Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

From 1944 to Today: Lessons Still Only Partially Learned. Reflections on Karl Polanyi’s The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time

By: on July 16, 2014

Karl Polanyi first wrote The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time in 1944. Much has changed (understatement) since 1944; and yet… And yet, unfortunately, one of the things that has not changed is our need to still learn some of the lessons that Polanyi suggested were needed back in 1944 (Joseph…

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Culture – Creation Continues

By: on July 15, 2014

In the beginning…out of nothing…God created.  We, created in the likeness of the Maker who makes all things, are ourselves world-makers.  This is our birthright.  There are those who still actively name this birthright and call us to living into its freedom, joy and responsibility.  The Presbyterian Church USA works toward “renewing the church to…

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Tech-gnosis – do we embody our technology or does it disembody us?

By: on July 14, 2014

Murray Jardine leads us down a path that many have noted before, but he does a good job of it.  Namely, our scientific and technological capabilities are outstripping our ability to morally process their implications before implementing them into our lives.  Throughout his book, The Making and Unmaking of Technology Society: How Christianity Can Save…

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Be Encouraged to Lead

By: on July 14, 2014

In Making Room for Leadership: Power, Space and Influence, Mary Kate Morse does something amazing. She gets us outside of living inordinately inside our heads.  That is, it’s not that we are overthinking things (though that can happen); instead, it’s that we have had a tendency to incorrectly be thinking about a lot of things. …

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Everyone sing it with me…”Consumption, Consumption…What’s Your Function?”

By: on July 14, 2014

This blog post is being driven from reading William T. Cavanaugh’s Being Consumed: Economics and Christian Desire and Vincent J. Miller’s Consuming Religion: Christian Faith and Practice in a Consumer Culture. However, I have recently written another blog post on a related reading dealing with economics, socio-political interaction and faith.  I engaged Max Weber’s The…

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The Rebel Sell. I’m Not Buying.

By: on July 14, 2014

The Rebel Sell: How the Counterculture Became Consumer Culture by Joseph Heath and Andrew Potter is interesting.  I offer that ambivalently.  It’s interesting in some intriguing, thought-provoking ways and unfortunately it’s also interesting in some Orwellian, Huxleyan Brave New World kind of ways. One begins reading The Rebel Sell expecting some critique of failed countercultural…

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Beliefs Have Consequences In Public…Who Knew!? Thinking just a bit with Max Stackhouse & Steven Bevans

By: on July 14, 2014

“Current evangelicalism in the US lacks an articulate political or social theory except for a generalized patriotism.”[1] So writes Max Stackhouse, long-serving emeritus professor at Princeton.  Unfortunately – including beyond the scope of simply “evangelicalism” – much of the “theology” we see applied in the public sphere today is more bafoonery than it is articulate,…

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The Endless Activity of God

By: on July 6, 2014

                                                     Introduction History does not happen to God. God is timeless. No matter the century, movement, or memorable decade in world history, God is turning the pages of time at…

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Culture and the Death of God

By: on July 2, 2014

I walk away from Terry Eagleton’s book Culture and the Death of God with one thought, “The Almighty, has proved remarkably difficult to dispose of… Rumors of his death have been greatly exaggerated: he has now put himself back on the agenda…” (ix) I’m also reminded of the cliché and over used quote credited to…

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Terry Eagleton – Culture and the Death of God

By: on June 30, 2014

To summarize and render a text a fairly complete injustice — God’s hard to get rid of.  There you go. Done. Point is that some of the greatest minds and cultural movements have tried really intriguing ways to get rid of God, but…no dice. That is, God might metamorphosize and/or lie dormant for a while,…

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Is Your God Dead?

By: on June 29, 2014

For some weird reason there was a song stuck in my head as I began to read this book. The song was one that, as a young child, I remembered from Sunday Bible School: “God is not dead, he is still alive—I feel God in my feet (stomp, stomp), I feel God in my hands…

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Enchanted Gardens

By: on June 28, 2014

It was March 1st, 1997.  I had just said, “I do!” to Naomi, who was now my wife.  It was an amazing day filled with family, loved ones and great friends.  Just as special, was our next day walking to our terminal at the airport.  See, being the hopeless romantic I decided to surprise my…

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“Is ‘God Is Dead’ Dead?”

By: on June 27, 2014

“Is ‘God Is Dead’ Dead?” I began my undergraduate studies in the mid-nineteen sixties. It was a time of turbulence and turmoil. President Lynden Johnson rapidly escalated the Vietnam War when he took office following the assassination of President John Kennedy. The social, political and economic upheaval and chaos were rooted in the expanding civil…

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Decline of Religion

By: on June 27, 2014

This week’s reading directly illustrated the fact that religion is being removed from culture across the globe. Eagleton begins by referencing a 2011 survey from Britain which concluded that, “61 per cent of the respondents claimed to have a religion, but only 29 per cent of them claimed to be religious.”[1] I’m not sure if…

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Surrogates and god-shaped holes

By: on June 27, 2014

Most storms are not produced by pressure, but more by de-pressure, a vacuum that draws and pumps masses of air. It’s not always the pushing force that produces a shift and motion, but sometimes also the lack or deficit. Some think, we live in times, were religion is more and more marginalized, up to a…

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Madman For God

By: on June 27, 2014

The parable goes like this….“Have you not heard of that madman who lit a lantern in the bright morning hours, ran to the market place, and cried incessantly: “I seek God! I seek God!”—-As many of those who did not believe in God were standing around just then, he provoked much laughter. Has he got…

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