Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

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Leadership when change is dynamic and unpredictable.

By: on January 12, 2023

The covid19 pandemic was as brutal as it was merciless in forcing everyone across the globe to change. Life became unpredictable as people lived in fear and uncertainty, not having a clue of what to expect or do. If change management is leadership, then everyone was forcibly conscripted into leadership to manage the most unpredictable…

14 responses

Fiction Can Wait

By: on January 12, 2023

My wife often tells me I should pick up more fiction. I agree with her, but for some reason I’ve had an aversion to such literature most of my adult life. Admittedly, I do occasionally pick up a novel by Cormac McCarthy, J.R. Tolkien, or J.K. Rowling, but the thought of doing more of that…

8 responses

It’s All About The Journey

By: on January 12, 2023

I buy books. Lots of books! I bought How to Read a Book, by Mortimer J. Adler and Charles Van Doren, decades ago. I don’t recall having ever read it. I laughed at the realization of having packed, unpacked, and repacked a book I had never finished over the course of five international relocations. I…

14 responses

WYSIATI or Can’t We Just Go Back to Normal?

By: on January 12, 2023

“I can’t wait to get back to normal” was a regularly heard phrase by the members of the church I served when the Covid Pandemic was in full swing.  Although people were thankful for Zoom technology for worship, the heart felt sense that we were not the same community because we could not be together…

12 responses

It All Starts with Thinking Differently

By: on January 12, 2023

Gustavo Razzetti, organizational culture consultant, author, and speaker, wrote “Remote Not Distant: Design a Company Culture That Will Help You Thrive in a Hybrid Workplace”[1] to encourage leaders to think differently about their organization’s culture post the wide-spread work-from-home experiences of the covid-19 pandemic. He provides a roadmap for executives so they and their teams…

15 responses

And So It Begins…

By: on January 12, 2023

The title of my blog is from some Lord of the Rings character, in one of the three movies, before one of the important battles.  If I could figure out how to add a footnote on this blog page, I might be more compelled to communicate with a bit more accuracy and precision, which would…

9 responses

The Writing Life

By: on January 12, 2023

Writing was my refuge.  I could slip in between every word and feel my body stretch itself without limits, rules or expectations. Especially as an imaginative, outspoken adolescent girl whose critical thinking skills were wildly untethered, my songs, poems, letters and stories sheltered me with their walls. The more than 300 journals in my garage…

13 responses

A Need beyond freebees~

By: on January 12, 2023

Gustavo Razzetti, the author of Remote Not Distant, is an author and a leading workplace thinker on changing and improving workplace cultures. He begins this book on how to rebuild a hybrid company culture by stating that workplaces are headed into a whole new era of cultures after covid era. He begins his book by…

13 responses

The Changing Workplace

By: on January 12, 2023

In the 2022 book, “Remote, Not Distant,” Gustavo Razzetti outlines helpful principles for companies to consider as they navigate the “new normal” of remote work realities in the modern workplace. Razzetti’s premise is that the COVID pandemic forever changed the structure of work and we will not be returning to business as usual. Indeed, the…

8 responses

5 Steps to a Healthy Hybrid Work Culture

By: on January 12, 2023

In his book, Remote Not Distant: Designing a Company Culture That Will Help You Thrive in a Hybrid Work Place, author Gustavo Razzetti makes the case for shifting to hybrid work models, and he provides a roadmap for how to do so intentionally. He spends substantial time at the beginning of the book debunking myths…

8 responses

Hybrid: Not Just For Cars Anymore

By: on January 12, 2023

Gustavo Razzetti, founder and CEO of Fearless Culture, author, and corporate consultant specializing in digital strategy, offers a way into the future after the global Covid pandemic. His business book, Remote, Not Distant, provides actionable steps toward a thriving institutional culture in the “new normal” in the post-pandemic world. Razzetti’s premise states that the book…

12 responses

Learning to read

By: on January 12, 2023

On a bookshelf in my house sits a small wooden plaque with a quote from Thomas Jefferson “I cannot live without books”. This accurately reflects how I feel about reading, but it also serves as a passive justification to my wife for the unreasonable amount of money I’ve spent on books over the years. I…

9 responses

Kingdom Coaching- Peter Jumps Ship

By: on January 12, 2023

I want my relationship with Jesus to look like the one Peter had. Like Peter, Jesus is foremost my Savior and Creator, but I believe He also is my coach. Camocho provides a resource for those who are interested in coaching and what to look for in a coach in his book Mining for Gold. …

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Intentional Transformation

By: on January 11, 2023

Gustavo Razzetti’s Remote Not Distant was, for me, a gift that I did not anticipate receiving simply based on the title. I was under the impression that Razzetti would be primarily focused on the practicalities of setting up environments to foster healthy remote and hybrid environments, but he went beyond that, diving into the importance…

12 responses

Covid 19: An Opportunity to Reset

By: on January 11, 2023

Gustavo Razzetti’s Remote Not Distant: Design a Company Culture That Will Help You Thrive in a Hybrid Workplace,[1] takes a process orientated look at implementing intentional adaptation of the workplace culture. Razzetti, the CEO Fearless Culture a think tank that provides tools and ideas to success seeking global leaders.[2] The author incorporates the continuous growth…

5 responses

Hybrid and the Marginalized

By: on January 11, 2023

Remote, Not Distant is a practical book on building a post-pandemic workplace culture that defines the mindset needed to thrive in today’s hybrid environment. It suggests six approaches to collaboration and five work models that unleash employee potential. Written by Gustavo Razetti, a consultant on corporate culture and author of four business books, Remote begins…

9 responses

The Black Hole…

By: on January 11, 2023

  “As you shuffle through hundreds of notes and a dozen lines of thought, you start feeling that you’re…spiraling down into a black hole of confusion, paralyzed by what seems to be an increasingly complex and ultimately unmanageable task.”[1] [2] Ah, yes. The black hole. I am there. If I am honest, the black hole…

17 responses

The Iceberg that Sinks the Titanic of Disruption

By: on January 11, 2023

“Should I mark this as a sick day,” the office administrator of the church I was serving asked me. “No, ma’am. I’m writing a Bible study at the coffee shop this morning. Afterward, I’m going to one of the church’s student’s basketball games this afternoon,” I replied. However, she insisted that I was not in…

5 responses