Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Blessed Are the Meek

By: on September 16, 2023

Simon P. Walker takes his readers on a journey of “undefendeness” and is a great sequel to his first book of this trilogy, Leading Out of Who You Are. Walker draws copiously from psychology and other ego patterns mentioned previously in his writings such as “shaping, defining, adapting, and defending.”[1] He interweaves secular and sacred…

10 responses

Power in Spaces

By: on September 15, 2023

“So, who sets the vision for this church? You or the congregation?” I was sitting with a prospective member when this question came up. It was the question that he really wanted to ask me. Just moments before, I had heard a story about how this person held a leadership position at their previous church…

5 responses

Can Stepping Aside be Powerful?

By: on September 14, 2023

“If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”[1] This was the verse around which our pastor focused his sermon this past week.[2] He said these words represent a lifestyle of caring about other human beings so much that we are willing to pour ourselves…

13 responses

Risky Leadership

By: on September 14, 2023

“Before change comes stillness.” (145) In our busy world we hold in high regard anyone who looks like they are busy to be still is the equivalent of a curse word. Even when someone says to you I wish I could just sit for a moment , be still  in silence for a moment, in…

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The Master Leader

By: on September 13, 2023

Introduction: I was born while my parents were going to Uganda as refugees after a Coup d’état in Rwanda in 1973. Habyarimana ruled Rwanda until his plane was blown to pieces in 1994, after which we saw the worst genocide. The genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda left a million innocent women, men, and children…

6 responses

Leadership in War and Peace

By: on September 13, 2023

In my career in ministry and in large scale commercial construction, I have been exposed to many types of leadership styles. Some of these lessons inspired me, some of these lessons cautioned me greatly. Leadership styles and a leader will vary in times of war and peace. At times of war, leaders rely heavily on…

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Use the Force

By: on September 12, 2023

“History has not been kind to Neville Chamberlain.” Malcolm Gladwell pointed this out in his book Talking to Strangers.[1] Gladwell recounts the story of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain’s attempt to engage in diplomatic dialogue with the mysterious, erratic new leader of Germany, Adolf Hitler. Through their meetings, Hitler convinced Chamberlain that he was not…

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Power in Stillness

By: on September 12, 2023

Introduction Simon Walker, in his book, Leading With Nothing to Lose: Training in the Exercise of Power, familiarizes the reader with various leadership theories and how different leaders use power. Walker provides eight role models who embody the different strategies he proposes; four American presidents, Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, and Jesus. Walker…

5 responses

AI the Leader’s Delegation Tool

By: on September 11, 2023

I have actually never used an AI service like ChatGBT before this assignment. I was a sceptic that thought it was a way of cheating a way of avoiding the work that should be completed by humans. Having done more research and listening to other perspectives. I have come to believe that as a tool…

4 responses

Let’s Get Educated on AI

By: on September 10, 2023

*heart emoji*, *kiss emoji*. I have sent both of these texts unintentionally. The more harmless, *heart emoji*, was sent to my mom and while it was a mistake, it was probably for the best. The *kiss emoji* was sent to an elderly Chinese man who is the coordinating pastor at a church I guest speak…

4 responses

Sounds like 2004

By: on September 10, 2023

Sounds like 2004 Whenever I think about artificial intelligence (AI), I immediately go to the 2004 movie “I, Robot,” starring Will Smith, which explores a future where robots are ubiquitous and highly integrated into human society. However, as the movie progresses, it reveals the dangers of placing too much trust in AI systems. One of…

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Jesus and ChatGPT

By: on September 10, 2023

Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) looks like a great revolution that is here to stay and very beneficial in various aspects. I believe AI will change how we do things. I found myself wondering why anyone would see this negatively. Like in any other area, there is no question that potential dangers will come with it…

10 responses

Hunger Games Districts

By: on September 9, 2023

Artificial Intelligence is here to stay. It has yet to be determined what the full impact will be on humanity. Similarly, no one foresaw the impact social media, precisely Facebook, Google Search, Twitter, and related technology advances, would have on society—more people complaining of increased negative engagement, cyberbullying, depression, social isolationism, etc. The question is,…

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Leaders that Inspire

By: on September 9, 2023

Simon Walker’s book Leading with Nothing to Lose was very informative this week. It discussed different forces and how they work together in leadership: front stage versus back stage, [1] strong versus weak [2] and expanding versus consolidating [3]. After the introduction of these forces, and how nobody is just one or the other of…

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AI: Skynet, Education and Using Our Brain

By: on September 9, 2023

“Dealing with systems that output plausible but wrong information feels like a very new challenge.”  – Micheal Webb Introduction This certainly feels like a new frontier or more like the introduction of a revolution, probably both. A new frontier is the opportunity to explore, while discovering new ways of being in the world. A revolution…

4 responses

AI, A Handy Tool or Destructive Instrument?

By: on September 8, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has permeated nearly every facet of our lives, transforming the way we work, communicate, and learn. Like any tool, it can be used for good or can lead to our demise. Money is not AI but there is a correlation between the two because it too can be used to produce great…

8 responses

AI: Enhance and Not Harm

By: on September 7, 2023

At my daughter’s graduation from Seattle Pacific University four years ago, the commencement speaker, Skip Li, spent the first half of his speech presenting “The Top Ten Lessons in Life,” and then he took an abrupt turn and used the second half of his speech to warn the audience of the dangers of artificial intelligence…

11 responses

Innovative Deliverance

By: on September 7, 2023

AI Oxford Language defines innovation as “the action or process of innovating” and “a new method, idea, product, etc.”. Inventing things is not new to humankind. All the things and conveniences we enjoy had to be invented. Some person was given the idea and created just what they thought was needed at that time. Did…

3 responses

AI: Limitless Possiblities

By: on September 7, 2023

Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT are things I know next to nothing about. The videos we watched this week were helpful for me. I decided to download the app on my phone and take it for a spin, just to see what the fuss was all about. I created a prototype of a letter of recommendation…

7 responses

Oxford: People, Places and Plans

By: on September 5, 2023

The adage if walls could talk comes to mind when I consider the upcoming doctoral advance to the celebrated city of Oxford, England. In preparation for the trip, I reviewed Paul Sullivan’s quippy book The Secret History of Oxford[1] and lost myself in Youtube videos about this historic city. As a writer, intellect, and lover…

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