Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Category: Uncategorized

Cultural Intelligence and Self Differentiation

By: on October 27, 2016

Every Wednesday at noon I walk into a kind of liminal space and seek to be a global leader. I leave the familiarity of Corvallis, enter a room filled with international students eating soup, and look for an open chair in order to sit down and talk with perfect strangers who are nationally, culturally, linguistically…

11 responses

Leadership as Discipline

By: on October 27, 2016

Theories are good things.  They help us dream about the possibilities.  I had theories of what parenting would be like before I had my first child.  Let me give you an example of one.  Before we were parents, we actually said that our kids would eat healthy and we will not stop at McDonalds.  That…

11 responses

Leadership Links for the Bivocational Pastor

By: on October 27, 2016

The Leadership Mystique by Manfred Kets De Vries is a textbook for leaders who want to lead successful organizations in the 21st Century. I say it is a textbook because it is not just jammed packed full of rich material on leadership, but it also has a wealth of charts and many questions for the…

14 responses

The Leadership Mystique Concept

By: on October 27, 2016

  Manfred Kets de Vries – The Leadership Mystique: Leading Behavior in the Human Enterprise   Introduction The author’s credentials, contributions, and accolades related to a diversity of academic domains could fill a small volume of its own. We recall this economist-psychoanalyst’s work in Reflections on Character and Leadership: On the Couch with Manfred Kets…

16 responses

The Leader in You

By: on October 27, 2016

Leadership through the world’s view is somewhat distorted. The styles of world leaders have ranged from fear to courage, low self-esteem to confidence, inexperience to experience, overcompensate for a lack of attempt, disrespectful to passionate, and more. If we were truthfulin the Christian community, these same world leadership traits are present in some Christian Leaders.…

12 responses

Of Heroes and Leaders

By: on October 27, 2016

Most leadership books that flood bookstores are focused on one of two organizations:  successful businesses or successful sports teams.  The book Heroic Leadership by Chris Lowney invites the reader to develop leadership skills from an unlikely source:  The 450-year-old monastic order known as the Jesuits. The book outlines the history of The Society of Jesus, beginning with…

6 responses

The Priesthood of all beleaders (see what I did there?)

By: on October 27, 2016

This wonderful book, Heroic Leadership, by Chris Lowney is a great insight into the history and inner workings of the Jesuit order and as well as being an appealing alternative to many of the clichéd leadership tracks full of lists of tips and tricks to becoming a fabulous leader. Instead of these fad inspired tips and tricks, the Jesuits…

9 responses

Leadership’s Behavior in 21st Century

By: on October 27, 2016

                    Are Leaders saying ,”I have no ideas where I ‘m going? “   Introduction This blog is a brief review of The Leadership Mystique: Leading Behavior in the Human Enterprise by Manfred Kets de Vries. In this new release of his book, acclaimed management master Manfred…

8 responses

Extraordinarily Ordinary: Heroic Leadership

By: on October 27, 2016

Who counts as a leader? How many lives must one influence to be considered a leader? (17) The Jesuit perspective finds leadership opportunities “not just at work but also in the ordinary activities of everyday life” (15). And the ones that lead? It’s not solely those with the leadership title (“what you do”), but those…

12 responses

Character Matters!

By: on October 27, 2016

I concur with Chris Lowney about the volume of leadership books on the shelves of bookstores. About a week ago I stopped into one of the small airport bookstores just to take a look at the number of books on leadership. I counted no less than 50 titles on the top-seller list! There is no…

14 responses

The “Jesuit League”

By: on October 26, 2016

As a child, one of my favorite activities was Saturday morning cartoons.  I would endure “Tom & Jerry”, and “The Smurfs”, before I could get to my all-time favorite cartoon “THE JUSTICE LEAGUE!”  I still feel giddy with anticipation recalling the main characters: Superman, Batman, Aquaman, Flash, Green Lantern, and my favorite, Wonder Woman. It…

8 responses

“To Help Souls”

By: on October 26, 2016

The Jesuit principles “are rooted in the notions that we’re all leaders and that our whole lives are filled with leadership opportunities.” (Lowney, p. 5) “The paradox is that the energizing power lies precisely in the combination of nonnegotiable core beliefs and a willing embrace of change.” (Lowney, p. 248) Chris Lowney’s book, Heroic Leadership,…

11 responses

There’s a hero

By: on October 25, 2016

Heroic leadership by Chris Lowney As the great philosopher Mariah Carey once said: “There’s a hero/If you look inside your heart/You don’t have to be afraid/Of what you are…” Chris Lowney agrees with Mariah, it seems. Using the Jesuits as the inspiration for his heroic leadership, he riffs on four key leadership traits that marked…

8 responses

Exit, Voice and Loyalty….can you say church plant?

By: on October 22, 2016

At the heart of every church plant or some may say (split) there are elements from Albert O. Hirshman’s book Exit, Voice and Loyalty.  The information that is shared in this quick 126 page read is still true today and is translatable to the church.  The authors observation that “under any economic, social, or political…

7 responses

The Impact of Church Membership in Organizational Health

By: on October 21, 2016

SUMMARY In Exit, Voice, and Loyalty, Albert Hirschman argues that people respond to organizational decay by leaving the organization (exit) or by voicing their concerns (voice). The degree in which people engage with these two behaviors is directly determined by the levels of loyalty to the organization, cultural perceptions, and the nature of the organization. Consequently, the…

13 responses

Stopping the Exodus: Why Are People Leaving the Church

By: on October 21, 2016

Albert O. Hirschman’s book, Exit, Voice and Loyalty: Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations and States is a complex work that defines the choices people have when the organization, state or firm no longer is operating to the expectations of its clients or consumers.  Hirshman promotes three basic choices from the consumer.  First, they can…

18 responses

A Refund on Your Marriage?

By: on October 21, 2016

In 1969, Ronald Reagan signed the “No-Fault Divorce” bill, which gave people the opportunity to divorce their spouses for any reason. We should note that his wife had applied in 1948 for a divorce, but the judge rejected it. Divorce before 1969 required two things: 1) both parties would have to show up to a…

9 responses

The Customer is Always Right

By: on October 20, 2016

Summary: Exit, Voice, and Loyalty: Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations, and States by Albert O. Hirschman is an academic approach to the movement of people with given systems. Hirschman begins the book with his basic belief: “Under any economic, social, or political sysetem, individuals, business firms, and organizations in general are subject to lapses…

10 responses

Stop Bellyaching and Be Loyal!

By: on October 20, 2016

Introduction People come and people go.  The choice is how they go and when they leave.  In church ministry, as well as in the corporate world, this revolving door seems to have moments when it spins uncontrollably.   The challenge is how do you mitigate the revolving door? Albert Hirschman in his work, Exit, Voice, and Loyalty: …

12 responses

Am I thinking critically, or just being critical?

By: on October 20, 2016

Maybe I shouldn’t have waited to post until after last night’s presidential debate. I had one post almost completely written yesterday, but had to scrap it and start over after watching the debate. In my original post I mentioned a couple of questions I had about Critical Thinking Concepts and Tools by Paul and Elder,…

14 responses