Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

The Captain with the Card

By: on November 20, 2013

I was feeling pretty good about myself.  There were 16 of us on our way to Los Angeles for a conference on diversity.  16 pastors and leaders from our church traveling to learn more about how to minister in changing social environments – and I was the only one flying first-class! The leg of the…

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Failure is an Option

By: on November 20, 2013

Failure is not only an option it is imperative.  Growing up as a young boy in central Pennsylvania I quickly fell in love with the sport of baseball.  More specifically the Philadelphia Phillies.  Every second I had the chance, my brother and I would be out in the yard throwing and hitting ball.  Over the…

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Set the Tone

By: on November 18, 2013

Charlene Li, in her book “Open Leadership: How Social Technology Can Transform the Way You Lead,” discusses the necessity for companies and leaders to begin being more open and transparent by using social technology.  In addition she also gives specific guidelines regarding how to do this while also maintaining control of what is shared.  Basically,…

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What’s a Leader? Really?

By: on November 13, 2013

To be honest, Handbook of Leadership Theory and Practice is one book I never saw myself reading a million years.  This is because of two long held assumptions: 1). Jesus is a good enough role model for a leader, why look any further?  2). What does Wall Street have to do with Jerusalem?  I mean,…

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Consider the Possibilities: The Dynamics of Leadership

By: on November 10, 2013

The Handbook of Leadership Theory and Practice, edited by Nitin Nohria and Rakesh Khurana, is a wealth of knowledge for those teaching and interested in the practice of leadership. What is leadership? It is obvious there are multiple styles in leading; however, what defines “good” leadership is differentiated by the variety of leadership situations and…

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The Love of Christ Compels Me…

By: on November 10, 2013

“I have to be honest…”  I sometimes “cringe” when I hear a person start their conversation with those words.  I mean, really, is there any other way to be?  Yet, in this case, the “I have to be honest” is not for others, it’s for me!  I have to be honest with myself.   As I…

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Leading towards community amidst diversity

By: on November 9, 2013

This past weekend I had the opportunity to participate in a church planting conference. Not only was it incredibly refreshing to be around other church leaders who aspire to do the same as I do, but who are an inspiration in their faith and leadership. One of the teachings that really stood out to me…

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The Ethics of Getting Fired

By: on November 9, 2013

Earlier in my career I faced an ethical decision. I had been selected as the Executive Director of a new Retirement Community to be built. At the time, we were in the sales mode and had collected 70 per cent presales of over 110 apartments. We were finalizing the designs so we could build. I…

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Walking In The Light

By: on November 9, 2013

One of the major issues that needs to be dealt with in India is corruption.  Studies reveal that it affects the country’s economy substantially.  Last year India ranked 94th of 174 countries according to Transparency International’s  corruption Perceptions Index.  A vast majority of the Indian population have had firsthand experience in paying bribes.  It is…

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The Value of Effective Leadership

By: on November 9, 2013

The discussion about leadership is inescapable. We are confronted with questions and  encounters around leadership on a daily bases. Questions arise from various fields including, government, business, family, and church. We often find ourselves debating whether someone is an effective leader or not. The fact that we are so engage with the issue of leadership,…

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Fox or CNN

By: on November 9, 2013

In this fascinating book, ethics are reexamined in light of worldview and a methodological Christian interpretation. I’m convinced more and more of the leverage or influence worldview has on all of our mental inputs and outputs.  Rationality often seems to be cast aside in favor of falling under the spell of whatever worldview we subscribe…

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Command vs leadership

By: on November 8, 2013

As I was reviewing this week’s reading I came across this quote, “Will leadership largely be seen as a means of getting ahead, of gaining power, rather than of being understood as a serious professional calling with social responsibilities?”[1] in chapter 1 and it reminded me of a leadership principle and truth that I learned…

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You are Only Young Once, Then Look Out

By: on November 8, 2013

This is a repost. The week began with my children’s ministry leader telling she heard that one of the children’s leaders was sleeping with her boyfriend. In a very conservative church sexual matters matter! In the same week, three young adults said they wanted to rent a house that the church owns and had just…

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Fred Fay: You Are Only Young Once, then look out!

By: on November 8, 2013

Fred Fay: You Are Only Young Once, then look out! ffay55: The week began with my children’s ministry leader telling she heard that one of the children’s leaders was sleeping with her boyfriend. In a very conservative church sexual matters matter! In the same week, three young adults said they wanted to rent a house…

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George Washington – A Portrait of Leadership

By: on November 8, 2013

I have had the privilege this week to be on vacation with my family in our nation’s capital.  The days are filled with trips to the Smithsonian museums, the national monuments, and of course a drive through the beautiful changing leaves to visit Mount Vernon, the home of President George Washington.  Upon arriving on the…

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A Time to Serve and Lead

By: on November 8, 2013

While growing up in East Africa, my friends and I were repeatedly told that “we were the leaders of tomorrow”. I also thought that the notion of leadership was something that happened to a person by way of some sort of coronation. When does a person become a leader and what was the necessary criterion?…

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By: on November 8, 2013

After reading the introductory chapter in Harvard Business School’s publication, Handbook of Leadership Theory and Practice I made a decision that I will take the necessary time to read through each chapter.  As I was reading these opening pages I knew that I was going to walk away with something that will fit into the…

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Leadership and Cultural Context

By: on November 8, 2013

While reading through Handbook of Leadership Theory and Practice, the discussion on Leadership and Cultural Context in chapter 13 resonated with me the most. One of the things that the authors, Mansour Javidan, Peter W. Dorfama, Jon Paul Howell, and Paul J. Hanges, highlighted in their discussion is how societal and organizational culture can shape the implicit leadership theory.…

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By: on November 8, 2013

This is the kind of book I like to devour with a hot cup of herbal coffee sitting next to a fireplace in a busy coffee house. It delves into the variety of philosophical approaches regarding ethics. Nullens and Michener, in their book, The Matrix of Christian Ethics share tasty bits of knowledge from Aristotle,…

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