Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Keep Challenging Your Status Quo and Comfort Zone

By: on April 27, 2023

“Because small groups engender strong bonds, loose connections provide greater numbers, and a common purpose gives direction.” ­-Greg Satell-   After completing and submitting assignments in two courses, my wife and I went to the cinema to watch Jesus Revolution movie. The movie depicts a spiritual revolution in Costa Mesta, Southern California in early 1970s. The…

6 responses

Making a Point or Making a Difference?

By: on April 27, 2023

While in Divinity school after several of us had shared an interest in starting home churches, the professor challenged us when he said, “Just remember, it takes systems to change systems.” That concept has lingered with me ever since, and I believe that is one of the main points Greg Satell is getting at in…

8 responses

Curiosity killed the cat and satisfaction brought it back

By: on April 26, 2023

My company often describes itself to people as “your marketing department,” because you can’t hire us to create one graphic or one email. Typically we need to be invited into your company or nonprofit so we can learn about the organization, its culture and people. What I’ve learned these last five years since founding Leading…

6 responses

Joy as an act of rebellion against the spirit of the world

By: on April 26, 2023

I once heard someone say that joy is one of the most punk rock attributes a person can have. That it rebels against the world’s system. That it is the ultimate alternative to the cynicism we are so easily sucked into. When I was reading Cascades by Greg Satell I couldn’t stop thinking about that…

8 responses

Soul Groups: Loosely Connected But United in Purpose

By: on April 25, 2023

In 2001, I met with a small group of women in Newberg, Oregon for the single purpose of connection.  Most of us had recently moved from across the country; one woman relocated from Russia. Another had been living in Newberg for more than a decade. Each week, huddled in a circle sipping coffee, one person…

17 responses

Kleon would be proud!

By: on April 24, 2023

The premise of Greg Satell’s book “Cascades” is clear and simple: “Small groups, loosely connected, but united by a common purpose” can cause a monumental cascade of change.[1] Satell surmises that power is no longer in the hands of the top hierarchies but in the center of networks.[2] Satell parades an array of examples throughout…

19 responses

How to Start a Movement

By: on April 24, 2023

It’s the end of the term and, like the rest of you, my brain is tired. When my brain is tired, I start to revert to what is familiar. So as I was reading Cascades[1] I found myself wanting to anchor the material to an area with which I am already familiar. I will take…

12 responses

Networks, Weak Ties, and Societal Change

By: on April 24, 2023

In Cascades, Greg Satell argues that “power no longer resides at the top of hierarchies, but at the center of networks.”[1] Satell’s network dynamics include “small groups, loosely connected, but united by a common purpose.”[2] And if a leader needs “interconnectivity and interdependence”[3] to be effective, then perhaps this is at least part of the…

10 responses

Can Change and Fear Be Friends?

By: on April 24, 2023

I read the title and instantly envisioned a beautiful waterfall with water cascading down the side of a breathtaking rock formation. I could almost hear it. That image brought forth an image of a tropical paradise. I think it might be pretty common to summon this peaceful image at the end of a very challenging…

12 responses

A Global Pandemic…Three Years Later

By: on April 24, 2023

“Whether you are an activist advocating for social and political change, a manager leading an organization, or a leader looking to shape an entire society, the need to create interconnectivity and interdependence remains essential” (Satell, 35). I’m writing this particular blog post on the three year anniversary of the day I made the difficult decision (along…

12 responses

A Vision for Tomorrow: One Simple Thing

By: on April 24, 2023

One of the main reasons I am in this doctoral program is because I have a vision for tomorrow. My days of full-time missionary service may be over. I hope not. I have had a vision of coming along side and supporting ministry leaders in our family of churches for a while. Something feels unfinished.…

18 responses

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

By: on April 24, 2023

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and this book certainly paints an inspiring picture.  It’s encouraging to think of leveraging the unseen networks all around us to bring real transformation. Using numerous real-life examples, Greg Satell explains how “small groups, loosely connected, but united by a common purpose… grow as the density…

9 responses

When I Look Into Your Eyes

By: on April 22, 2023

“Leaning forward and maintaining eye contact indicate engagement; leaning back and avoiding eye contact indicate disengagement, or even boredom, anger or disdain.” -Julian Treasure-   In Indonesia, it is common scene to observe couples or families sitting together at a restaurant without engaging in any conversation. Instead, they are engrossed in their own smartphones, occasionally…

5 responses

Епілог-Epilogue (Ukrainian)

By: on April 22, 2023

Епілог-Epilogue (Ukrainian) Today, an online magazine article from one of my “go to” magazines presented itself.  Listed on the Christian Realist Providence Magazine, I read Ed Meador’s article about “Apocalypse Now:  The Revelations of Vladimir Putin.” Meador writes, “Now, following decades of deception, Putin has unveiled his heart of KGB darkness, outrageously demonstrating just how…

8 responses

Listening with Breath: In, Out, Back in, Back out

By: on April 20, 2023

I suffer as a light sleeper…it’s rough.  In my 20’s I worked as a Residence Hall Director at a University in Chicago for 4 years.  My bedroom was right above the front door of the hall, and I could hear everything…problem was that I didn’t always want to hear what was going on because it…

6 responses

Why the H.A.I.L. Are We Not Listening?

By: on April 20, 2023

Nausea, sleeplessness, anxiety, dread, and sweating describe some of my initial experiences when it came to speaking in front of midsize to large groups of people.  At a young age I had a growing enthusiasm for ministry, the church, serving people, and God. I had no idea how much fear I would have to work…

8 responses

It all started 40 years ago…

By: on April 20, 2023

April of 1983, I was a junior in high school and I was running for President of the Student Body. My main reason for running for office was to creatively impact more people with the gospel. One month before the election, one of my favorite teachers asked to see me after class. Mr. Riley looked…

24 responses


By: on April 19, 2023

How many times have you found yourself towering over a little one who is begging for your listening ear?  Daddy, daddy?  Mommy, mommy?  Mrs. Glei. . . ?  Listening is a way to show respect and honor to another person.  Kids when they are or are not being listened to.  When I think about how…

8 responses

“Look at me and Listen!”

By: on April 19, 2023

As a young mom, my ability to multi-task had become a way of life and something I prided myself in. We were a household of six. My life was a constant flow of ministry, music teaching, and keeping up with family needs. We loved life and enjoyed the journey, but my mind was a distracted…

9 responses

Speaking of Speaking…(and Listening)

By: on April 19, 2023

While a Lead Pastor does a bunch of other work outside of the pulpit, they can’t escape the fact that they speak for a living (unless they have a preaching pastor on their team). Most of us as Lead Pastors can struggle to be organized or do mediocre HR and still be in the congregation’s…

11 responses