Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

The Cellular Blueprint

By: on January 25, 2023

Edwin Friedman’s A Failure of Nerve continues to pique my interest in how it presents good leadership as a journey of discovering one’s own identity as an exercise of self-differentiation. As I examined the book for a second time, the chapter on “the fallacies of self”[1] helped to clarify the balance that must be struck…

3 responses

No, ChatGPT isn’t going to change everything.

By: on January 25, 2023

On the morning of December 5th, 2022, I received a text from a friend of mine introducing me to ChatGPT. His wife was preparing a sermon that week. She asked for my help in collecting research material for her message. She promised me a $5 Starbucks gift card. I would have done it for free.…

11 responses

Turning Failure Into Success

By: on January 24, 2023

As we go through the doctoral program, we learn and apply from each book we read, blog, and discuss. I have personally found that I am learning a great deal through my colleagues. In Monday’s zoom class, I again realized what a gift it is to be in this program. How do I slow down…

8 responses

The Rise of Coaching

By: on January 21, 2023

 “You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to PUT OFF YOUR OLD SELF, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires;  to be MADE NEW in the attitude of your minds and to PUT ON THE NEW SELF, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.”   EPHESIANS 4:22-24  According to Forbes…

10 responses

Jesus Self-Differentiates

By: on January 21, 2023

Doctor Seuss’ books were a favorite growing up. I remember a less popular Doctor Seuss book titled: “Are You My Mother?” As a young child I thought it was pretty silly to follow the main character, a little bird, on his journey to find who his mother was. Asking who my mother is could be…

4 responses

Coaching and Pastoring… Is there a difference?

By: on January 20, 2023

What’s the difference between pastoring and coaching? I have to admit that I have held a negative view of coaching born from life-coaches who have taken advantage of and given horrible advice to my sister-in-law. Tom Camacho’s Mining for Gold gave me a new perspective on coaching. At its core, Camacho states that “mining for…

6 responses

Leadership Clarity

By: on January 20, 2023

Mining for Gold by Tom Camacho is an inspirational and empowering book that encourages readers to take risks and find success in their lives. The book dives deep into the concept of gold mining and makes the correlation of how we can use our own life experiences to uncover hidden gems within ourselves and others.…

11 responses

The Treasure of a Good Friendship

By: on January 19, 2023

  I am sitting by the pool at the Polynesian Resort at Walt Disney World. Between winter storms, loss of power, evacuating, and migraines (due to the winter storms and stress), I did not get my post done prior to this trip. So here I am. Not a bad place to sit for a bit…

13 responses

Mining for Gold in the Classroom

By: on January 19, 2023

After reading Tom Camacho’s book, Mining for Gold, my mind is full of thoughts of coaching. While I ran track and cross country in school, and so know something of coaching from that standpoint, I know very little of coaching from the author’s point of view. Basically, God as a refiner, and transforms us until…

9 responses

Start with God

By: on January 19, 2023

We should always mine for the gold in people’s lives. “Look for the good.” Pastor Mack Timberlake often bellowed from the pulpit on Sunday mornings from the large Church planted in the middle of a country field in Creedmoor, NC. Just as that seed (phrase ‘mining for gold’) inspired me all those years ago –…

11 responses

Living abundant life in a chaotic world!

By: on January 19, 2023

Introduction Hidden treasures   In Mining for Gold Developing, Kingdom Leaders through Coaching, Tom Camacho shares fantastic resources and reminds us of the great potential to serve God in extraordinary ways. Camacho shares coaching in his book and workshops and reveals the incredible truth about moving in the abundance of God’s presence, doing, and thriving…

8 responses

The Whole Body Fully Alive

By: on January 18, 2023

Understanding Coaching Leadership Tom Camacho, in his book Mining for Gold: Developing Kingdom Leaders Through Coaching, presents an exciting approach to developing leaders in the local church, in the business community, in government, in the family setting, and in the broader world context. The purpose of his writing is to help identify, shape, and accompany…

6 responses

Fool’s Gold

By: on January 16, 2023

As a child I always loved a good adventure. I would often reenact “Little House on the Prairie” (1)scenes outside discovering new unfound places and things. One of these adventures was to find gold or other gems that would make us rich so all our problems would disappear. Armed with a sifter and a shovel…

11 responses

They said it… Willpower won’t fix it!

By: on January 16, 2023

So often in the new year we make New Year’s resolutions, convinced that this new year will be the year that we will overcome all our vices and change the way we live… because we are motivated this year. “We will do it this year!” Then life happens and we fail for the first time,…

4 responses

We Need Barnabas!

By: on January 16, 2023

I enjoyed reading Tom Comacho, Mining for Gold: Developing Kingdom Leaders. [1] However Dr. Clark challenged to not hold back anymore, “to have more confidence with my anointing and prophetic gifting, for some reason I seem to hold back” I gave him some lame excuses and blamed some things on Covid and how I don’t…

5 responses

The Pressure is Off – A Pastoral Paradigm Shift

By: on January 15, 2023

Youth ministry was not the career path I desired. Though pastoring has been the dream since I was 18 years old, I rarely saw myself as a youth pastor. A senior pastor? Absolutely. Youth pastor? In the words of Moses, “Pardon your servant, Lord. Please send someone else.” To my surprise, I have served in…

7 responses

Desire for More

By: on January 14, 2023

I felt it early, even as a child. The bone deep desire for something more. Do the right thing. Get the good grades. Don’t cause waves. Control is my addiction and approval my vice. I am chasing, always chasing. Trying. Yearning. Wanting. Numbing. I live in bondage…to myself. The fatal flaw of humanity is a…

7 responses

Dopamine Moments

By: on January 13, 2023

It is with great delight that the authors of The Molecule of More deliver on their promise of revealing how a single chemical “will determine the fate of the human race.”[1] This single chemical is dopamine and it is getting its fair share of the attention in the media and popular works, and rightfully so,…

4 responses

Divinely Wired

By: on January 12, 2023

The Molecule of More by Daniel Z. Lieberman and Michael E. Long is a fascinating exploration of the role that dopamine plays in human behavior. This book focuses on how dopamine, also known as the “molecule of more,” impacts our lives from day-to-day decisions to large-scale societal trends and habits. Together they have created a…

13 responses