Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

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Listen, Hear and Go.

By: on May 31, 2018

Jackie Pullinger is one of those rare individuals who has done something more than just pray. Jackie has put her faith into action by following the voice of God that she sensed was leading her to Hong Kong, the Walled City. There she was faced with the most significant needs of this earth, humans who…

13 responses

The Grass Might Actually be Greener Over There

By: on May 30, 2018

Simon Chan’s book, Grassroots Asian Theology: Thinking the Faith from the Ground Up, was an interesting read. I not only learned about Asian theology, but also about all the nuances of how theology is derived in various cultures around the world. Chan said it best when he stated, “Contextual theologies emerge as the church lives…

8 responses

On Assignment

By: on May 30, 2018

                 Walled City, an area in Hong Kong, infested with gangs, drugs, prostitution, crime, and more.  Author Ryan Graudin wrote a book on The Walled City. She told the story of individuals experiences in Walled City. The first story under Jin Lin, she stated that “there were three rules…

4 responses

Doing Theology-Eastern Style

By: on May 30, 2018

Simon Chan’s Grassroots Asian Theology is not the typical East meets West dialog where the West dominates the doctrinal outcome. Instead, Chan’s Ecumenical focus promotes a Biblical theology for the development of an “amazed recognition” by Christians and theologians.[1] My goal is to examine Chan’s work for ideas, themes, and links to further my study…

11 responses

Jackie Pullinger – Loving the Unlovely

By: on May 30, 2018

And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the leastof them, you did it to Me.            (Matthew 25:40)   We have spent nearly two years in our Leadership and…

3 responses

Personal Convictionsa

By: on May 27, 2018

Upon reading Chasing the Dragon, I said the same thought that I had when reading The Cross and The Switchbalde.   “What am I even doing with my life?”   Jackie’s testimony is proof of what God can do through sheer obedience of a human heart. Her stories of simply going out and doing the…

2 responses

The Bees Have It

By: on May 25, 2018

In his book, The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion, Jonathan Haidt recounts his seemingly sudden rush of patriotism that overcame him directly after 9/11. According to Haidt, a self-described liberal professor at UVA, this was incredibly foreign to him, and felt like a bit of a betrayal to his…

8 responses

We’re Better Together and Other Secrets of the Hive Mind

By: on May 25, 2018

I was the kind of strange kid that, while I was never a fan of homework, particularly concerned with grades or a ‘teacher’s pet’, I might actually pay attention when my 9th grade English teacher talked in serious tones about how important Ayn Rand is and how essential Atlas Shrugged and especially The Fountainhead were to understanding, not…

9 responses

The Righteous Mind: A “Light Summer Read”

By: on May 24, 2018

While some of my friends are packing their favorite YA novel into a beach bag, I spent this week being sucked into Jonathan Haidt’s The Righteous Mind, and devouring the entire book. Not necessarily the best idea, if one wants to reflect critically and comparatively. But entering this book, I realized I didn’t want to…

6 responses

Sacredness of Liberty and Equality

By: on May 24, 2018

  Author Haidt’s statement, ” We’re born to be righteous, but we have to learn what, exactly, people like us should be righteous about” (13) took me to the Christian view on ‘Righteous’.  David said in Psalms 51:5, “Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me.” The Book of…

5 responses

Jackie: Having A True “Itinerant” Heart

By: on May 24, 2018

In our “Tribe” called the Western Conference of the Evangelical Church (30 Churches, 2 Camps and a Bible College in a four state region–North Dakota, Wyoming, Idaho and Montana) we have an average of 8700 worshippers on a week-end, and 107 “Pastors” of various callings–Lead Pastor, Worship Leader, Associate Pastor, Youth or Children’s Pastor, Missionary,…

7 responses

Absolute Relative Certainty

By: on May 24, 2018

CHALLENGE: Read through each item on this list. After each statement, decide if Jimmy’s action is morally wrong:   Jimmy Burned an American Flag. Jimmy is a vegan and ate bacon today. Jimmy has two wives. Jimmy worships the sun god, Ra. Jimmy is a Muslim. Jimmy is a Jew. Jimmy killed a rat. Jimmy…

10 responses

Jesus Plus Nothing

By: on May 24, 2018

This post is much less an academic review as it is a reflection of what I found most inspiring about Jackie’s story, and in particular, her character. This approach seems to best honor the author’s work. I’ve heard it said that the greatest threat to Christianity in the West is not Atheism, but superficiality. When…

5 responses

Compare and Contrast

By: on May 24, 2018

It happened again this week. While sitting in a Session meeting (our church board), one of the leaders started comparing our church with another larger congregation in the next town over.  Why weren’t we doing the kinds of ministries they were involved with? Where was our public witness?  Why weren’t we having the kind of impact they…

8 responses

I Wanna Be Like Jackie

By: on May 24, 2018

I will admit, when I picked up Chasing The Dragon: One Woman’s Struggle Against The Darkness Of Hong Kong’s Drug Dens by Jackie Pullinger I had no idea what to expect. I knew it was a book meant to get us ready for our time in Hong Kong but that was it. As I read reviews…

10 responses

The Great Question of Our Time

By: on May 24, 2018

Haidt asks  THE question of our time. Why are good people divided by politics and religion? Here are some of my thoughts.  I have many European friends who say politics and religion have the same purpose, they both want to control the individual. From their perspective, they want nothing to do with either. They want…

12 responses

The House Divided

By: on May 24, 2018

  We’re born to be righteous, but we have to learn what, exactly, people like us should be righteous about.                            Jonathan Haidt To be “righteous” means our minds, our wills, and our behaviors will be conformed to God’s will. It means holiness, goodness, love, justice, and good works.            …

7 responses