Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Innovative Deliverance

Written by: on September 7, 2023


Oxford Language defines innovation as “the action or process of innovating” and “a new method, idea, product, etc.”. Inventing things is not new to humankind. All the things and conveniences we enjoy had to be invented. Some person was given the idea and created just what they thought was needed at that time. Did people gripe at the innovative ideas, I would imagine that the answer to that question is yes. I predicted that response only because we are humans. Humans tend to fear and dislike change, something that seems will never go away.

New advancements

This country alone thrives on the inventions that have bloomed throughout our history. Why is AI any different than the rest of the inventions? AI is said to be a little different, it is now completing tasks that once could only be completed by humans. Advancements have allowed us to see things we never thought would be possible. Some tasks that once took a great amount of effort now can be done with the simple click of a button.

Education and AI

To students AI can be very beneficial. When writing that long paper AI can help with thoughts and get you past some brain fog. The length of time that you are spending researching can decrease and the possibilities can increase. AI is support but not an answer to the completion of an assignment.

Detriments of AI

Though there are countless ways that these advancements can be beneficial, what are some of the ways that they can be detrimental? We have seen AI take a way many human facilitated jobs in the last few years. The intelligence of these systems has diminished the need to hire and seek employees in many cases. As a student it is somewhat detrimental because it can be used to create some of the work that is assigned. It can also block out the need for many disciplines when a system can be intelligent enough to mimic human thoughts. I believe that the weight of an educational degree is already decreasing and as intelligence grows there will be little left to desire.

In conclusion

Daily I watch advancements in many sectors. One advancement caught my eye in the new football facilities in my hometown. The new check out system will allow you to place the items that you have selected on a pad that will scan everything and generate a total. You can finish the transaction by paying with your card or inserting cash. In these transactions, there are no people involved and that is the scariest part of it all. Will AI take over everything or could it be just the innovative deliverance that we have been waiting so long for.


About the Author


Shonell Dillon

A daughter of the KING of kings and the LORD of lords. A lover of LIFE!

3 responses to “Innovative Deliverance”

  1. Michael O'Neill says:

    Hello, Shonell. Great post. I agree with you that people are often scared of change. I think we see this in our families, jobs, ministries, and even church congregations. I remember when my childhood church congregation added a service with instruments, many people were in shock and some even left. It was all about reaching new people, adding to the experience and they didn’t change anything with the standard service. It did not matter. Some people can not accept change. I think it often becomes a faith situation. Our elders and preacher had many meetings and the leaders prayed over it for a long time. They decided it was best so I think that was what made me frustrated when people argued or left over it. There was proper discernment and buy-in from the majority.

    I’m looking forward to catching up in Oxford. Safe travels.

  2. mm David Beavis says:

    Yes, the point you bring up about the loss of job for people is critical. This is a great fear of many when it comes to mass-usage in our workforce. What do you think we, as the Church, can do to be a part of the solution?

  3. Alana Hayes says:

    I am torn on checkout systems like you mentioned:

    As a business order of a customer focused business I am thrilled for the possibility to be able to not only provided automaticity but also keep labor costs down which in turn keeps food costs down. Apart from having a computer glitch…. I’m never going to get a call from the computer telling me its not feeling work today and is not showing up.

    However, also as a business owner some of my biggest rewards has been watching employees grow and learn!

    I see both sides!

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