Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

But Test Everything that is Said

Written by: on November 22, 2022

Eve Pooles book on Leadersmithing is a great read that inspires leadership development in Romans 5:1-5. [1] As Christians we must be careful to not look to the world for answers but look to Christ. We must have a Biblically  world view and see knowledge through the lens of the bible. To test knowledge against the Word of God. There are many great takeaways we can glean from Eve Pooles book on Leadersmithing. There are some things I strongly disagree with. Often in Church or social circles,  you will hear people say chew the meat and spit out the bones.

Unfortunately, I have fallen victim to saying this myself. But Paul teaches us in 1st Thessalonians 5:19-22 Do not stifle the Holy Spirit (20) Do not scoff at prophecies (21) But test everything that is said (22) Stay away from every kind of evil. From 1st Thessalonians 5:21 we see from this verse that this is really what the program is about, as inspiring doctoral students to truly test everything that is said.[2]

Leaders are formed, not born. 

From Romans 9:21 we see that leaders are clay (us) in the Potters Hand (God). Some are used for dishonorable use and some for honorable use. From the book of James we know that God allows trials that we should be complete and lacking nothing (James 1:4). We see from the Word of God, that leaders are formed and not born. That God takes a roll of a Father looking after His children to see that they mature into the masterpiece that He desires. Yes, God gives us free will, but in His great love for us, God desires the very best for us.

Biblical vs. Secular Leadership

Often when I listen to people speak or new information, I am always doing my best to test it against the Word of God. Not only His Word, but also His Spirit, and Spiritual Gifts. We must remember as Christian leaders we are anointed and have wonderful gifts such as discernment to use in our judgement. Jesus knew that we would face many things in this age, and that He gave us wonderful gifts to use through the Holy Spirit to help us. We must simply use them (1st Corinthians 12:10).

Poole compiled her research into four major categories:

  • Leadership Muscle Memory
  • Self-Regulation
  • Reflective Judgment
  • Learning to Learn

We see that these our great categories, but we must remember that not only do we have knowledge, but wisdom as well. In the latter part of my life I am leaning more towards wisdom and less about trials. In fact, in 2nd Peter 1, Peter teaches us that true knowledge comes from obedience to God’s Word. Therefore as Christians do we need to learn through struggle? What if we yield to wisdom like the Proverb says?

Poole’s book on Leadersmithing is a great book for the more mature Christian. We can see a common thread through Tempered Resilence[3] and in Daniel Kahneman, Thinking Fast and Slow[4] that go along with Poole’s critical thinking and presentation. But as Christians, God provided the example through His Son Jesus Christ, that is our goal, transformation and not evolution.


I really enjoyed Pool’s book, especially accompanied by her Ted Talk.[5] I don’t know about her choice in lighting with her Ted Talk, but I will always remember her Ted Talk because of the lighting. She made use of great visual aids such as perils vs. pearls. I believe there is many leadership skills we can glean from this, most of all to investigate a little further and deeper. To always remember what Paul said in 1st Thessalonians 5:21 but test everything that is said.

[1] Eve Poole, Leadersmithing: Revealing the Trade Secrets of Leadership (London Oxford New York, NY: Bloomsbury Business 2017

[2] 1st Thessalonians 5:20-22

[3]  Tod Boslinger, Tempered Resilence, How Leaders Are Formed In The Crucible of Change. Intervarsity Press, 2020.

[4] Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow, Farrar, Straus, and Giroux. (New York,

[5] Eve Poole, “Leadersmithing | Eve Poole| TEDxDurhamUniversity,” October 16, 2018


About the Author


Greg McMullen

Pastor Greg resides in Lake Stevens WA and pastors a small rural church in the Machias area . The Well Church has a large food ministry in which many different cultures come each week to gather food and counsel. The Church has a small school that is bearing good fruit. Pastor Greg has a large family of 10 children and enjoys fishing and hiking.

3 responses to “But Test Everything that is Said”

  1. Michael O'Neill says:

    Great post, Greg. What there a specific statement or principle from Poole’s book that you disagree with that you feel comfortable elaborating on?


  2. Michael,

    It is a great book and excellent for leadership training, especially when you take in all the books together. Probably the biggest stand I would take, is connection on evolution and being connected to reptiles.

  3. mm Audrey Robinson says:

    I found myself over the past few weeks saying “chew the meat – spit out the bones” because I too am attempting to use the word of God as my lens or worldview for everything.

    Reading your post encouraged me and let me know it’s okay to disagree with some of the concepts in the books we’re reading.

    You absolutely nailed it when you said the Lord’s goal is transformation and not evolution.

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