Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

A Prefabricated Theology

By: on June 15, 2017

“Christianity has “a prefabricated theology, a book theology . . . what she reads in books written by European theologians. . .” and “what she is told by Europeans is accepted uncritically and given out undigested in preaching or teaching.”Similarly, the theological discourse of those times is characterized by unhealthy reactionary to Western misrepresentations of…

6 responses

When Missiology and Theology Intersect

By: on June 15, 2017

    When we think of traditional missions, we think of missionaries trekking jungles, mountains, and deserts in search of tribal people who have never heard the name of Jesus. Alternately, we may think of missionaries who share the good news with Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, or Communists.   Yet, there are some areas in today’s…

10 responses

I love Stan Smith

By: on June 15, 2017

Summary: Kaffir Boy, The True Story of a Black Youth’s Coming of Age in Apartheid South Africa, by Mark Mathabane is a sobering look at what it meant to grow up as a black male in the 1960’s and the 1970’s in abject poverty of Alexandria, South Africa during the Apartheid. Mathabane’s autobiography takes the…

5 responses


By: on June 15, 2017

Christology Theology and African Tradition Christian Theology: Synonymous with the African individuals Must connect with human setting to stay important Isolate humankind detaches God Be theocentric and in addition human-centric Must connect with the perspectives of the African individuals (convictions, values and customary introductions) Be loyal to the Scriptures no reverberate of contemporary ideological ramblings…

5 responses

For Heaven’s Sake

By: on June 15, 2017

Throughout the pages of Matthew Michael’s book, “Christian Theology and African Traditions”, I was reminded of the many discussions of contextual theology and the words of Paul: “I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some” (I Cor. 9:22). What a beautiful reminder of our responsibility in…

11 responses

Seldom Told Stories

By: on June 15, 2017

In recent weeks the members of our cohort have read two books about Africa’s influence on Christianity. In the first book, Oden argues for Africa’s role in shaping present Christian thought. In this week’s reading Michael argues for an African theology that not only has the potential to inform the African church but also the…

11 responses

“African Christian”

By: on June 14, 2017

“The contention of this work is that Christian theology should encourage taking on the positive elements of the African traditions and positioning these elements in dialogue with the teaching of the scriptures.”[1] In his book, Christian Theology & African Traditions, Matthew Michael seeks to transform the African mind and its worldview and traditions to be…

6 responses

Cultural Intelligence, or How to Build a House

By: on June 11, 2017

When Kip and I moved to Kenya to work among the Turkana, we spent our first 12 months living in the remote village of Kangarisae, learning the language and culture of Turkana. It was in that little village where we first built relationships—with our language helper, the church leaders, and the elders—men and women—in the…

3 responses

Discipleship for the next generation

By: on June 9, 2017

What is the point of evangelism?  Is it the salvation of the person that is being reached with the good news?  When organizations send missionaries into all the parts of the world one of their goals is to evangelize those who have never heard the gospel message of the good news.   They go through cultural…

4 responses

The Christian World

By: on June 9, 2017

In studying Christianity worldwide, Phillip Jenkins states in his book The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity: Assuming no great gains or losses through conversion, then there would be around 2.6 billion Christians, of whom 695 million would live in Africa, 610 million in Latin America, and 480 million in Asia.  Europe, with 574…

7 responses

Managed or Solve?

By: on June 9, 2017

  Summary: Christian Theology and African Traditions by Matthew Michael is an insight read into the convergence of Christian history and the cultural and traditional effects of and upon African culture. Michael demonstrates how Western Christianity in particular has imposed its’ culture and tradition upon the African Church and has used theology as a vehicle…

8 responses

Built To Be Excluded

By: on June 9, 2017

My research topic in the doctoral program at Portland Seminary centers on the idea of cultural intelligent and its influence on corporate worship. In my research, I learned through Genesis 10:6-20 that the kingdoms were founded by families of the founders of Ethiopia, which I alluded in one of my previous blog posts. If these…

2 responses

Leadership means having to say you’re sorry

By: on June 9, 2017

You probably familiar with the saying, ‘love means never having to say you’re sorry’.  That phrase has never made any sense to me, and more than that, as I have grown up and learned more and experienced more of both loving and being loved, it has occurred to me that the exact opposite is closer…

6 responses

Omelettes, Oligarchies, and Our Future

By: on June 9, 2017

I have been watching The Handmaid’s Tale, a television series with a modern take on the 1985 dystopian novel of the same name by Margaret Atwood. I read the original book some time ago, and this current series is equally as chilling if not more so. The bottom line question is this: How far will…

16 responses

Mom what is an Apartheid?

By: on June 8, 2017

“For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”[1] – Nelson Mandela In 1988, I remember sitting with my parents as we watched a concert with celebrities and singers such as Whoopi Goldberg, Whitney Houston, Tracy Chapman, Stevie…

13 responses

United We Stand, Divided We Fall

By: on June 8, 2017

Unity makes or breaks a country… In summary of the recent read, “The Rise and Fall of Apartheid”, it appears that unity was the secret ingredient for the rise and fall of the South Africa apartheid. The lack of unity of Africans set a stage for an apartheid to take hold, in the same way,…

9 responses

Tradition Versus Theology

By: on June 8, 2017

Introduction Why does this people group, denomination, socio-economic quota, or ethnicity get a pass?  Can being from a certain continent give you a “green card”, “Get Out of Jail Free-card”, or “I can do what I want because I am __________ – card (You fill in the blank)”.   After my rant, I reflected on my own…

9 responses

[American] inserted in “Africa”

By: on June 8, 2017

The small size of Matthew Michael’s, Christian Theology & African Traditions is deceiving because it really is an immense theological textbook that deserves to be in every pastor’s library. This book will serve as a great reference for me. I appreciate and value this work. Maybe it’s because I’ve taught World History for over 20…

6 responses

Engaging Christian Theology in the African Context

By: on June 8, 2017

The renown evangelical theologian and academic, Matthew Michael, has produced a quasi-systematic theology work which seeks to understand Christian theology through close dialogue with the Bible, especially in the context of African worldviews and traditions.  He sees the necessity of Christian theology engaging the worldviews of the African people in terms of their beliefs, values,…

9 responses