Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Hallmark Movies and a Yeti… What more could we want?

By: on November 25, 2022

The formula to success on a movie or book, has a repetitive cycle that seems all to familiar to all cultures. Campbell breaks down the journey through an 11 part formula. Now that Campbell has uncovered the premise to every movie… when I watch anything through his lens I feel like I watching the predictable…

2 responses

How much proximity do you need to master a threshold concept?

By: on November 24, 2022

Is threshold concepts a threshold concept for you yet? Robert Coven made a note during his Ted talk that “Questions are more important answers.” (1) This made me reflect on people that I know that are asking questions. Right now I have a gaggle of kiddos running around which leads me to my first inquisitors…

one response

Two eyes, Two ears, One Mouth….

By: on November 22, 2022

When I grew up my North Star in my family to me was my grandfather. I was extremely lucky in that I got to spend a lot of time with him. I always knew he was different than everyone else in my family and his demeanor was extremely alluring to me. It wasn’t until I…

one response

Is America Still Beautiful?

By: on November 22, 2022

Shelby Steele’s Shame: How America’s Past Sins Have Polarized Our Country is a great reminder of the many issues we face as Americans in place that claims freedom depending on our your race, religion, and political party. Segregation, has not gone away, it is something that is not brought up in conversations or discussions. Unfortunately if…

4 responses

Uncomfortable Growth

By: on November 22, 2022

We are extremely blessed in the culture we live in the U.S. We have incredible homes, furnishings, comforts that many cultures or ethnicities never face or understand. We work and provide so are children can have it a little easier than we had it. But we must ask, are we hurting our children rather than…

5 responses

But Test Everything that is Said

By: on November 22, 2022

Eve Pooles book on Leadersmithing is a great read that inspires leadership development in Romans 5:1-5. [1] As Christians we must be careful to not look to the world for answers but look to Christ. We must have a Biblically  world view and see knowledge through the lens of the bible. To test knowledge against…

3 responses

A Book That I Have Been Living

By: on November 22, 2022

What do you do when you find yourself in in a leadership position? Read a book. While it does sound counter-intuitive, this book may be the one worth reading. That is what I was thinking as I read Leadersmithing: Revealing the Trade Secrets of Leadership [1]. More to the point, I was thinking, “this is…

3 responses

Are Leaders Born or Made?

By: on November 21, 2022

  Can you imagine Julius Caesar reading a leadership book? What about George Washington, Abraham Lincoln or a more present day U.S. leader Barak Obama? This was an initial question that was posed that really makes you dream. Eve Pool, author of Leadersmithing has made navigating leadership roles more definitive with several years of research…

4 responses

I Hope You Fail

By: on November 18, 2022

“Every year I pray that she would experience failure.” These are actual words that came out of my wife’s mouth when we were talking about her now 11 year old niece. I wasn’t sure how to feel about it at the time and filed it as an orange flag, not quite a deal breaker but…

10 responses

Apprentice Leaders

By: on November 18, 2022

How it Differs From Other Leadership Books. Why Leadersmithing? Eve Poole believes current leaders differ from the staunch, stiff-upper-lip Churchill types of old. Leaders today need to be more self-aware, have lots of practice, take themselves less seriously, and pay more attention to others.[1]  This is not easy. To be a leader requires lots of…

4 responses

Leadership comes directly from God

By: on November 18, 2022

Eve Poole’s Leadersmithing has great insights for leaders and everyone aspiring to become a person of influence in one way or another. Leaders come in different shapes with differing abilities, is anyone born a leader, or is leadership a skill to be acquired with learning and mastery? Eve Poole and a couple of other great…

10 responses

Shame- Invitation to Collaborate

By: on November 17, 2022

Shelby Steele, in his book: Shame How America’s Past Sins Have Polarized Our Country, boldly reflects on America’s history and how racism has impacted current events relating to affirmative action.  He best illustrates this in sharing about the life of Clarence Thomas, the Supreme Court Justice who wrote a memoir, My Grandfather’s Son. [1] Clarence…

9 responses

Tempered Resilience: Character, Curiosity, Connection

By: on November 17, 2022

“We’re off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz!”  This has been ringing in my head as my husband and I went to this play over the weekend at a nearby college. The college students who put on the play did a fantastic job! I wondered how many times the boisterous song rang…

4 responses

Questions-The Magic in the Cards

By: on November 17, 2022

Eva Poole, in Leadersmithing Revealing the Trade Secrets of Leadership provides a “go to” manual that any leader would benefit from having handy in their library. Poole separates her book into Theory and Practice and uses the metaphor of a deck of cards which describes the various skill sets any leader must have.[1] As I…

11 responses

Wax on, wax off.

By: on November 16, 2022

“Wax on. Wax off.” The famous training method of Mr. Miyagi in The Karate Kid. This training involved the young Daniel learning from the seasoned, experienced master through seemingly senseless, menial tasks. But, unbeknownst to Daniel, he was, through relationship and menial drills, becoming a master of martial arts himself.   Eve Poole, in her…

14 responses

What Cards Are In Your Hand?

By: on November 15, 2022

I joined the Color Guard my freshman year in high school. I learned how to spin a flag and toss a rifle. To this day, I still feel the urge to do drop spins or double-time any time I am holding an object that remotely resembles a flag. Brooms, tubes of wrapping paper, golf clubs,…

10 responses

The odds be ever in your favor…

By: on November 13, 2022

In the midst of the game of life it seems as though everything is out to get us. New studies telling us that what we thought was safe is actually no longer safe, we are constantly on our own to make the best decisions with the information at hand only to learn that we were…

10 responses

Glass Blowing and the Art of Leadership

By: on November 13, 2022

All Things Dolly Since childhood, I have loved all things Dolly Parton, and that includes her premiere vacation destination for tourists in East Tennessee – Dollywood. For those who have not been, it is a theme park set in the late 1800’s. There are rides (of course), delicious food to be tasted, and Dolly memorabilia…

9 responses

Beyond the Numbers

By: on November 13, 2022

We live and lead in an information-driven society. Data, details and diagnostics are at our fingertips 24 hours a day. There are many benefits to living in the information age, but there are also many problems. A primary issue being that all information is not created equal. Cousins and authors, Tom and David Chivers, explore…

2 responses