Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Beyond the Book

By: on April 8, 2023

Human Beings. We are complex! I found Daniel Nettle’s book to be a valuable and interesting resource regarding human personality. Beyond this book, however, I was reminded of the amazing Creator who has woven us together in all of our intricacies, known and unknown to us. Personality: What Makes You the Way You Are British…

16 responses

A Tired Brain Considering Cultural Differences

By: on April 7, 2023

This book is genius. Your Brain at Work, by Dr. David Rock helped my brain make many connections. I’m not sure I can adequately explain just how many connections I experienced while completing the reading this week. After all, it is not good for a brain try to focus on too many things at once!…

12 responses

An Exercise to Get Us Out of Our Heads

By: on April 6, 2023

In 2020, researchers at Queen’s University in Canada used brain imaging to detect how many thoughts people have in one day. By comparing study participants’ brain patterns while watching a movie to those at other times of day, they were able to identify what they called “thought worms,” which were trains of thought that transitioned…

14 responses

Joy Can Help With Brain Drain

By: on April 6, 2023

My parents got divorced when I was young, so I never really knew my Father. That is until he came to stay with us for about a month when I was eleven. I was so happy to see him arrive and even happier to see him leave. He was not what I was expecting. He…

20 responses

Neuroscience Convergence

By: on April 6, 2023

“Your Brain at Work” has been extremely beneficial and thought-provoking (no pun intended).[1] Dr. David Rock was able to make a complex topic more understandable for the average person through his well-written use of the stage metaphor. It meets a chronic need for me personally and most people I know who are living their lives…

10 responses

You Don’t Need to be Elon Musk to be Successful

By: on April 6, 2023

Why I Could Never be Elon Musk  For better and for worse, Elon Musk has been in the spotlight for years. People are fascinated by the genius billionaire – a real-life Tony Stark. Ferociously driven with intelligence few can parallel, when one thinks of an individual leaving his or her mark on the world, it…

7 responses

Confessions of a Plate Spinner

By: on April 5, 2023

Something to try (from Scene 3). . . Catch yourself trying to do two things at once and slow down instead. [1]  Caught!  Earlier today, I was in a ZOOM Session, doing a load of laundry, writing out a “to-do”  list with my right hand while turning pages in a book with my left.  Absolutely…

12 responses

The Defense Objects Your Honor!

By: on April 5, 2023

Daniel Nettle’s research spans across a vast range of fields such as health, psychology, individual differences and personality, and evolutionary sciences as well as in topics such as social inequality, cooperation, deprivation, and biological aging. Having a little more time this week with injuring my hand, I was able to do some deeper research on…

5 responses

CPAP Exorcism

By: on April 5, 2023

Daniel Nettle in Personality: What makes you the way you are? Reminded me of my interactions and ratings in some of these, like Enneagram, DISC, Myers-Briggs, Maxwell Leadership assessment, and others. I like what he had to say about attachment theory. Attachment theorists argue that the mother-infant bond forms a kind of relationship template which…

9 responses

Soli Deo Glory

By: on April 5, 2023

Dr. David Koyzis received a PhD in Government and International Studies from the University of Notre Dame, where he taught for more than thirty years at Redeemer University College. As stated on Global Scholars Canada, Koyzis’ mission statement is to disseminate to the larger world the riches of a Reformed Christian worldview, especially as it…

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Demagoguery, Political Idolatry, and Other Shenanigans

By: on April 5, 2023

Where were you on January 6, 2021? Our family was driving back from an incredible National Parks road trip to Utah, where we took in the beauty and serenity of Arches, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef, Bryce Canyon, Zion, and the Grand Canyon. Somewhere between East Texas and North Louisiana, I checked my phone at a gas…

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My Brain (Doesn’t) Work

By: on April 4, 2023

That title is a bit of an overstatement, but I’m definitely not at my best. This has been a growing realization for me over the past year or so. I’m not as articulate as I would like to be, my thinking is a bit muddled (or more muddled than usual!) and my motivation is lacking.…

9 responses

Focus, Focus, Focus

By: on April 4, 2023

There are times when my brain is not working at all or in “time-out”. My recall is just not what it used to be. I am easily distracted, and I am forgetful. The embarrassing truth is that I probably spend more time looking for my cell phone than I do actually using it. I am…

16 responses

Self-realization Regardless of our Personality or Genetic Makeup…

By: on April 4, 2023

It’s not easy to navigate the murky waters of personality because the reality is that people are messy. We are all imperfect humans trying to make sense of a very convoluted world. People also vary greatly in their characteristics, behaviors, and life experiences which allows for actions and reactions to be shown or expressed differently.…

3 responses

And the winner is…

By: on April 3, 2023

David Rock wins the prize for “Most Immediately Applicable Book We’ve Read.” I read Your Brain at Work [1] last week and sat with it before tackling this blog post (thank you, spring break, for that extra time!). In those few days, I found myself applying Rock’s reflections in a surprising number of ways. 1. When…

7 responses

Side Gigs, Prefrontal Cortexes, and Cal Newport

By: on April 3, 2023

“Your capacity to change yourself, change others, and even change the world, may boil down to how well you know your brain, and your capacity to consciously intervene in otherwise automatic processes.”[1] If having an accurate self-assessment is important for productivity, then David Rock’s Your Brain at Work is an important contribution to the “self-care”…

11 responses

Pay Attention. Slow Down.

By: on April 3, 2023

“Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10 It’s an open secret among our church staff that if you’re in the car when I’m driving, you are taking your life into your own hands. My wife tells me it’s not because I’m a bad driver, but because I am a fast driver. My…

11 responses

The Religion of Politics

By: on April 3, 2023

David Koyzis is a Political Science Professor and a Global Scholar since 2019. He holds a Ph.D. in Government and International Studies from Notre Dame. His book, Political Visions & Illusions, seeks to help Christians think through and navigate the complexities of faith and political engagement. Since I did not know what being a Global…

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