Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World


By: on December 9, 2023

Introduction In Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s (NNT) groundbreaking work, Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder, the author challenges traditional perspectives on resilience and introduces the concept of antifragility. Rooted in both financial expertise and philosophical insight, Taleb urges readers to view “volatility, randomness, and disorder,” not as threats but as opportunities for growth.[1] He opens his…

12 responses

“We Know the Best of Us Did Not Return”

By: on December 9, 2023

Controversy To say that Nassim Taleb’s book, Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder, is highly controversial is an understatement. Some have read his book and his prior two books, The Black Swan and Fooled by Randomness, and found Antifragile disappointing and sometimes contradictory to his earlier works. Then, a select group thinks he is “pretentious,…

12 responses

The Fragile Idea in Antifragile

By: on December 8, 2023

Much Too Delicate In a recent conversation concerning resilience, I offered a thought that I described as The Great Dilemma in Parenting, which is the tendency to protect our children from harm while we know that the difficult situations will make them mentally, emotionally and spiritually stronger. If you have ever wondered how to navigate…

13 responses

Let Oxford Be Oxford

By: on December 8, 2023

Introduction My journey towards academic success was far from typical. Growing up, my environment didn’t exactly celebrate intellectual prowess. Being too bright was perceived as distancing oneself from their roots, leading to a sense of alienation. You were often accused of “forgetting where you came from.” This greatly influenced my formative years as a young…

4 responses


By: on December 7, 2023

Grandiose fantasies are a symptom of Resistance. They’re the sign of an amateur. The professional has learned that success, like happiness, comes as a by-product of work. -Steven Pressfield-     A piece of advice was given to me by one of the lecturers where I studied theology. The advice reads, “the best written work…

15 responses

The Head, The Heart, and the Space In Between

By: on December 7, 2023

Resistance, professionalism, and the Muse are main themes in Steven Pressfields the War of Art: Break through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles.  Pressfield takes a very easy way of writing to walk us through his own experience of resistance and how to press through this through professionalism and embracing the mystical idea…

8 responses

Not All Heroes Wear Capes…but Some Do

By: on December 7, 2023

Recently, I watched a clip of Rick Rubin, named “One of the Top 100 Most Influential People in the World” by Time magazine, discussing his philosophy and approach to art as well as his creative process. If you’re not familiar with Rick Rubin (not Santa Claus) you have probably heard some of the artists he…

12 responses

Why I Thought I Was an Artist and How I Was Wrong

By: on December 7, 2023

When I was younger, I thought of myself as an artist. I loved drawing and writing, spending my summers at art camps and evenings in art classes. My high school was even focused on the arts. But around the age of 16, I started to see things differently. I got into photography and wrote for…

14 responses

A message to my DLGP02 comrades

By: on December 7, 2023

In her book, Jump, Kim Perell talks about what to do with our fears and challenges in life. She says, “Instead of letting it paralyze you, let it catalyze you.”1 In other words whatever has the power to cause resistance in your life, use it to give you insight, wisdom, direction, passion, fire in your…

17 responses

I See Diamonds!

By: on December 7, 2023

Diamonds! When I think of antifragile, I think of Diamonds. Beauty created under pressure, a beauty that reflects light beyond itself. In his book Antifragile, Nassim Nicholas Taleb sets out to help the reader understand how resiliency is obtained and how we can grow from challenges. This idea that disorder isn’t synonymous with demise. This…

2 responses

AGAPE: The Critical Element of Antifragility

By: on December 7, 2023

It’s ironic to post about Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s book Antifragile during a time when I am very fragile health wise. Over the past 5 weeks, I have battled a treatment-resistant sinus infection that just developed a secondary infection this past week. After days spent in bed with swollen lymph nodes, pain and anxiety attacks, I’ve…

10 responses

Writing With Light

By: on December 7, 2023

At this strange time in the world in which we are marching towards a New Year, it is a comfort to look back at this semester at the words we have read, the questions we have asked and the prayers we have prayed. After writing three papers and 11 blogs this year (not counting outside…

9 responses

Antifragility and Ancient Wisdom

By: on December 7, 2023

As a youth pastor, my work involves being in the world of students and witnessing firsthand numerous parenting styles. There is a great spectrum of hands-off and helicopter parents. But on the far end of the helicopter parent spectrum is a man named Henry. Henry has one son. His name is Benny. Henry is very…

6 responses

O death where is your victory?

By: on December 7, 2023

Introduction: Antifragile: Things that gain from disorder are another great one to explore. Frankly, this book is uneasy to read; I always love it when Blinkist has a summary book version that brings the entire book to a manageable and easy-to-read format. The fragile, the robust, and the antifragile. Everything around the world, as seen…

13 responses

A Story of Overcoming Resistance

By: on December 6, 2023

“Any act that rejects immediate gratification in favor of long-term growth, health, or integrity.  Or, expressed another way, any act that derives from our higher nature instead of our lover.  Any of these will elicit Resistance.” [1]  I couldn’t have ended my semester in a better way than to read a book about the enemy of creativity.…

7 responses

Pressfield and Procrastination

By: on December 6, 2023

Most of us live two lives. The life we live, and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands resistance. ~Steve Pressfield The back cover of this book asks a question that I yelled “YES” as an answer! YES, I dream about writing the Great American Novel! Now that I’ve cleared that up…how do…

13 responses

Thank you, Steven Pressfield!

By: on December 6, 2023

Reading The War of Art by Steven Pressfield comes at a pivotal point in this doctoral program where the very war this book describes, tangibly shows itself for those of us who have fallen prey to the enemy throughout the semester. Yes. I confess that procrastination often becomes my unwanted friend. Though we can all…

14 responses

Better, Stronger, Faster

By: on December 5, 2023

“Antifragility” has been tumbling through my conscious and unconscious mind for the last few days. I pondered it this morning at the gym: is my workout antifragile, strengthening my muscles beyond the load I’m placing on them or fragile, because the movements are repetitive and unnatural?[1] “Antifragile” also led to some interesting conversations with friends…

16 responses

Some Thoughts on The War of Art

By: on December 5, 2023

“It’s about ten-thirty now. I sit down and plunge in. When I start making typos, I know I’m getting tired. That’s four hours or so. I’ve hit the point of diminishing returns. I wrap up for the day.”[1] I read this book, The War of Art by Steven Pressfield, on the heels of completing the…

15 responses