Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Make AI Robot in Our Own Image?

By: on January 18, 2024

As humans we are designed for greatness, and we have the capacity to make far greater creatures, ones that are even more human than us, not less. -Eve Poole-   My denomination underwent a significant shift in theological framework. Since its founding in 1948, our denomination has consistently positioned humans as the focal point of…

6 responses

The Divine Spark

By: on January 18, 2024

“The Creation of Adam” by Michelangelo “The concept of the Divine Spark has captivated the human imagination for centuries, transcending cultural and religious boundaries to illuminate the profound essence that resides within each individual. Rooted in various spiritual traditions, philosophical teachings, and mystical experiences, the Divine Spark represents a source of divine energy or consciousness…

11 responses

Strawberries and Coaching

By: on January 18, 2024

Perched on the edge of the produce stand, the red caught my eye. As I picked it up, I could smell the berries through the packaging. Strawberries, one of my favorite fruits, are rarely seen in my city in North Africa. When they are available, the quality is questionable, and the price tag is extortionate.…

23 responses

AI and January 20, 2030

By: on January 18, 2024

Consider the following headlines, which are all based on true policies: Homeless Shelters Perpetuate Homelessness Drug Busts Increase Drug-Related Crime Food Aid Increases Starvation “Get Tough” Prison Sentences Fail to Reduce the Fear of Violent Crime Job Training Programs Increase Unemployment1 What is going on here? Why do seemingly well-intentioned policies produce the opposite of…

6 responses

Riding the Rails to Future Hope

By: on January 18, 2024

Tom Camacho’s Mining for Gold took me on a journey.  I rode the twin rails of “Julie as a Leader” and “Julie as Human.” These rails were connected by the crossties (sleepers for our friends in the UK) of insights, a-has, and when-will-I-learns from the book.  The trip included stops at Unpleasant Memories, Joyful Discoveries,…

8 responses

Oh My Soul!

By: on January 18, 2024

“It is frustratingly clear to those who seek to eliminate mystery from life that the spirit and soul bring us right up to the edge of some of the most profound mysteries of our existence.”(1) Whew! This discussion about souls is a heavy one. I confess that I have a healthy fear of AI. I…

11 responses

Pay Dirt

By: on January 18, 2024

When I saw the cover of “Mining for Gold” by Tom Camacho, my mind raced back several years to when my wife and I binged a reality TV show called “Gold Rush,” which follows crews mining for gold in the Yukon Territory.  By the end of the second season, we were experts ready to set…

15 responses

To Them Who Are Called

By: on January 18, 2024

From the title of this week’s reading, I expected to learn how to coach Kingdom leaders.  Although, Camacho speaks to this, what I gleaned from Mining for Gold was much different.  It affirmed my belief that I’m designed to thrive, not just survive.  He confirmed that stunted growth is a result of an empty cup…

10 responses

Eve Poole and AI on AI and Eve Poole

By: on January 18, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a double-edged sword, a technological marvel that Eve Poole beautifully encapsulates in her insights. Let’s embark on a journey through the positives and negatives of AI, guided by Poole’s wisdom. The Positives: 1. Amplifying Human Potential: Eve Poole eloquently articulates the positive potential of AI, stating, “AI has the potential to…

4 responses

I wonder if we could have made it

By: on January 18, 2024

In 2017, our family answered the call to become a foster family. We embarked on the journey with high hopes, unrealistic expectations of adoption, and a desire to be the difference for at least one child. As we entered into foster care, we quickly realized our support network was quite thin and that we were…

10 responses

Are We Thriving or Just Surviving?

By: on January 18, 2024

There is nothing I love more than being part of the birth of an idea and seeing it come to fruition. However, I find that if I’m not careful, I can easily focus more on the task at hand rather than its substance and the people involved. One of the best pieces of advice I…

14 responses

There’s Gold in that Bucket over there!

By: on January 18, 2024

This past summer we spent some time with family in Eastern Oregon. On one of our days together we went to an old mining town where gold is still being dredged from the bottom of the river to this day. At the visitor center, there were large tubs of sediment and sand where anyone could…

14 responses

AI Robots and The Divine Council

By: on January 18, 2024

In the original Jurassic Park film, where prehistoric titans are brought back to life and wreak havoc on an island, Dr. Ian Malcom famously says, “Yeah, yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, that they didn’t stop to think if they should.” This question seems to be on a…

6 responses

Mining for Gold – A Deep Dive?

By: on January 18, 2024

Just this week the Dallas Cowboys were sent home packing from the NFL Playoffs. Down 27-0 in arguably the worst first-half playoff performance in team history with the half winding down and Dallas seconds away from being shut out the Cowboys have time for one more play. The home crowd is hopeful, many on their…

14 responses

Who’s Gold Are You Minding? Errr … I Mean Mining?

By: on January 18, 2024

The title Mining for Gold is such an appropriate phrase for the coaching process because a coach isn’t panning on the surface but hoping that the coachee is willing to dig deep for the gold within them. The gold is already there because God put it there. They just need to find it and come…

17 responses

Is AI being created in the image of man or God?

By: on January 18, 2024

I am a bit chagrined to admit that I haven’t given AI much thought. I am not the most technologically minded person. I find the concepts of AI hard to grasp. My understanding is limited to what I have been exposed to through our reading last semester, the very helpful Zoom session last week with…

8 responses

Value in the Tiny Spec

By: on January 18, 2024

Right off the bat, I got excited about this book. I have seen the beauty and the hand of God with marginalized people. I have gotten to know houseless people and have worked with people with addictions and alcoholism. As some of you know (because I am not shy), I lived inside prison walls for…

13 responses

Refined, the need of a coach.

By: on January 17, 2024

After the first week of readings and a lot of discussions on readings, taking notes and how to improve oneself in these areas, I try to approach this week’s readings in light of those lessons. As we are reading this week assignment, “Minning For Gold: Developing Kingdom Leaders through Coaching,” by Tom Camacho, I ask…

8 responses