Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives: Crafting Ministry in an Interconnected World

Garfield Harvey’s Year-in-Review

By: on June 21, 2017

Well, my first calendar year of this doctoral program is complete. Each semester was a little different but strategic in preparing us for the next semester. I knew so much about Hong Kong (theoretically) before visiting, and as I write this blog, I feel like I have already visited London. Everyone is qualified to be…

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Year-in-Review – Colleen Batchelder

By: on June 21, 2017

In the midst of political turmoil, religious upheaval and economic uncertainty, I’m brought before the presence of God – I’m brought to a place of identity – a place of surrender. As the world spins and my generation convenes on the steps of cathedrals and coffee shops, I’m challenged to lean into the cries of…

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Year-in Review Blog Story Post – Amazing Grace

By: on June 21, 2017

At the close of one year of the Doctor of Ministry, Leadership Global Perspective studies, I think back to how elated I was when I got accepted into George Fox Evangelical Seminary. Since I don’t fit the usual profile of the candidates for this program, I am especially grateful to the faculty for affording me…

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Year in Review – Phil Goldsberry

By: on June 21, 2017

“Anticipation” is rather healthy word to describe embarking on a DMin.  “Guarded Anticipation” is more descriptive of the reality of beginning a DMin at a school that you have never visited in person but only spoken to a few of the professors.  “Ecstatic Anticipation” is present reality after one year of being at George Fox…

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A Year In Review – Jason Kennedy

By: on June 21, 2017

Time Flies in a Doctoral Program One year down and two more to go on this fast paced journey of doctoral work.  As I approached this time last year, there were many things changing in my life.  We were interviewing for a new position and anticipating a cross-country move, getting our house ready to sell,…

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The Gift: Year One

By: on June 21, 2017

Launching fireworks is one of my favorite ways to celebrate our country’s Declaration of Independence. With The 4th just a couple of days away, I can’t stop thinking about an important Chinese holiday called National Day. I learned about National Day last October 1st, while witnessing the largest fireworks show in the world. This Doctorate…

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Year-in-Review Story (Pablo Morales)

By: on June 21, 2017

(All photography by Pablo Morales) About a year ago I was flying to Hong Kong to start a new stage in my education. Since then, the many concepts learned in my doctoral program have helped me gain better understanding as I lead Ethnos Bible Church. Deepening my understanding of God, of my context, and of…

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Year in Review Norwood

By: on June 21, 2017

It seems like is was forever ago that I boarded a plane to go to Hong Kong.  Fortunately, I knew I was meeting friends in this foreign country to start a new journey.   One we had agreed to do together.   But we were going to be meeting new people, meeting new professors and new advisors.  …

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Once Upon a Time: a visual ethnography

By: on June 21, 2017

Liminality: A Poem As she stepped through the doorway onto the Virgin Atlantic plane, she imagined crossing the wardrobe threshold into Narnia. While she’d travelled internationally, and even lived overseas, she’d never flown across the sea by herself. What was she doing? she asked herself. Why did she dare embark on this adventure? Should she…

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London/Oxford Advance 2016 — Signs of Life

By: on June 21, 2017

  “Reflection in its highest form is an oasis from a world filled with noises, voices, colors and distractions.”  I’ll begin by saying that the advance was a profound and life changing experience. The lectures were all excellent. Steve Chalk’s concept of being embedded into a community is a compelling idea especially as it relates…

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Off the Beaten Path

By: on June 21, 2017

The “2016 London-Oxford Advance” was my first “face-to-face” experience as a new student in the Doctor of Ministry in Leadership and Global Perspectives program at George Fox Evangelical Seminary.  Throughout this twelve-day experience, my head was filled with new thoughts and ideas as we were introduced to many great leaders and thinkers.  Yet, beyond the…

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London and Oxford Advance 2016

By: on June 21, 2017

  The London/Oxford Advance was the first for our cohort and marked the official starting gun for our Doctorate of Ministry programme.  It was great to meet my fellow students, advisors, and faculty face to face and to get to know each other a little better over the coming nine days. LGP7 cohort and advisors:…

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London and Oxford Advance 2016

By: on June 21, 2017

Overwhelmed does not even begin to explain the George Fox London advance.  While I have had the privilege to travel all over the world, surprisingly I had never set foot on European soil.  Never could I imagine to have such a remarkable experience.  Due to the fact that I have a love for all things…

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Hong Kong VE Assignment

By: on June 21, 2017

Hong Kong VE Assignment   Students Personal Interests           I started my journey to Hong Kong with a detour through Nanning to visit my Uncle. My Uncle Mike is a rogue American that has made China his home for 10+ years. My time with him was fascinating. I got to meet…

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A Listening Ear

By: on June 21, 2017

Author’s note.  In place of visual elements, I have opted for audio only.  As one who deals with the reality of diminished vision myself, I am keenly aware of the challenges faced by people who have diminished or no sight.  I thought it to be a worthy endeavor to capture a few little pieces of…

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Communism and Christianity – a learning experience

By: on June 21, 2017

I headed to Hong Kong with a different perspective than our Cape Town advance. My heart and mind was filled with expectation of being with dear friends. I knew we’d be learning and experiencing fantastic things but it paled in comparison with the camaraderie and intellectual stimulation of friends—if not family—crazy uncle and all.

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