Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Risky Leadership

Written by: on September 14, 2023

“Before change comes stillness.” (145)

In our busy world we hold in high regard anyone who looks like they are busy to be still is the equivalent of a curse word. Even when someone says to you I wish I could just sit for a moment , be still  in silence for a moment, in the back of their heard they know that this would actually be a huge problem for so many of the things they really have to do and that it will never become a reality that they allow themselves to feel.

Becoming a Good Leader

In leadership there are many buzz words, trends for how to lead, and strategies to engage to be the best leader. All of which as leaders we are grabbing at like TVs on sale on Black Friday. Leadership has become another competition something to be gained, to be conquered, to be owned. Books like The Undefended Leader by Simon Walker begin to challenge these practices. Walker calls into question these strategies and poses a new more risky way of leading.

Risky Leadership

To be a leader that is self emptying, that is hospitable, that leads from empathy, and that is willing to take time to be still and listen is a huge risk in the world of competitive leadership. “…What would happen if you were still for a moment- truly still. Not just inactive, but still in your heart. You let go of your ambition, your desires and personal hopes, and instead paid attention to the situation in front of you.” (145) This type of stillness would take unhindered confidence in one’s self and a willingness to miss something or even fail in order to hear what is truly in front of you. This is a risk.

Leaders Who Can’t risk

In my doctoral research I started with trying to understand why leaders loose their capacity for risk taking. Why do leaders fall into the safety of maintaining and loose sight of potential growth for themselves and their organizations? Why do leaders fear failure? My research lead me to understand it a leadership trauma. A failure, a negative experience under a leader, a negative experience with someone they were leading, any number of negative events that stored within the leader a fear, a pain, a trauma that took root. I then began to ask the question how do we heal? In 2023, post covid, in the midst of social movements, and now war; how do we as leaders heal?

Risky Play

In a moment of stillness for me, swimming one mile worth of laps in a pool, in complete silence, I could feel me soul being to heal. In the stillness of my mind through the repetition of swimming laps, I could hear my hearts passion again. In stillness from the business of our lives, in separation from the to do list of things to maintain our leadership position, in swimming laps in a pool we a leaders can begin to recenter and to see what needs are right in front of us. My research began to take a turn towards how play plays a pivotal role in healing our leadership trauma and opening our minds up to the possibility of taking new risks in leadership. It isn’t necessarily inactivity leaders need, it is an opportunity to reconnect with the core of who they are and why they lead. To remember their passion, to feel hope, to engage empathy, and to take risks. This is exactly what we have all done as children when we played. We learned these skills through play. Yet, as adult leaders we have allowed our business to actually steal our ability to lead well and we have abandoned the play that can empower us and equip us.

Simon Walker wrote 4 words towards the end of his book and they hold great power and sound wisdom.

“Before change comes stillness.” (145)

May we all be brave enough to be still, open enough to play, and free enough to risk.


About the Author


Sara Taylor Lattimore

Sara is adopted, a wife of 17 years, a mother to 2 amazing children who give her opportunities to be a cheerleader, dress up like a princess, play soccer in the mud, and go on amazing adventures. With a Bachelors in political science and sociology, Sara worked for Child Protective Services as a legal caseworker before following a call into full-time ministry in 2008. During her time in full-time ministry Sara has served in medium to large size local congregations, as well as camp ministry. Sara has a passion for serving others, writing, and speaking. In 2016 Sara worked on a joint publication as a Curriculum Writer. Sara wrote the Intergenerational/Family & Day Camp Resources in “Beyond Belief” for InsideOut Christian Resources for Outdoor Ministry- Published by Chalice Press- Release Date 2018. Sara is looking forward to writing her own book next. Sara completed her MDiv from Iliff School of Theology in 2019 and is currently working on her Doctorate in Leadership and Global Perspectives from Portland Seminary. Sara currently serves as Lead Pastor of a local church in Southwestern Montana. She has previously served in ministry positions leading congregations in engaging globally in healthy mission and outreach partnerships, living life missionally, building innovative programs, and building relationships as the Director of Missions and Outreach, College Ministry Coordinator, Family and Children’s Ministry Director, Director of Christian Education, and Camp Program Director. She is an innovator and visionary who looks to find empowering and dignity restoring ways of building communities of belonging, while listening and partnering with others to find ways to also address the needs of the communities she is planted in. Beyond her work, Sara dreams of growing her family through adoption, kayaking with Orcas, going on pilgrimage on the Camino De Santiago in Spain, traveling in an RV across North America, and traveling internationally.

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