Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

The Tension of Growth

By: on May 18, 2017

Summary Shaping The Church, The Promise of Implicit Theology by Martyn Percy is an academic and yet simple view of the status of the church in the Northern Hemisphere, especially in the United Kingdom. Percy gives an overview both statistically and ideologically of how the church is working in England, especially with conversion, confirmation, and…

10 responses

Shaping the church by Martyn Percy

By: on May 18, 2017

In examining the “basic-but-nascent theological habits (e.g. language, culture, worship, practice etc.) that more properly account for the daily life of churches, congregations and denominations”[1], Dr Martyn Percy examines what he calls “implicit theology”, which is where theology and sociology, or Christian and contemporary cultures, meet. Implicit theology “notices and gives due attention to the…

8 responses

Thinking, Reimagining and Envisioning the Church

By: on May 17, 2017

    Introduction Implicit and explicit thoughts are two major types of relative terms for religious formalization. Religion does not require explicitness of the person’s belief. Rather, it needs the implicitness that leads to a moral expansions  towards nature. Martyn Percy’s book, Shaping the Church, explains the ideas of religious theology in an implicit manner…

9 responses

What Is Your Occupation?

By: on May 17, 2017

First Encounter In September 2015, our doctoral program heard Dr. Percy gave an incredible speech that continues to reflect his character and consistency in his writing. Percy, in his presentation, challenged us as ministry leaders with this question: What’s your occupation? While the question was rhetorical in nature, his argument was clear. He stated two…

2 responses

Shaping the Church – Dr. Martyn Percy

By: on May 16, 2017

“But the central foci with which we are concerned is how might we locate an implicit theology within a church, denomination or congregation, particularly if it is hidden?”[1] Shaping the Church is a collection of essays on ecclesiology, ministry, and sacraments particularly within the Anglican Communion in England with a view towards answering this question.…

7 responses

Deep work

By: on May 14, 2017

  This work resonated with me at several levels. Here are some of my key thoughts and take-aways:   I have an inherent dislike of social media – always have. I am only on Facebook for this course. I do not tweet, use Snapchat, Instagram or anything else. This is not a value judgment. I…

5 responses

The Holy Spirit is through grace awakening true faith.

By: on May 13, 2017

Thomas C Oden in his educational book How Africa Shaped the Christian Mind is an advocate for the recognition of Africa as a contributor to the history and future of Christianity.  The phrase seedbed of early Christian thought is throughout and Oden makes a strong argument for the foundation of key principles straight from Africa. …

5 responses

Deep Thoughts about Deep Work

By: on May 12, 2017

Deep Thoughts about Deep Work   As I write, I am struggling to enter into deep work. Distractions yank my concentration away from my writing, as email alerts spontaneously appear on the screen, movie background noises interrupt my thoughts, and my dog peers longingly through the glass door at me. Although I have cocooned myself…

12 responses

We Are Jews, Gentiles and Africans

By: on May 12, 2017

We are Jews, Gentiles, and Africans. “This is what the book is about: to state the African seedbed hypothesis in a measured way and begin to sort out the facts that support it” (p. 31). Oden’s intent is to challenge each reader to appreciate Africa’s role in shaping Christianity. He believes Africa’s role was significant…

6 responses

Work, Rest, Repeat

By: on May 11, 2017

There are worse places to write about deep work than sitting by the pool at a house just outside of Palm Springs, CA. Honestly, though, I struggled to concentrate this week despite finding so many things within Cal Newport’s book that could eventually be life changing for me. When I opened the book and saw…

16 responses

Intellectual Prejudice

By: on May 11, 2017

Thomas C. Oden graduated into heaven last year, after a journey of spiritual inquiry and academic career that led him to write several books. Among them was the Ancient Christian Doctrine Series. Through that research Oden realized how much of our Christian theological heritage comes from ancient African theologians. This discovery surprised him, because he…

6 responses

African Roots

By: on May 11, 2017

Introduction While living in New York, an Egyptian Coptic Church built (1990) a new temple in Woodbury, New York.  I was amazed at their architecture and location to build their gathering place.  Of great interest is the name of the church:  St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Center/ St. Abraam Church.  This double name ties them back…

12 responses

You Must Do The Work

By: on May 11, 2017

DEEP WORK:  Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World  by Newport   Words by Iyanla Vanzant When reading this book, Newport mentioned the phrase ‘do the work.’ (111)  The words “you must do the work” kept speaking to me.  It’s a phrase often used by Iyanla Vanzant. Iyanla is a Life coach for many…

9 responses

Memo to Fellow Staff

By: on May 11, 2017

Memo: As you probably know, I have been working in a church office for over 25 years. During this time, serving in youth ministry and in missions ministry fit my personality.  For the most part, I can regulate my own workload.  With an inbox that is always full, I can choose to move back and…

8 responses

African Theology Matters

By: on May 11, 2017

African Theology Matters The stated thesis of How Africa Shaped The Christian Mind by Thomas Oden is simple. African theology matters because, “Africa played a decisive role in the formation of Christian culture” (P9). I think the real impetus for this book though is a call to young Africans to rediscover the importance and influence…

9 responses

Western Christianity and the African Seedbed

By: on May 11, 2017

Thomas Oden—How Africa Shaped the Christian Mind: Rediscovering the African Seedbed of Western Christianity   Introduction The late Thomas Oden was a theologian affiliated with the American United Methodist Church.  He was a prolific author of major theological works relating to Christian doctrine, orthodoxy, and spirituality. Oden was formerly the director of the Center for…

12 responses

The Christian Mind

By: on May 11, 2017

How Should a Christian Think?             “Just as the twinkle of stars was reduced to nuclear explosions, and life itself to biochemical reactions, so the brain may one day be explained by the same forces that run the rest of the universe.”[1] “What’s the matter? Never mind. What is mind?…

6 responses

Theology and Western Contextualism

By: on May 11, 2017

A few years ago I was invited to speak at a pastor’s conference in Rwanda.  Hundreds of pastors attended from the Congo, Tanzania, Uganda and of course Rwanda.  I had prepared a topic that was theological.  I spoke on the role of the Holy Spirit in both the Old Testament and the New Testament.  After…

14 responses