By: Stefania Tarasut on May 1, 2015
I really enjoyed reading chapter 19 out of Charles Taylor’s book A Secular Age. Earlier this week I had to update my parent’s insurance policy. Because I’m the oldest, the responsibilities of taking care of my family falls on me. I sat down my parents and started talking about end of life decisions. We talked…
By: Stefania Tarasut on April 30, 2015
Where to begin? Charles Taylor’s book A Secular Age is a “collection of interlocking essays, which shed light on each other, and offer a context of relevance for each other.”[1] In this post, I’m going to focus on Chapter 13, The Age of Authenticity. I’m choosing to focus on this chapter because this ethic of…
By: Stefania Tarasut on April 30, 2015
When these articles were assigned, I was in Haiti. I tried reading them over and over again, but being in that context, reading these articles was over my head. I picked them up again this week and though they are still over my head, I was able to find some things that are important. This…
By: Clint Baldwin on April 29, 2015
Joanna Macy & Chris Johnstone offer a window into wonderfully holistic engagement with ourselves and the world around us in their text Active Hope. I appreciate that early on in their work the authors note that this is a text about practicing and doing more than it is a text about arriving or having per…
By: Clint Baldwin on April 29, 2015
In a previous post I looked at the first three parts of Charles Taylor’s A Secular Age. Here I will be focusing on the last two sections of his 800+ page text – “Narratives of Secularization” and “Conditions of Belief.” Pausing for a brief moment of overview, we previously considered Taylor’s presentation that we exist…
By: Clint Baldwin on April 29, 2015
Andrew Marin wrote a text in 2009 titled, Love Is An Orientation: Elevating the Conversation with the Gay Community. In 2011, Adrian Thatcher published God, Sex and Gender: An Introduction. Thatcher’s text is broader in scope than Marin’s, but engages some of the same principles at core. In both of these texts there is a…
By: Clint Baldwin on April 29, 2015
Hope to do well yourself at your work? Hope to assist others in doing well at their work as you are able? Hope that your organization does well overall? Caroline Ramsey has offered two excellent articles on thoughtful managerial interaction. In both “Provocative Theory and a Scholarship of Practice” and in “Management Learning: A Scholarship…
By: Clint Baldwin on April 29, 2015
Dr. Shelley Trebesch reminds in Isolation–A Place of Transformation In The Life of a Leader[1] that trials produce character. This time of forsakenness that metaphorically mirrors the tribulations of many biblical characters creates maturity in a person if the “dark night of the soul” (as St. John of the Cross calls it) or “desert experience”…
By: Clint Baldwin on April 29, 2015
Donald Lewis and Richard Pierard edit a volume – called Global Evangelicalism: Theology, History & Culture in Regional Perspective[1] – where people work hard to suggest that the idea of Evangelical thought influencing the world is a good thing. I think they do a reasonable job of succeeding for the most part. However, for some…
By: Clint Baldwin on April 29, 2015
In their updated version of A Brief Guide to Ideas[1], William Raeper and Linda Edwards offer us a 367+ page romp through some of the general and perennial ideas holding philosophy and its patrons in rapt attention. This is an excellent text for both the professional and the neophyte. It is accessible enough to appeal…
By: Clint Baldwin on April 29, 2015
In When God Talks Back: Understanding the American Evangelical Relationship with God,[1] T.M. Luhrmann – psychological anthropologist at Stanford University — offers thoughtful reflections on what faith means to some people in the Evangelical Movement from the perspective of an open-minded observer. I found Luhrmann’s book important. I don’t agree with all of her stances,…
By: Richard Volzke on April 25, 2015
The book, When God Talks Back: Understanding the American Evangelical Relationship With God, focuses on communication between between people and God. The author, Luhrmann, gives varies accounts of how God speaks to His people. The author explains God speaks to a person through the personal relationship that they have with God. Luhrmann explains, “you develop…
By: Dawnel Volzke on April 25, 2015
Leadership is an Art,[1] by Max Depree, pulls together leadership theories, while weaving in insights surrounding the more abstract idea that leadership is an art form. Depree, himself, has demonstrated his own ability to be a strong and effective leader within both national and global settings. Throughout my career as a consultant, I’ve worked with many…
By: Stefania Tarasut on April 24, 2015
Reading through “When God Talks Back: Understanding the American Evangelical Relationship with God” this week left me frustrated and a little annoyed. I’m not sure if it was the style of writing, or the way that the author was describing her experiences and her interpretation of those experiences, but I did not feel as if…
By: Carol McLaughlin on April 24, 2015
This book is intriguing even before you open it. Right there on the cover hands are raised, which might make some people think back to a time in Sunday School when a Bible quiz was being battled. “I know the answer! I know it!” This is most certainly because the cover photo only reveals one…
By: Telile Fikru Badecha on April 24, 2015
Reading When God Talks Back: Understanding The American Evangelical Relationship With God, by T, M, Luhrmann is very inspiring. The author writes about The Vineyard Christian Fellowship, a new denomination, a few decades old, and which the author believes it represents the shift in the American imagination of God (Loc. 219). According to the author,…
By: rhbaker275 on April 24, 2015
I was intrigued with the distinctive definition for faith by T.M. Luhrmann in the opening preface to When God Talks Back: Understanding the American Evangelical Relationship with God. “Faith,” she states, “asks people to consider that the evidence of their senses is wrong.”[1] Faith in a transcendent God asks people to believe some really unbelievable…
By: Julie Dodge on April 23, 2015
“How will I know if he really loves me? I say a prayer with every heart beat. I fall in love whenever we meet, I’m asking you ’cause you know about these things.” I kept hearing this song in my head as I read this week’s book, When God Talks Back. [1] 1985. Whitney Houston.…
By: Jon Spellman on April 23, 2015
To understand that your role as a leader is to advance other people in life is the highest possible level of leadership maturity. For DePree, the corporate mission is a secondary gain, it just happens naturally when care for people is expressed in measurable ways. I am going to keep this blog simple, I just…
By: Mitch Arbelaez on April 23, 2015
Our previous book we read this semester Global Evangelicalism edited by Lewis and Pierard, provided a large overview of this culturally diverse and polycentric movement known as Evangelicalism. Yet there are other books such as Colonel Doner’s book The Late Great Evangelical Church that challenges and debunks many of the so called evangelical teachings that…