Hutchinson has dedicated over 20 years to researching, teaching, consulting, and writing about leadership, with the aim to bring life and light to leaders across the globe. Illuminaire Institute uses storytelling to make complex leadership research both…